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Тема Brian Johnson: One meal, 23 hr fast,100% nutrition [re: Mod vege]
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано23.02.23 05:38  

Update (10/21): Project Blueprint has my latest dietary protocol.

In the past, I’ve written about A Plan for Humanity, Building a Global Biological Immune System, and Zeroth-Principle Thinking.

But let’s be honest, who has time to read this gibberish?

So today, I come bearing recipes.

At 8:30 am, I intake 2,250 calories for my only meal for the day. I call it 1:23:100: one meal, 23 hour fast, 100% optimal nutrition [1].

To generate a meal plan that is customized to my biology, I use results from a series of tests done every 90 days using blood, saliva, urine and the like (I fired my conscious mind from making decisions about food consumption). For example:

A blood test that identifies diet-induced inflammatory reactions (e.g. cytokines, leukotrienes, or prostaglandins), and tests white blood cells against over 150 types of common vegetables, beans, nuts, legumes, seeds, fruits, and chemicals. Each food receives a personalized inflammation-inducement score
A complete blood panel (+ any extra biomarkers I may be following)
Micronutrient test
Microbiome analysis
Neuroendocrine test

This is what my daily meal looks like right now:


Before I go any further, it wouldn’t be the United States of America if I didn’t include disclaimers:

this article represents today’s routine, but I change something every single day in order incorporate new scientific evidence or test results, trial a new hypothesis, and or my experience
the science supporting my dietary choices is strong
the science around optimal fasting protocols is emergent
before eating bounteous amounts of vegetables, berries, seeds and nuts, best to speak to a physician
Also, don’t drink bleach.

Ok, let’s proceed. Foods in the picture:

Super Veggie (daily)

Broccoli, 250grams
Cauliflower, 150 grams
Shitake/Maitake Mushrooms, 50grams
Spinach, 50 grams
Carrots, 30 grams
Garlic, 1 clove
Ginger Root, 3 grams
Lime Juice, 1
Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 Tbsp
Black lentils, 300 grams
Hemp Seeds, 1 Tbsp

Nutty Pudding (daily)

Nutty Pudding (top left), Super Veggie (top right)

1/2–1 cup (50–200 mL) of Macadamia nut milk
1 Tbsp (10g) ground macadamia nuts
2 tsp (10g) ground walnuts
1 tsp (20g) of ground flax seeds
1 Tbsp (10g) cocoa (non dutched)
6 g of sunflower lecithin
1 tsp (3g) cinnamon
2 Tbsp chia whole seeds
1/2 cup (70g) blueberries (save half for topping)
¼ cup (70g) raspberries
2 fl oz (50 mL) freshly made pomegranate juice, with pith filtered out
3 organic cherries

The third dish varies daily

Today it was a sweet potato salad with kale, arugula, spinach, tomato, bell peppers, and of course sweet potatoes.

Other things consumed:

Ultra-Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 2 Tbsp (30 mL) [3]
Avocado, ¼–½ (optional)
Red wine, 3 oz (100 mL)
Raspberries, ½ cup (70g)
Blueberries, ½ cup (70g)
Brazil Nut, ½
Coffee (decaf), 24 oz (with 30g, or 60 mL, coffee grounds)
Pea Protein, ~20 grams
Collagen Peptides, 22 grams
Amino Complex, 1 scoop
Lycopene, 10mg
Zinc (as citrate), 15mg
Lithium (as aspartate), 1mg
L-Lysine, 3g
Turmeric with bioperine, 1,000mg
Magnesium, 300mg
Super B Complex (folate free, and pre-metabolised forms), 0.15 pill/day to reach near 100% RDA supplementation dose for B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 and B9
Vit D-3, 2,000 IU
Liquid Iodine, 75 micrograms
L-Tyrosine, 500mg
B12 methylcobalamin 1000mcg, 1x/wk

Every 90 days, I wear a temporary implantable blood glucose monitor for 14 days to assess the biological effects of my diet. Here are my most recent results:

2,250 calories a day allows me to work out vigorously daily. Here is today’s workout:

While waching my weight:

Using Cronometer as a guidepost (but always testing actual levels via blood, saliva, urine, etc.), a typical day’s nutrition profile will look like this:

With 1:23:100, my enjoyment of food has increased to a 10 out of 10, compared to what I’d say was a 4 out of 10 when eating three meals a day with snacks interspersed. Now, I dream about the foods I eat daily, and experience exquisite pleasure tasting, smelling and consuming. Perhaps it’s the combination of fasting and tightly managing my caloric intake. Whatever it is, life is more joyful because of it.

My routine doesn’t accommodate lunch or evening social dinners, which are part of the fabric of human social bonds. But my loved ones have graciously accepted my explorations and they now find great satisfaction and humor in hearing how I desperately want to eat what they’re eating when we sit down for dinner.

With non-familiar acquaintances, it takes a little finesse to explain why I won’t be ordering food or drinking alcohol, while also avoiding kick starting an entire conversation about diet and nutrition.

This new routine has brought clarity to the ridiculous amount of energy I was spending on the knock-down drag out internal battles I’d have within myself multiple times a day struggling to decide whether Healthy Bryan or Just This Once Bryan was calling the shots. Then having to reconcile all of those heavy and costly emotions of regret, shame, disapproval directed at myself if Just This One Time Bryan secured a decision victory. Those negative emotions are gone. Non-existent. To me, this is the biggest victory of this entire effort.

My diet routine today reflects my fortunate life circumstances. It is not accessible to everyone. My hope is that over time, these analog systems that I and others create will become cheaper, better and accessible to everyone.


[1] Michael Rae’s Quotidien Diet Protocol

[2] Super Veggie Preparation instructions

Put large rough cut broccoli and cauliflower in a large saucepan.
Fill with water till veggies are covered.
Julienne cut the carrot and place in a bamboo steam basket above the veggies.
Steam [4] carrots while veggies boil, about 5 minutes or until you smell them. Steam mushrooms for 7–9 minutes.
When veggies are done use a slotted spoon to put the cooked cauliflower and broccoli into the blender with the other ingredients. Do not add the carrots (they will be used as a topping).
Blend for 5 minutes.
Pour into a large bowl. Top with choice of cooked lentils, steamed julienee carrots and hemp seeds.

[3] Highest Quality Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

>76% oleic acid
<9 and ideally <6 meq/kg peroxide value
<0.3% free fatty acids (FFA)
>85% 1.2 DAGs or > 90%
>560 mg/kg total phenolics as measured via HPLC total biophenols IOC
Less than 8 months old
Stored in a cool light free environment

[4] Cooked via low temperature, high humidity, high acidity, high antioxidant cooking methods to minimize formation of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) and Advanced Lipid Peroxidation End-products (ALEs).

[5]With 1:23:100, my enjoyment of food has increased to a 10 out of 10, compared to what I’d say was a 4 out of 10 when eating three meals a day with snacks interspersed. Now, I dream about the foods I eat daily, and experience exquisite pleasure tasting, smelling and consuming. Perhaps it’s the combination of fasting and tightly managing my caloric intake. Whatever it is, life is more joyful because of it.

My routine doesn’t accommodate lunch or evening social dinners, which are part of the fabric of human social bonds. But my loved ones have graciously accepted my explorations and they now find great satisfaction and humor in hearing how I desperately want to eat what they’re eating when we sit down for dinner.

With non-familiar acquaintances, it takes a little finesse to explain why I won’t be ordering food or drinking alcohol, while also avoiding kick starting an entire conversation about diet and nutrition.

This new routine has brought clarity to the ridiculous amount of energy I was spending on the knock-down drag out internal battles I’d have within myself multiple times a day struggling to decide whether Healthy Bryan or Just This Once Bryan was calling the shots. Then having to reconcile all of those heavy and costly emotions of regret, shame, disapproval directed at myself if Just This One Time Bryan secured a decision victory. Those negative emotions are gone. Non-existent. To me, this is the biggest victory of this entire effort.

My diet routine today reflects my fortunate life circumstances. It is not accessible to everyone. My hope is that over time, these analog systems that I and others create will become cheaper, better and accessible to everyone.


[1] Michael Rae’s Quotidien Diet Protocol

[2] Super Veggie Preparation instructions

Put large rough cut broccoli and cauliflower in a large saucepan.
Fill with water till veggies are covered.
Julienne cut the carrot and place in a bamboo steam basket above the veggies.
Steam [4] carrots while veggies boil, about 5 minutes or until you smell them. Steam mushrooms for 7–9 minutes.
When veggies are done use a slotted spoon to put the cooked cauliflower and broccoli into the blender with the other ingredients. Do not add the carrots (they will be used as a topping).
Blend for 5 minutes.
Pour into a large bowl. Top with choice of cooked lentils, steamed julienee carrots and hemp seeds.

[3] Highest Quality Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

>76% oleic acid
<9 and ideally <6 meq/kg peroxide value
<0.3% free fatty acids (FFA)
>85% 1.2 DAGs or > 90%
>560 mg/kg total phenolics as measured via HPLC total biophenols IOC
Less than 8 months old
Stored in a cool light free environment

[4] Cooked via low temperature, high humidity, high acidity, high antioxidant cooking methods to minimize formation of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) and Advanced Lipid Peroxidation End-products (ALEs).



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