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Тема Re: Sounds of the Universe [re: sister_of_night]
Автор nenepyga (newborn)
Публикувано28.03.09 16:09  

"никак не е лошо парчето, бе. има нещо от Alan Wilderско-то време"

... па може, ама аз за съжаление чувам само мормонския църковен хор да се разпява... такава съм си - имам крайни любимости и крайни не-любимости. Феновете на Peace да не ме убиват с камъни, моля, хихи

... и бтв, самият Дейв в едно интервю заявява, че според него истинските фенове са критични, защото всеки разумен чоек има мнение и право да не харесва определени неща... самите те не харесват всичките си песни, а от някои откровено се срамуват... та поради тази причина Дейв обясняваше, че не може да разбере фенове, които харесват абсолютно всичките им парчета, защото просто има ужасно различни такива

... Losing ground is what it takes
If you really want to fly ...

Цялата тема
* Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   28.01.09 20:45
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   09.02.09 00:03
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe sister_of_night   09.02.09 02:08
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe reader   09.02.09 08:57
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   09.02.09 19:58
. * ... Яcминa   09.02.09 10:41
. * Re: ... sister_of_night   09.02.09 10:49
. * ... Яcминa   09.02.09 10:54
. * Re: ... sister_of_night   09.02.09 11:58
. * Re: ... nenepyga   09.02.09 20:02
. * Re: ... sister_of_night   09.02.09 20:29
. * Re: ... nenepyga   09.02.09 20:51
. * Re: ... sister_of_night   10.02.09 00:53
. * Re: ... svetulka_1975   10.02.09 11:47
. * Re: ... victorious   16.02.09 17:21
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe TCP/lP   19.02.09 23:00
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe victorious   10.03.09 14:53
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   21.02.09 12:14
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   21.02.09 12:20
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe TCP/lP   22.02.09 22:11
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe Raja   21.02.09 13:33
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe svetulka_1975   23.02.09 08:12
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   21.02.09 12:25
. * Странно....... TCP/lP   21.02.09 12:51
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe VlOLATOR   21.02.09 12:53
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   21.02.09 13:24
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   21.02.09 13:31
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe sister_of_night   22.02.09 20:11
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe sister_of_night   27.03.09 15:09
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe meryl   23.02.09 16:23
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   23.02.09 17:06
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe meryl   23.02.09 17:10
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   23.02.09 22:10
. * Уааааааа...... TCP/lP   24.02.09 06:24
. * Re: Уааааааа...... svetulka_1975   24.02.09 09:23
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe sister_of_night   24.02.09 10:49
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe вa-лe-pи   24.02.09 11:12
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   24.02.09 21:30
. * Fragile Tension lyrics TCP/lP   24.02.09 15:36
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe victorious   10.03.09 15:25
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe sister_of_night   10.03.09 16:05
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe reader   10.03.09 16:08
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe victorious   12.03.09 22:26
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   27.03.09 01:10
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe Raja   27.03.09 02:09
. * леле... Яcминa   27.03.09 08:30
. * ... Яcминa   27.03.09 08:36
. * ... Яcминa   27.03.09 08:41
. * Re: ... sister_of_night   27.03.09 11:51
. * Re: ... newmind   27.03.09 13:06
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   27.03.09 15:23
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe TheBrainless   27.03.09 17:28
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe sister_of_night   27.03.09 18:12
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   27.03.09 20:23
. * ... Яcминa   27.03.09 20:34
. * Re: ... nenepyga   27.03.09 20:57
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe sister_of_night   28.03.09 14:40
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   28.03.09 16:09
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe Raja   27.03.09 17:59
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe TCP/lP   28.03.09 12:18
. * текста.. Яcминa   28.03.09 12:23
. * Re: текста.. sister_of_night   28.03.09 14:18
. * Re: In Chains nenepyga   28.03.09 16:15
. * Re: In Chains sister_of_night   28.03.09 16:26
. * Re: In Chains svetulka_1975   28.03.09 18:30
. * Re: In Chains sister_of_night   28.03.09 19:19
. * Re: In Chains nenepyga   28.03.09 21:15
. * Re: In Chains TCP/lP   29.03.09 01:05
. * Re: In Chains svetulka_1975   29.03.09 11:44
. * Re: In Chains Fila Brazilia   29.03.09 18:16
. * Re: In Chains reader   30.03.09 11:24
. * Re: In Chains sister_of_night   30.03.09 11:26
. * Re: In Chains reader   30.03.09 11:28
. * Re: In Chains sparkinthedark   30.03.09 00:19
. * началото Яcминa   30.03.09 14:53
. * Re: началото TheBrainless   30.03.09 16:14
. * Re: началото sister_of_night   30.03.09 16:28
. * Re: началото sister_of_night   30.03.09 16:58
. * Re: началото TheBrainless   30.03.09 17:05
. * .. Яcминa   29.03.09 14:04
. * Re: текста.. victorious   02.04.09 15:44
. * Re: текста.. svetulka_1975   03.04.09 15:16
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe Fila Brazilia   29.03.09 18:12
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe lAM..   30.03.09 17:32
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe sister_of_night   30.03.09 17:37
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe lAM..   30.03.09 19:33
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe newmind   31.03.09 16:04
. * WRONG UNIVERSE Loveblaster   31.03.09 22:56
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe titi111   01.04.09 21:39
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe Fila Brazilia   31.03.09 21:43
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe mozi   04.04.09 01:39
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe newmind   05.04.09 21:48
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe Fila Brazilia   07.04.09 21:35
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe newmind   08.04.09 09:25
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe roughtrade   20.04.09 01:13
. * ... VlOLATOR   20.04.09 15:42
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe brat   22.04.09 20:40
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe deltongo   23.04.09 00:01
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   23.04.09 00:11
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe reader   25.04.09 12:15
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   25.04.09 12:41
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe reader   25.04.09 12:47
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe nenepyga   25.04.09 12:52
. * Re: Sounds of the Universe reader   25.04.09 13:05
. * ...албума е прекрасен...... Loveblaster   25.04.09 14:37
. * Re: ...албума е прекрасен...... TCP/lP   25.04.09 17:23
. * ...албума е прекрасен...... Яcминa   25.04.09 18:33
. * Re: ...албумът е прекрасен...... svetulka_1975   26.04.09 15:03
. * Re: ...албума е прекрасен...... sister_of_night   27.04.09 13:00
. * Re: ...албумът е прекрасен...... svetulka_1975   29.04.09 09:30
. * Re: ...албумът е прекрасен...... TCP/lP   29.04.09 15:03
. * Peace - Single Details... svetulka_1975   16.05.09 15:21
. * Re: ...албума е прекрасен...... victorious   04.05.09 11:33
. * Re: ...албума е прекрасен...... victorious   04.05.09 11:45
. * Re: ...албумът е прекрасен...... svetulka_1975   04.05.09 12:35
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