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Тема Imam edin vupros [re: Lara]
Авторorganic lover (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано01.03.03 01:52  

Sigurno vsichki neednokratno sme vijdali i cheli spisuka na 10-te hrani, koito sa preporuchitelni za predpazvane ot rak. Za spravka sum go kopnala po-dolu. Men lichno malko me smushtava fakta, che tazi dieta izkluchva tochno polovinata ot tiah. Kakvo mislite po vyprosa? Struva li si chovek da izbere dieta, ot koiato da otslabne, no koiato ne e zdravoslovna.... Oburkana sum

The Top 10 anti cancer foods

The most powerful anti-cancer food of all is, of course, a daily helping of seafood - for the complete range of the 72+ natural trace elements, without which we cannot help but sicken - and worse. (see SUPREME HEALTH in these pages).

Tomatoes. Besides loads of vitamin C, tomatoes are one of the richest sources of the flavenoid lycopene - which gives them their red colour - which has shown to defend, in study after study, against cancers of the lungs, cervix, prostate and mouth. Tomatoes are also one of the chief ingredients of "the Mediterranean diet", now well known for the many important health benefits it conveys.

Blueberries. In addition to plenty of flavenoids - the rich pigment of the berries - which has repeatedly shown to protect against several cancers, blueberries may also hold "the secret of youth". In a study published in Journal of Neuroscience, investigators found that elderly rats fed the human equivalent of at least 1/2 cup of blueberries per day, improved in balance, coordination and short term memory. A normal serving consists of one cup. Like other fruits and vegetables - and particularly so the 'dark' ones - blueberries contain chemicals that act as antioxidants, now believed by scientists to protect the body against "oxidative stress," one of several biological processes that cause aging.

Red Cabbage, Red Beets. All cabbages - including their kin broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts bok choy, and so forth - are not only rich in calcium, but recent research has shown that they are also extremely rich in cancer-fighting flavenoids, the source of the purple colour of the red cabbages. But the red cabbage tops them all; it is the richest source of all vegetables, besides red beets. Red beets have so much of these flavenoids that it can alarm people who are not used to them, because it turns urine red. But there is no reason to panic, it's just the abundance of the potent flavenoids in red beets.

Spinach. Also one of the "dark" vegetables, spinach is also a rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene - both are potent antioxidants - and folic acid, now discovered to be so vital to our health that the US Dept. of Health is considering adding it to flour. In several studies (University of Minnesota, Environmental Health Services, and others), it has been found that people who include two or more servings of spinach per week in their nutrition have considerably lower lung and breast cancer rates.

Garlic. Studies focused on garlic have shown, again and again, that this pungent onion kin lives up to its age-old reputation of being a powerful all-around health promoting food. The sulphur compounds that give it its strong flavour have now been shown to protect against cancer by neutralizing carcinogens and slowing tumor growth. In a recent Iowa Women's Health study, investigators found that women who consume garlic at least once a week also have a 32% lower incidence of breast cancer. Garlic is, of course, also a major ingredient in the now well known "Mediterranean diet".

Whole Wheat. In a recent study at the University of Iowa, scientist found that the more whole grain there is in a woman's diet, the lower her risk of breast cancer, as well as heart disease. In this study, as well as an analysis of 40 other studies on 20 kinds of cancer, investigators established that consumers of whole wheat products (bread, pasta, cereals) have a 33% lower risk of these diseases than those who do not eat whole wheat products.

Oranges. Already well known for their high vitamin C content, much recent research in the food sciences has shown that oranges are also rich in many other potent cancer-fighting compounds. Investigators have now found that oranges contain more than 170 photochemical, including more than 20 from the potent carotenoid family alone. In addition, compounds called limonoids - which give citrus fruit their slightly bitter taste - appear to be highly active cancer fighters as well. Regular consumption of oranges is associated with significantly lower lung and stomach cancers.

Strawberries. In a study tracking the diet and health of 1.271 people, researchers at the Harvard School of Health found that people who love strawberries have a 70% lower incidence of cancer. But, and as many other studies have shown, the same holds true for all other colourful and deeply coloured berries, such as cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, red and purple grapes, and so forth.

Beans. Much recent research in the food sciences has established that all kinds of beans are loaded with protease inhibitors, compounds that make it hard for cancer cells to invade adjacent tissue. Fava beans contain much herein, which has shown to block carcinogens in the digestive tract. And soy beans are especially rich in isoflavones, which appears to reduce the risk of breast cancer by blocking the tumor-growing influence of estrogen. Lentils also belong to the bean family, and are one of the tastiest, most versatile, and easiest to prepare beans.

General Remarks. In addition to the above, all 'colorful' and deeply coloured fruit and vegetables - and the deeper the colour the better - including carrots, strawberries, red and purple grapes, and so forth - are rich in cancer-fighting flavenoids and anti-oxidants. And if you can get them as organically grown - without agricultural poisons - that much the better. This will also eliminate these poison residues from your nutrition. As the example of the whole grains demonstrates, try to stay as close to natural food - as Nature has made it - as possible in your choice of foods. Much that is important, even vital to our health is lost in the 'refining' of food.

Despite dozens of ice-ages, large scale continental changes, massive climate changes, and the total absence of any hygiene of any kind, Life has managed to survive and thrive on this beautiful Earth for the staggering immensity of 4 billion years. And it has done so entirely on natural foods. It is only 150 years ago - a mere blink of an evolutionary eye - that our rather simplistic N-P-K modern agriculture was invented - far too short a time, by millions of years, for our bodies to adapt to chemically-grown and refined foods. There is too much missing in these foods.

Цялата тема
* ВНИМАНИЕ... УCMИBKA   11.02.03 19:25
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... Rama   12.02.03 01:49
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... an   12.02.03 13:26
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... albi   12.02.03 09:07
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... Biba   12.02.03 10:26
. * za Biba Flash   12.02.03 14:12
. * Re: za Biba Biba   12.02.03 14:44
. * Re: za Biba УCMИBKA   12.02.03 16:37
. * Re: za Biba УCMИBKA   12.02.03 16:23
. * Re: za Biba no bullshit   14.02.03 15:45
. * Re: za Biba Rory   14.02.03 17:14
. * Re: za Biba no bullshit   14.02.03 18:09
. * Re: za Biba УCMИBKA   15.02.03 19:09
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... УCMИBKA   12.02.03 16:15
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... Flash   13.02.03 22:43
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... Rory   13.02.03 15:05
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... an   13.02.03 16:26
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... priatelka   13.02.03 17:22
. * отговор Flash   13.02.03 22:56
. * още един въпрос Hoвa   14.02.03 08:35
. * Re: още един въпрос an   14.02.03 08:45
. * още един отговор Flash   14.02.03 12:08
. * Re: още един отговор Hoвa   15.02.03 09:57
. * Re: още един отговор Flash   15.02.03 11:35
. * Re: още един отговор Hoвa   16.02.03 10:26
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... kлиo   12.02.03 11:11
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... УCMИBKA   12.02.03 16:45
. * малко повече инфо Kaмилka   12.02.03 11:50
. * Re: малко повече инфо an   12.02.03 13:24
. * Re: малко повече инфо УCMИBKA   12.02.03 17:09
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... $$   14.02.03 04:03
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... No bullshit   14.02.03 15:21
. * Re:ами да... УCMИBKA   15.02.03 19:32
. * Re: Fast Taker   15.02.03 22:55
. * Re:за бързо вземащия или... УCMИBKA   16.02.03 14:20
. * Re:за бързо вземащия или... Fast Taker   16.02.03 15:51
. * Re:за бързо вземащия или... Люб   16.02.03 16:28
. * Re:за бързо вземащия или... УCMИBKA   16.02.03 17:48
. * Диетата Fast Taker   18.02.03 00:16
. * Re:за бързо вземащия или... УCMИBKA   16.02.03 17:44
. * Re:за бързо вземащия или... kлиo   17.02.03 13:02
. * Re:признавам,че... УCMИBKA   17.02.03 18:19
. * Re:признавам,че... Fast Taker   18.02.03 00:43
. * Re:хей... УCMИBKA   18.02.03 18:58
. * Re:за бързо вземащия или... no bullshit   25.02.03 16:41
. * Re:ами да... no bullshit   24.02.03 20:42
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... evvar   03.03.03 17:33
. * Не съм супер-спецка по диети Kлep   17.02.03 09:39
. * Re:Tова ще го опитам lzi   17.02.03 12:05
. * Re:Tова ще го опитам Kлep   17.02.03 12:34
. * Re: Не съм супер-спецка по диети УCMИBKA   17.02.03 18:31
. * Re: Не съм супер-спецка по диети Fast Taker   18.02.03 00:25
. * Re: Не съм супер-спецка по диети УCMИBKA   18.02.03 19:01
. * Spored "Zonata"-tova e eutuxia   17.02.03 23:12
. * Re: Spored "Zonata"-tova e kлиo   18.02.03 10:02
. * Морковите? Kлep   18.02.03 12:08
. * Re: Морковите? kлиo   18.02.03 13:20
. * Re: Spored "Zonata"-tova e S.K.   18.02.03 12:25
. * Re: Spored "Zonata"-tova e kлиo   18.02.03 13:27
. * Sega razbiram za6o kantar4eto ne marda S.K.   18.02.03 20:11
. * Re: Sega razbiram za6o kantar4eto ne marda kлиo   19.02.03 08:56
. * Napalno sam saglasna s teb S.K.   19.02.03 21:15
. * А, не! Kлep   20.02.03 10:24
. * Re: Spored "Zonata"-tova e eutuxia   19.02.03 06:49
. * Re: Spored "Zonata"-tova e kлиo   19.02.03 08:57
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... Lia   19.02.03 14:05
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... УCMИBKA   19.02.03 19:00
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... kлиo   20.02.03 08:38
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... albi   20.02.03 09:51
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... kлиo   20.02.03 10:20
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... @@   20.02.03 15:23
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... bory   23.02.03 23:24
. * Deistva Eutuxia   20.02.03 19:13
. * Моля те, кажи! Kлep   21.02.03 09:26
. * Re: Много се радвам, УCMИBKA   21.02.03 19:25
. * Re: Много се радвам, niki   21.02.03 22:25
. * Da, eutuxia   21.02.03 23:48
. * Моля за спешен отговор! Kлep   24.02.03 09:41
. * Da,pravilno me razbra, eutuxia   24.02.03 18:10
. * Re: Deistva Kpиcи   28.02.03 15:44
. * Re: ОПИТ suny   25.02.03 02:17
. * Re: ОПИТ no bullshit   25.02.03 02:59
. * Айде престани Kлep   25.02.03 09:35
. * Re: Айде престани vesi   25.02.03 11:22
. * Няма панацея Kлep   25.02.03 11:57
. * Re: Няма панацея vesi   25.02.03 13:48
. * Re: Няма панацея Kлep   25.02.03 14:27
. * Re: Айде престани no bullshit   25.02.03 16:18
. * Re: Айде престани no bullshit   25.02.03 15:00
. * Само за сведение Kлep   25.02.03 15:10
. * Re: Само за сведение no bullshit   25.02.03 15:35
. * Re: ДО "БЕЗ ГЛУПОСТИ"... Need-to-know!   25.02.03 19:07
. * Re: ДО "БЕЗ ГЛУПОСТИ"... no, ama no bullshit :-)   25.02.03 20:33
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... Hoвoдoшлa   25.02.03 23:15
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... Need-to-know!   26.02.03 19:30
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... Hoвoдoшлa   26.02.03 20:14
. * Re: ДОБРЕ Need-to-know!   26.02.03 21:40
. * Re: ДОБРЕ Hoвoдoшлa   26.02.03 21:59
. * ne chetesh vsichko mai eutuxia   26.02.03 23:30
. * Още не съм я почнала Kлep   27.02.03 10:37
. * Re: Още не съм я почнала Silvia   28.02.03 01:40
. * Клер :о) Kaмилka   28.02.03 09:49
. * Ще споделям! Kлep   28.02.03 09:53
. * Rezultati ima i to kakvi!!! silvia   28.02.03 15:10
. * Re: Rezultati ima i to kakvi!!! Lara   28.02.03 16:30
. * Pure fun! silvia   28.02.03 17:12
. * Re: Pure fun! Lara   28.02.03 17:19
. * Da-a-a! silivia   28.02.03 17:51
. * Ti zashto mrazish tolkova? eutuxia   01.03.03 18:45
. * Re: Ti zashto mrazish tolkova? Ni nai-malko... silvia   01.03.03 23:13
. * Re: Ti zashto mrazish tolkova? Ni nai-malko... Rory   02.03.03 00:19
. * Rory, ne se zatrudniavai da mi otgovariash :-) silvia   02.03.03 02:58
. * Re:за SILVIA... Need-to-know!   02.03.03 11:33
. * Не мислих да се намесвам, Силвия Kлep   04.03.03 10:10
. * Re: Ti zashto mrazish tolkova? Ni nai-malko... Need-to-know!   02.03.03 11:07
. * Need-to-know ima mnogo da se uchi :-) silvia   02.03.03 15:08
. * Re: Need-to-know ima mnogo da se uchi :-) Need-to-know!   02.03.03 16:12
. * Burgaski vecheri silvia   02.03.03 16:39
. * Re: Burgaski vecheri Need-to-know!   02.03.03 17:20
. * Krasotata shte spasi sveta :-) silvia   02.03.03 17:39
. * Re: И добротата... Need-to-know!   02.03.03 18:39
. * И добротата... Deto ti e nepoznata :-) silvia   02.03.03 18:53
. * Re: И добротата... Deto ti e nepoznata :-) Need-to-know!   02.03.03 19:48
. * Ti suvsem se oburka silvia   02.03.03 20:18
. * Re: ......... Need-to-know!   03.03.03 20:03
. * Re: това беше моята кучка, Need-to-know!   03.03.03 20:27
. * Re: това беше моята кучка, an   04.03.03 15:48
. * Re: Need-to-know ima mnogo da se uchi :-) Glary   02.04.03 09:17
. * Re: Need-to-know ima mnogo da se uchi :-) tralala   03.04.03 00:35
. * Re: Ti zashto mrazish tolkova? Ni nai-malko... eutuxia   02.03.03 22:08
. * Snimka na eutuxia!!! silvia   02.03.03 23:20
. * Mnogo si sladka taka otchaivashto bezsilna:) eutuxia   03.03.03 13:17
. * Re: ти си за съжаление... Need-to-know!   03.03.03 22:06
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... Lara   27.02.03 11:03
. * Imam edin vupros organic lover   01.03.03 01:52
. * Re: Imam edin vupros SUNY   01.03.03 02:51
. * A bit of inspiration not an expert   27.02.03 20:16
. * за Усмивка:о) Kaмилka   28.02.03 10:31
. * Re: за Усмивка:о) Need-to-know!   28.02.03 20:18
. * Za razdvoenata lichnost Usmivka/Need-to-know no bullshit   28.02.03 21:01
. * Re: за Усмивка:о) HoneyB   01.03.03 16:19
. * Nablegni na zelenchicite no bullshit   01.03.03 18:07
. * Re: Nablegni na zelenchicite Need-to-know!   02.03.03 11:53
. * Krasotata shte spasi sveta :-) no bullshit   02.03.03 15:20
. * E,de da beshe ti.Mechtaesh mnogo mai:) eutuxia   02.03.03 22:18
. * Have fun! silvia   02.03.03 23:40
. * Re: Nablegni na zelenchicite HoneyB   02.03.03 13:05
. * Re: Nablegni na zelenchucite no bullshit   02.03.03 16:47
. * za HoneyB titi_2   01.03.03 18:48
. * Re: за Усмивка:о) Need-to-know!   02.03.03 11:47
. * Re: за Усмивка:о) HoneyB   02.03.03 13:09
. * Re: за Усмивка:о) az   02.03.03 13:41
. * Re: за Усмивка:о) Flash   02.03.03 13:37
. * за Усмивка отново:) Kaмилka   04.03.03 10:08
. * За Камилка Kлep   04.03.03 10:19
. * може да ми пишеш:) Kaмилka   04.03.03 12:48
. * Re: за Усмивка отново:) Need-to-know!   04.03.03 19:54
. * За Кока-Кола-та и пак за морковите Always Coca-Cola :-)   05.03.03 03:17
. * аз ям моркови:) Kaмилka   05.03.03 09:29
. * Ден първи! Always Coca-Cola :-)   05.03.03 16:27
. * Ура! Kaмилka   05.03.03 17:23
. * Ден първи-заключение Always Coca-Cola :-)   06.03.03 02:58
. * Re: Ден първи-заключение suny   06.03.03 03:42
. * Re: Ден първи-заключение Always Coca-Cola :-)   06.03.03 15:21
. * резултати...няма :) Kaмилka   06.03.03 16:35
. * Ден втори! + отговор на "Re: резултати...няма :)" Always Coca-Cola :-)   06.03.03 19:44
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... жaчeтo   04.03.03 19:20
. * RE:АМИ, Need-to-know!   04.03.03 20:02
. * Може, но........ titi_2   05.03.03 03:25
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... evva   05.03.03 16:11
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... Kлep   05.03.03 16:57
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... evva   05.03.03 21:02
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... dondon   06.03.03 17:44
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... evva   06.03.03 21:10
. * Ехе! Kлep   07.03.03 10:05
. * Ехе! Какво показа кантарът на третия ден! Always Coca-Cola :-)   07.03.03 15:29
. * Re: Ехе! dondon   07.03.03 16:44
. * Ako si pozvolish:) eutuxia   08.03.03 01:12
. * Ako si pozvolish:) Always Coca-Cola :-)   08.03.03 02:22
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... Megi   08.03.03 20:10
. * Ден четвърти и честит 8-ми март!!! Always Coca-Cola :-)   08.03.03 22:16
. * Re: Ден четвърти и честит 8-ми март!!! SUNY   09.03.03 03:00
. * Re: Ден четвърти и честит 8-ми март!!! Always Coca-Cola :-)   09.03.03 04:44
. * 13-ден и ................ titi_2   09.03.03 04:01
. * Re: 13-ден и ................ Always Coca-Cola :-)   09.03.03 05:05
. * Re: ВНИМАНИЕ... жakи   09.03.03 17:05
. * Отговор на Жаки Alaways Coca-Cola :-)   09.03.03 18:24
. * Re: Отговор на Жаки A1   05.04.03 20:22
. * Re: Отговор на Жаки Always Coca-Cola :-)   05.04.03 23:36
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