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Тема Тая песничка [re: Mama Netty]
Автор Trillian ()
Публикувано22.08.03 09:59  

я бях пуснала тук по едно време, ето я пак :))

The Hedgehog Can Never Be Buggered At All

Bestiality sure is a fun thing to do
But I have to say this as a warning to you:
With almost all animals, you can have ball
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Chorus 1:

The spines on his back are too sharp for a man
They'll give you a pain in the worst place they can
The result I think you'll find will appall:
The hedgehog can never be buggered at all!

Mounting a horse can often be fun
An elephant too; though he weighs half a ton
Even a mouse (though his hole is quite small)
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.


The spines on his back are so awful thick
you'll end up with naught but a painful prick.
He has an impregnable hole when curled up in a ball,
Hence the hedgehog can never be buggered at all!

Screwing a cow while she goes moo-moo
Will be entertaining to both her and you
Or you might try a tiger, if you have enough gall
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Chorus 1.

A fish is refreshing, although a bit wet
And a cat or a dog can be more than a pet
Even a giraffe (despite being so tall)
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Chorus 2.

You can manage a snake, though its poison might kill
It's amazing how humping a camel will thrill
You can go with a snail if you slow to a crawl
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Chorus 1.

You can ravish a sloth but it would take all night
With a shark it is faster, but the darned beast might bite
We already mentioned the horse, you may recall
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Chorus 2.

You can roger a skunk if you can stand the smell
Or even an oyster, should he let go of his shell
A troll can be rocky if down you should fall
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Chorus 1.

For slippery fun, you can cornhole an otter
Or pego a pig after parting his trotters
Or tumble a tapir, though the prospect appall
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Chorus 2.

For prosimian fun, you can bugger a lemur
To bolster your name as a pervert and schemer
The lemurs cry "Frink!" as a coy mating call
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Chorus 1.

Antipodean pranks -- you can futter a wombat
Or strive with a 'roo in venereal combat
Or hump a goanna -- go on, do it all
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Chorus 2.

A moose is amusing, a squid quite confusing
Or try on a rhino if you fancy a bruising,
Or mountin' a mountain goat (careful, don't fall!)
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Chorus 1.

You could thrust with a thrush if you fancy a climb,
Or pork a few piglets if you have the time,
A skinhead's pet cat if you don't mind a brawl,
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Shine On

Цялата тема
* Според вас Mama Netty   20.08.03 14:32
. * Е, никой Mama Netty   21.08.03 18:34
. * Re: Е, никой lkel   21.08.03 20:31
. * Re: Е, никой Mama Netty   22.08.03 08:54
. * Тая песничка Trillian   22.08.03 09:59
. * У-ау! Mama Netty   22.08.03 17:20
. * Re: Е, никой Cлънчeвo зaйчe   22.08.03 17:49
. * Re: Е, никой wiglly   22.08.03 19:52
. * Тогава, като Mama Netty   23.08.03 09:18
. * Изчакай до октомври... Koтapakът нa Шpьoдинrep   23.08.03 14:42
. * Re: Изчакай до октомври... Cлънчeвo зaйчe   23.08.03 21:52
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