Клубове Дир.бг
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Горещи теми
Компютри и Интернет
Култура и изкуство
Политика, Свят
Религия и мистика
Фен клубове
Хоби, Развлечения
Я, архивите са живи
Клубове Дирене Регистрация Кой е тук Въпроси Списък Купувам / Продавам 23:04 26.09.24 
Клубове/ Градове / Горна Оряховица Всички теми Следваща тема Пълен преглед*
Информация за клуба
Тема Финал [re: songbird__]
Автор songbird__ (минаващ)
Публикувано22.01.05 01:42  

** Summary **
&& Total Attacks Made: 97 (16,380 acres)
&& -- Traditional March: 85 (16,314 acres)
&& -- Conquest: 3 (66 acres)
&& -- Failed Attacks: 9 (9.3% failure)
!!! Total Attacks Suffered: 74 (10,204 acres)
!!! -- Traditional March: 69 (10,204 acres)
!!! -- Failed Attacks: 5 (6.8% failure)
$$ Aid packets sent: 59

** Highlights **
Feb 15 YR2: (##:##) declared hostilities with us
Feb 17 YR2: War starts with (##:##)
Feb 17 YR2: Dragon arrives. From: (##:##)
Feb 18 YR2: Dragon begun, Target: (##:##)
Feb 19 YR2: Dragon completed. Target: (##:##)
Feb 20 YR2: Dragon begun, Target: (##:##)
Apr 10 YR2: Dragon completed. Target: (##:##)
Apr 10 YR2: Dragon begun, Target: (##:##)
Apr 11 YR2: Dragon arrives. From: (##:##)

** This Kingdom (##:##) Gains/Losses **
Overall Gains: 6,176 acres.
1. +1,113 acres: SoFarSoGuard (5/1)
2. +715 acres: SoFarImStillVirgin (4/)
3. +671 acres: SoFarImFurious (4/1)
4. +655 acres: SoFarToGoSoLittleGas (4/)
5. +612 acres: SoFarSoDreadFul (4/1)
6. +598 acres: SoFarAway (4/)
7. +587 acres: SoFarING (4/1)
8. +581 acres: SoFarWeRock (4/1)
9. +555 acres: 2Drunk2High2Care (4/1)
10. +474 acres: SoFarFromBeauty (4/1)
11. +453 acres: SoFarILiveInTheHood (3/2)
12. +357 acres: SoFarSoSo (4/3)
13. +324 acres: SoFarFromHome (4/5)
14. +318 acres: SoFarImStillANoob (4/2)
15. +227 acres: SoFarWithFuhrer (5/2)
16. +23 acres: SoFarSoScared (5/7)
17. -122 acres: SoFarSoWhat (6/7)
18. -219 acres: SoFarImStillBetter (5/8)
19. -303 acres: SoFarSoThirsty (5/6)
20. -435 acres: SoFarSoGood (4/7)
21. -500 acres: SoFarFromMyLOvE (5/9)
22. -508 acres: SoFastSoAbdullah (6/9)

** Enemy Kingdom (##:##) Gains/Losses **
Name: Ahnalds women Echo (##:##)
Overall Losses: -6,176 acres.
Attacks: 74 made / 97 suffered
1. +800 acres: O Ah Kill U 2 Pieces (4/)
2. +445 acres: L Economic Girly Men (3/)
3. +376 acres: Y I think ghey (3/)
4. +175 acres: D StopWhining (3/1)
5. no change: O I will ram it into (1/)
5. no change: Y Yeah but they (1/)
7. -81 acres: E AH AM A MACHINE (4/5)
8. -112 acres: A Well I hope you (4/5)
9. -126 acres: O marriage should (3/3)
10. -224 acres: R Leave enough room6 (/1)
11. -243 acres: O Dont Be (6/5)
12. -370 acres: L your stomach (4/5)
13. -443 acres: E killed anyone (4/7)
14. -492 acres: V Have u ever (5/8)
15. -561 acres: O were all bad (2/4)
16. -585 acres: L Youhavetodrinkbeer (6/6)
17. -626 acres: R Ah Smash You Good (3/6)
18. -664 acres: W Milk is for babies (4/7)
19. -739 acres: C Imnot into politix (3/9)
20. -767 acres: U IMakePieOfYerMum (4/8)
21. -927 acres: A nd a woman (4/9)
22. -1,012 acres: O I am into survival (3/8)

Цялата тема
* So Far We Rock songbird__   20.01.05 23:59
. * Re: So Far We Rock songbird__   21.01.05 00:10
. * Re: So Far We Rock ФpишkO C9ъ6kaтa   21.01.05 11:17
. * Re: So Far We Rock Guardian Spirit   21.01.05 13:33
. * Re: So Far We Rock songbird__   22.01.05 01:43
. * Финал songbird__   22.01.05 01:42
. * Re: Финал songbird__   22.01.05 01:57
. * Re: Финал ФpишkO C9ъ6kaтa   22.01.05 14:17
. * Re: Финал ss_   22.01.05 21:39
. * Re: Финал Viper X   23.01.05 11:29
. * Re: Финал ss_   24.01.05 16:09
. * Re: Финал Cca имa poждeн дeн   24.01.05 18:25
. * Re: Финал Billie Jair Armstrong   24.01.05 18:27
. * Re: Финал Viper X   24.01.05 20:28
. * Re: Финал Billie Jair Armstrong   24.01.05 21:52
. * Re: Финал Фpycтeйтид Xakcop   25.01.05 01:14
. * Re: So Far We Rock Billie Jair Armstrong   25.01.05 11:33
. * Честито АААААААААААААААа songbird__   25.01.05 13:22
. * Re: Честито АААААААААААААААа ss_   25.01.05 16:48
. * Re: Честито АААААААААААААААа Swirve3aщитнaБeлeжka   25.01.05 17:00
. * Re: So Far We Rock songbird   26.01.05 13:31
Клуб :  

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