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Тема Нямам думи. [re: Jack of Shadows]
Автор Jack of Shadows (соло)
Публикувано03.02.04 13:34  

Наистина съм трогнат. Не знам какво повече мога да постигна в тази игра, а и не знам дали въобще ще е възможно да го повторя...

Choatic Hell (4:28)
Delete May 18th, YR12
Ill be Chaotic Reborn... Drop a line if u see me

- Viscount VolKuthol the Rogue
redrocks (4:28)
Delete May 18th, YR12
just dont theif me you bastard hehe

- Lord williammiddleton the Warrior
Black Tower (4:28)
Delete May 18th, YR12
Reborn Black tower:))
it will fit me as the situation develops in such way:P

- The Humble King Croaker
Tempest Winds (4:28)
Delete May 18th, YR12
in Genesis do we stay in the same kingdom ?

- The Wise Mr. Droagan
Tempest Winds (4:28)
Delete May 18th, YR12
stupid question.. yes...

but it used to be random...

- The Wise Mr. Droagan
Black Tower (4:28)
Delete May 18th, YR12
but here we've created somethin that we fought all true the age - not war wins, honour or some other other useless stuff
We created friendship, a good spirit and we made history. So i think my goal is done! And this is important thing - no 9 war wins, no high honour and our presents in the charts. We were just great! I can tell you that! No anymore shoutin or caps lock till the end of the age:)
Weldone mates! I thank you for this expirience you gave me and i thank all of you. I bow infront of you:)
my ICQ is 165634707
AIM KimeaInUtopia
MSN - i have one but i dont use it , as the AIM actually:P
But on ICQ you can find me very often:)

NOw lets finish this war with style:)
We cant win but let show them they cant too:)

For our blades and honour!:)

- The Humble King Croaker
THe greaTesT naTion (4:28)
Delete May 18th, YR12
i maybe no ply after this age. i give suggestion <Destroted Reborn>

- The Great Sir Vakkey Of ghoUl
The Unknown Province (4:28)
Delete May 19th, YR12
In genesis I am allways "The Unknown Province" been it all three ages and these ages have been mt best in utopia and they are getting better and better each time ;);)

- The Great Lord Mykken III
Black Tower (4:28)
Delete May 19th, YR12
Destroyed Reborn?:)
We are faaar from destroyed!:)
We are havin our toughest war against ruthless, mean and dishonourable enemy and war metter is 101/99 on our side:P
The only problem is they are losin NW slowly, cause they were all pumped up before they declare on us, cause they were sittin and waitin:)
But i have a crew to remember:)
Badly hurt from the last war it is fightin with no fear and this, what should be an easy win for them turned in to one hell of a battle:)
Heh, you get used to easy wins:)
This wont be one of it:)
Nevertheless i am proud of you:]

- The Humble King Croaker
Blade Avenger (4:28)
Delete May 19th, YR12
Do you know a kingdom that used Blade as part fo their ruler names ands they used to be called the Blades?

- Lord Masamune the Rogue
Tempest Winds (4:28)
Delete June 10th, YR12
Black Tower, you are quite possibly the best Monarch i have ever had

My Worlds king is great but way to cautious and conserved... you are great

It will be a shame to be split from you :(

And as for my name... not sure yet...

- The Wise Mr. Droagan
Het Boterbloemveldje (4:28)
Delete June 11th, YR12
After a small time of considering...
[REBORN] Boterbloempjes

For those who doesn't speak Dutch, boterbloemveldje means a small field with butterflowers :)

- Lord De Grote Boterbloem the Rogue
Choatic Hell (4:28)
Delete June 24th, YR12
should i be Reborn Chaotic or Chaotic Reborn?

- Viscount VolKuthol the Rogue
redrocks (4:28)
Delete July 1st, YR12
Redrocks Reborn here

- Sir williammiddleton the Warrior
THe greaTesT naTion (4:28)
Delete July 5th, YR12
sPrAvir RebOrN

- The Great Sir Vakkey Of ghoUl
One N I G H T Stand (4:28)
Delete July 7th, YR12
Reborn ONS
Guys I used allways had bad in age in WOL or BFthe only Place where I enjoyed is Genesis .All the three were my best.This one one is one of the best ages I ever had .My twice defection Worthed.
I thank each and Everyone for Making this AGE and REBORN the Sucessuful.
My ICQ 33081457

- Lord ONS the Rogue
Tempest Winds (4:28)
Delete July 9th, YR12
Does anybody know when this set actually ends ?

- The Wise Mr. Droagan
Zwoesj (4:28)
Delete July 10th, YR12
I will be Zwoesj Reborn
This is my second age i play utopia, and i realy enjoyed it.
Thanks for this nice age! :)
My ICQ: 197964510

- Baron Zwoesj the Rogue
Choatic Hell (4:28)
Delete July 12th, YR12
I wasnt with this Kingdom from the start of the age, But i really dont think that matters.. I had to defect from my first Kingdom because, they didnt play as a team.. there was this one guy who wanted everyone to send him ll our troops and runes... and he really did annoy me so i had to defect, im just glad i landing in the great Kingdom Reborn and help get our 9 war wins so far

- Viscount VolKuthol the Rogue
Flock of Seagulls (4:28)
Delete July 18th, YR12
Reborn Flock is what ill be next age.

but i gotta agree that you, black tower, have been, by far, the greatest monarch i have ever played with. even thought i gave you a lot of crap for yelling at me for being so cautious in war, your persistance has made this age the most fun i have ever played1!!! wo00o0o0o0o0t!

- The Wealthy Lord Citrus Pectin
HK eLeMenTaL (4:28)
Delete January 5th, YR13
HK eLeMenTaL rebOrn (if it fits...lolz) if it doesnt den prob cWaLkEr rebOrn

yea i gotta say...black tower is one of da best monarchs i've eva played with...i wont say da best coz ders one more dats just as good as u =P hehe

all i gotta say is that from how we started...i wouldnt have eva imagined of getting to where we've got to now...i've fullfilled both my nw, honour n land requirements...as i hope all of u hav as well...buh most important of all...we worked as a team n had a great time doin so =)

as for next age...i dunno if im still gonna continue playin as lifes getting really busy...buh if i do..hope ta catch up wif yall l8erz

n lastly...lets make this war a hard, tough, rough mudafuca for them n show em how we are a kingdom not to be bottom fed

- Baron lannage the Sorcerer

Обмислям варианта това да ми е последната ера в играта....

Your troops find little meaningful resistance and quickly force your enemies to surrender!

Цялата тема
* Що обичам утопия ли? Ми за това :)... Jack of Shadows   19.01.04 12:46
. * Re: Що обичам утопия ли? Ми за това :)... Лeйди   19.01.04 15:34
. * Re: Що обичам утопия ли? Ми за това :)... Baron Merlin the Sorcerer   19.01.04 16:39
. * Нямам думи. Jack of Shadows   03.02.04 13:34
. * Re: Нямам думи. Лeйди   03.02.04 15:29
. * Re: Нямам думи. The Humble Count Death   03.02.04 20:18
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