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Тема Що обичам утопия ли? Ми за това :)...
Автор Jack of Shadows (соло)
Публикувано19.01.04 12:46  

Малко предистория
Ние сме КД с 8 победи, да се изфукам пак, а ....ъъъ.. главният герой се присъедини след 4етвъртата. Елф маг, като цяло не много обичан, но добър играч, стана Каунт бързичко. Обявихме хостайл и.....

On June 24th, YR10, we received this note...
To The Honorable King Croaker
On June 18th, YR10, we received this note...
To The Honorable King Will Retal
Were going to declare on your kd as soon as i supposidly get all of your cb's.....just a little hint so ready yourselves for a war....."my king is being a major pain in my Ace right now....so yeah just thought i would let you know that...
Signed, Count Hunter the Sorcerer of WaCkOs WoRlD (4:28)
Signed, King Will Retal the Rogue of Deep Water (18:39)
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On June 24th, YR10, we received this note...
To The Honorable King Croaker
On June 18th, YR10, we received this note...
To The Honorable King Will Retal
I figured i would tell you that becuase my king doesnt quite agree with anything i am saying, we are quite a fat kd....and i told him we need to do such and such to become unfat, and he wants to war again....so if you want....if i can trust your kd....i will help you win this war if you do decide to war us....i currently have a 6wpa and no one in my kd can stop any spells that i do cast, so war us, i will make my kd pay, as they wont know it was me doing the oops so yeah....that is if i can get your kd's promise that i wont be attacked, nor ooped during this war...
Signed, Count Hunter the Sorcerer of WaCkOs WoRlD (4:28)
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Signed, King Will Retal the Rogue of Deep Water (18:39)
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On June 24th, YR10, we received this note...
To The Honorable King Croaker
On June 18th, YR10, we received this note...
To The Honorable King Will Retal
what would really help, start a dragon on us right now, no one in this kd has any soldiers ;) just a hint for ya.
Signed, Count Hunter the Sorcerer of WaCkOs WoRlD (4:28)
Signed, King Will Retal the Rogue of Deep Water (18:39)

после аз във форума...

July 5th, YR10
So, Wackoes, my lil snake:]....
I'm your pain, hmm?:)
You know what, i can really be...
You CANT win ppls hearts with treachery and greed for honour. No metter how good you are as a player.
To do that you have to be together with us when those screepters of breeze with the help of our ex king almost anaiolate us.
You have to be with us when you fought the dragon send by HUMLE.. Then you should know that Zwoesj and me release some troops to soldiers and killed him fast...
You have to fight when you were bottomfeeded and when you have 5k peasents and still not stoppin to attack.
You have to be Ice, that came here and start crushin imposible deffences and bare the hits after without any complain to earn my respect
you have to be Holly Killers, who suicided with fog on him so all attackers of HUMLE that retal him were slower and we leveled the war metter.
You have to be redrocks, who is new to the game, but is such a great team player
you have to be HK who is attackin and spellin and has been most valuable player to this KD since the start of the age.
You have to be Deadnu, who was here to stend and support us, when some others were gone.
you have to be clever unknwon that always know who and when to attack
Zwoesj, Chaotic, Flock... All of then eran my respect and i believe i eraned theirs with my deeds. And mostly - i never and will never let them down

My KD mates, what we should do with Wackoes?
I leave his faith in your hands

- The Humble King Croaker

и след това....

July 5th, YR10
well well well....wat do we have herez *smiles*
i luv it wen fings turn ugly for da unappreciative b*tches~!!~

i say we just raze him till he dies...we are in peace now...so hu gives....get all ur freinds in gen to attack him...i dunno bout u guyz...buh being betrayed by a kingdom mate is just unacceptable to me...no matter how good he is

he says he got 6wpa...woopee doo...i got 100opa...so wat u finks gonna kick ass? his punie lil ass wizzards or my elflords? n im just an elf...wait till u see da orgres

- Baron lannage the Sorcerer

Очаквайте продължение :))
Хрониките на Амбър?! Ба, детска книжка :)))

S.Q.N.K.I.: Synthetic Quantum Nocturnal Killing Individual.

Цялата тема
* Що обичам утопия ли? Ми за това :)... Jack of Shadows   19.01.04 12:46
. * Re: Що обичам утопия ли? Ми за това :)... Лeйди   19.01.04 15:34
. * Re: Що обичам утопия ли? Ми за това :)... Baron Merlin the Sorcerer   19.01.04 16:39
. * Нямам думи. Jack of Shadows   03.02.04 13:34
. * Re: Нямам думи. Лeйди   03.02.04 15:29
. * Re: Нямам думи. The Humble Count Death   03.02.04 20:18
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