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Тема by John Pilgerнови  
АвторЯcтpeб (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано11.09.03 03:59

Статията е публикувана преди две години, но все още е много актуална.

Hidden Agenda Behind War On Terror
by John Pilger

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) at globalresearch.ca 11 November 2001
The war against terrorism is a fraud. After three weeks' bombing, not a single terrorist implicated in the attacks on America has been caught or killed in Afghanistan. Instead, one of the poorest, most stricken nations has been terrorised by the most powerful - to the point where American pilots have run out of dubious "military" targets and are now destroying mud houses, a hospital, Red Cross warehouses, lorries carrying refugees. Unlike the relentless pictures from New York, we are seeing almost nothing of this. Tony Blair has yet to tell us what the violent death of children - seven in one family - has to do with Osama bin Laden.

And why are cluster bombs being used? The British public should know about these bombs, which the RAF also uses. They spray hundreds of bomblets that have only one purpose; to kill and maim people. Those that do not explode lie on the ground like landmines, waiting for people to step on them. If ever a weapon was designed specifically for acts of terrorism, this is it. I have seen the victims of American cluster weapons in other countries,such as the Laotian toddler who picked one up and had her right leg andface blown off. Be assured this is now happening in Afghanistan, in your name. None of those directly involved in the September 11 atrocity was Afghani. Most were Saudis, who apparently did their planning and training in Germany and the United States. The camps which the Taliban allowed bin Laden to use were emptied weeks ago.

Moreover, the Taliban itself is a creation of the Americans and the British. In the 1980s, the tribal army that produced them was funded by the CIA and trained by the SAS to fight the Russians. The hypocrisy does not stop there. When the Taliban took Kabul in 1996, Washington said nothing. Why? Because Taliban leaders were soon on their way to Houston, Texas, to be entertained by executives of the oil company, Unocal. With secret US government approval, the company offered them a generous cut of the profits of the oil and gas pumped through a pipeline that the Americans wanted to build from Soviet central Asia through Afghanistan. A US diplomat said: "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis did." He explained that Afghanistan would become an American oil colony, there would be huge profits for the West, no democracy and the legal persecution of women. "We can live with that," he said. Although the deal fell through, it remains an urgent priority of the administration of George W. Bush, which is steeped in the oil industry.

Bush's concealed agenda is to exploit the oil and gas reserves in the Caspian basin, the greatest source of untapped fossil fuel on earth and enough, according to one estimate, to meet America's voracious energy needs for a generation. Only if the pipeline runs through Afghanistan can the Americans hope to control it. So, not surprisingly, US Secretary of State Colin Powell is now referring to "moderate" Taliban, who will join an American-sponsored "loose federation" to run Afghanistan. The "war on terrorism" is a cover for this: a means of achieving American strategic aims that lie behind the flag-waving facade of great power. The Royal Marines, who will do the real dirty work, will be little more than mercenaries for Washington's imperial ambitions, not to mention the extraordinary pretensions of Blair himself.

Having made Britain a target for terrorism with his bellicose "shoulder to shoulder" with Bush nonsense, he is now prepared to send troops to a battlefield where the goals are so uncertain that even the Chief of the Defence Staff says the conflict "could last 50 years". The irresponsibility of this is breathtaking; the pressure on Pakistan alone could ignite an unprecedented crisis across the Indian sub-continent. Having reported many wars, I am always struck by the absurdity of effete politicians eager to wave farewell to young soldiers, but who themselves would not say boo to a Taliban goose.

There are signs that Washington is about to extend its current "war" to Iraq; yet unknown to most of us, almost every day RAF and American aircraft already bomb Iraq. There are no headlines. There is nothing on the TV news. This terror is the longest-running Anglo-American bombing campaign since World War Two. The Wall Street Journal reported that the US and Britain faced a "dilemma" in Iraq, because "few targets remain". "We're down to the last outhouse," said a US official. That was two years ago, and they're still bombing.

The cost to the British taxpayer? Ј800 million so far. According to an internal UN report, covering a five-month period, 41 per cent of the casualties are civilians. In northern Iraq, I met a woman whose husband and four children were among the deaths listed in the report. He was a shepherd, who was tending his sheep with his elderly father and his children when two planes attacked them, each making a sweep. It was an open valley; there were no military targets nearby. "I want to see the pilot who did this," said the widow at the graveside of her entire family. For them, there was no service in St Paul's Cathedral with the Queen in attendance; no rock concert with Paul McCartney.

There is no war on terrorism. If there was, the Royal Marines and the SAS would be storming the beaches of Florida, where more CIA-funded terrorists, ex-Latin American dictators and torturers, are given refuge than anywhere on earth. There is, however, a continuing war of the powerful against the powerless, with new excuses, new hidden agendas, new lies.

Copyright John Pilger, for fair use only, John Pilger's webpage can be consulted at http://www.johnpilger.com


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Тема Re: by John Pilgerнови [re: Яcтpeб]  
Автор uzunoff (SPC)
Публикувано11.09.03 05:52

Само по първите две изречения се съди как тази статия се разминава с действителността.

Тема Прав синови [re: uzunoff]  
Автор B2 (Peacemaker)
Публикувано11.09.03 18:32

...действителността е доста по-ужасна.

Агресорът ще получи каквото заслужава!

Тема Re: by John Pilgerнови [re: Яcтpeб]  
АвторQueens (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано11.09.03 19:01

Ami che na Simeon 800 dni ne mu stignaha da napravi edno svestno neshto a tozi
divak iska za 3 sedmici da sa unishtojat teroristite.
I zashto ni go pokazwash, da ne bi da ne znaesh che do tozi moment dosta sa zaloveni? Kakvo interesno ima v neshto koeto se otnasia do 2001 godina?

Тема Re: Прав синови [re: B2]  
Автор uzunoff (SPC)
Публикувано11.09.03 20:16

Ами ако ти трябва нещо с което да се наплашиш преди да заспиш можеш да намериш неща мнго по ужасни и по истински!

Тема А ти ако спиш спокойно...нови [re: uzunoff]  
Автор B2 (Peacemaker)
Публикувано11.09.03 20:51

... докато американската армия бомбардира малките селца в Афганистан и Ирак и избива невинни цивилни, роднините на които пък в резултат на това хващат автоматите и си го връщат на американските "освободители". И цялата тая работа само заради интересите на петролните акули. Тогава никой не може да ти отвори очите

Агресорът ще получи каквото заслужава!

Тема Re: А ти ако спиш спокойно...нови [re: B2]  
АвторQueens (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано11.09.03 23:10

Kakav Petrol v Afganistan?
Mai pak ne si razbral neshto!
I malkite selca se bombardirat za da moje takiva kato teb i men da ostanat jivi.
Nedej pyrvosignalno da kazvash tova koeto ti doide na akala.

Тема Re: А ти ако спиш спокойно...нови [re: Queens]  
АвторЯcтpeб (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано12.09.03 00:38

Kakav Petrol v Afganistan? Mai pak ne si razbral neshto!

Прочети долните линкове (не само първите два реда). Като свършиш, ще ти пратя още.

Тема ???нови [re: Queens]  
АвторЯcтpeб (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано12.09.03 03:39

I malkite selca se bombardirat za da moje takiva kato teb i men da ostanat jivi.

Чудя се, дали има някаква връзка между невежеството и проамериканизма.
Ако се съди по проамериканистите в тоя форум - има.
Ако се съди само по твоя постинг - проамериканизмът е право пропорционално на идиотщината и обратно пропорционално на интелекта.

Тема Re: А ти ако спиш спокойно...нови [re: B2]  
Автор uzunoff (SPC)
Публикувано12.09.03 06:09

Стига пък и ти. Като малките деца говориш глупости.
Онеправданите добри срещу лошите. Колкото едните, толкова и другите.
А сега си помисли какви интереси имат петролните акули в Афганистан!
Каквито и ти в Бангладеш!

Страници по тази тема: 1 | 2 | 3 | (покажи всички)
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