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Тема Countdown to Extinctionнови  
АвторMegadeath (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано08.04.03 15:40

Endangered species, caged in fright
Shot in cold blood, no chance to fight
The stage is set, now pay the price
An ego boost, don't think twice
Technology, the battle's unfair
You pull the hammer without a care
Squeeze the trigger that makes you Man
Pseudo-safari, the hunt is canned...
The hunt is canned

Tell the truth, you wouldn't dare
The skin and trophy, oh so rare
Silence speaks louder than words
Ignore the guilt, and take your turn
Liars anagram is "lairs"
Man you were never even there
Killed a few feet from the cages
Point blank, you're so courageous...
So courageous

One hour from now,
another species of life form
will disappear off the face of the planet
forever...and the rate is accelerating

All are gone, all but one
No contest, nowhere to run
No more left, only one
This is it, this is theb
Countdown to Extinction

Тема Re: Countdown to Extinctionнови [re: Megadeath]  
Авторkyyл (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано08.04.03 15:46

хм... мислех, че аз съм единствения, който още слуша тази банда.

за случая май е по-подходящ друг техен текст от същия албум:

Symphony Of Destruction

You take a mortal man,
And put him in control
Watch him become a god
Watch peoples heads a'roll

Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the Symphony ...
Of Destruction

Acting like a robot
Its metal brain corrodes
You try to take its pulse
Before the head explodes

The earth starts to rumble
World powers fall
A'warring for the heavens
A peaceful man stands tall

Тема Re: Countdown to Extinctionнови [re: Megadeath]  
Автор naja_haje ((не)познат)
Публикувано08.04.03 16:12

Абе то май в тоя албум всичките текстове са подходящи :-) Сещам се и за
"To eliminate your enemies hit them in their sleep", ама си мисля, че този е още по-подходящ :-)
И, да - все още се срещат хора, които слушат и тази музика :-)

Captive Honour

Madness comes, and madness goes
An insane place, with insane moves
Battles without, for battles within
Where evil lives and evil rules
Breaking them up, just breaking them in
Quickest way out, quckest relief wins
Never disclose, never betray
Cease to speak or cease to breathe
And when you kill a man, you're a murderer
Kill many, and you're a conqueror
Kill them all ... Ooh ... Oh you're a God!

Ladies and Gontlemen of the jury
Have you reached a verdict ?

Yes, we have Your Honour, we find the defendant Guilty!
On all counts for crimes against all humanity

By virtue of the jury's decision and the power
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Incarcerated with no possibility of parole for life

Life? ... Whadda ya mean life? ... I ain't got a life

Boy! ... Your soul better belong to Jesus! ...
Hmmm-mmm cause your ass belongs to me!

Captive honour, ain't no honour

No time for questions
No time for the games
Start kicking ass
And taking down the names
A long shit list
A shorter fuse
He is untouchable
And guarantees you'll lose

Captive honour, ain't no honour

Solo : Dave

Inside the bighouse
His nightmare unfolds
Before he got there
His manpussy was sold
Black, blanket welcome
This tought guy's now a bitch
Praying for death
It can't be worse than this

Captive honour, ain't no honour

A man only sees what he wants to see...

Тема Items addedнови [re: Megadeath]  
АвторHetfield (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано08.04.03 16:31

Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
once you provoke her, rattling of her tail
never begins it, never, but once engaged...
never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage

don't tread on me

so be it
threaten no more
to secure peace is to prepare for war
so be it
settle the score
touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

don't tread on me

love it or live it, she with the deadly bite
quick is the blue tongue, forked as lighting strike
shining with brightness, always on surveillance
the eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance

don't tread on me

so be it
threaten no more
to secure peace is to prepare for war
so be it
settle the score
touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

don't tread on me

so be it
threaten no more
to secure peace is to prepare for war

liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
once you provoke her, rattling on her tail

so be it
threaten no more
to secure peace is to prepare for war
so be it
settle the score
touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

don't tread on me

no da ne zabraviame, che...

Do unto others as they have done unto you
But what in the hell is this world coming to?
Blow the universe into nothingness
Nuclear warfare shall lay us to rest

Fight fire with fire
Ending is near
Fight fire with fire
Bursting with fear
We shall die

Time is like a fuse, short and burning fast
Armageddon is here, like said in the past
Soon to fill our lungs the hot winds of death
The gods are laughing, so take your last breath

Тема sweating bulletsнови [re: Megadeath]  
Автор Skywalker (WISHMASTER)
Публикувано08.04.03 17:37

Hello me... Meet the real me
And my misfits way of life
A dark black past is my
Most valued possession
Hindsight is always 20-20,
But looking back it's still a bit fuzzy
Speak of mutually assured destruction?
Nice story... Tell it to Reader's Digest!

Feeling paranoid
True enemy or false friend?
Anxiety's attacking me, and
My air is getting thin
I'm in trouble for the things
I haven't got to yet
I'm chomping at the bit, and my
Palms are getting wet, sweating bullets.

Hello me... It's me again
You can subdue, but never tame me
It gives me a migraine headache
Thinking down to your level
Yea, just keep on thinking it's my fault
And stay an inch or two outta kicking distance
Mankind has got to know
His limitations

Feeling claustrophobic
Like the walls are closing in
Blood stains on my hands and
I don't know where I've been
I'm in trouble for the things
I haven't got to yet
I'm sharpening the axe and my
Palms are getting wet, sweating bullets

Well, me... it's nice talking to myself
A credit to dementia
Some day you too will know my pain
And smile its blacktooth grin
If the war inside my head
Won't take a day off I'll be dead
My icy fingers claw your back
Here I come again

Feeling paranoid
True enemy or false friend?
Anxiety's attacking me
And my air is getting thin
Feeling claustrophobic
Like the walls are closing in
Blood stains on my hands and
I don't know where I've been
Once you committed me
Now you've acquitted me
Claiming validity
For your stupidity
I'm chomping at the bit
I'm sharpening the axe
Here I come again, whoa!
Sweating bullets


Тема Holy Warsнови [re: Megadeath]  
Автор naja_haje ((не)познат)
Публикувано08.04.03 17:49

Rust In Peace (1990)
Holy Wars...

Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion
Something I don't understand

Fools like me,who cross the sea
And come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep,for their beliefs
Do you kill on God's command?

A country that's divided
Surely will not stand
My past erased,no more disgrace
No foolish naive stand

The end is near,it's crystal clear
Part of the master plan
Don't look now to Israel
It might be your homelands

Holy wars

Upon my podium,as the
Know it all scholar
Down in my seat of judgement
Gavel's bang,uphold the law
Up on my soapbox,a leader
Out to change the world
Down in my pulpit as the holler
Than-thou-could-be-messenger of God

Wage the war on organized crime
Sneak attacks,repel down the rocks
Behind the lines
Some people risk to employ me
Some people live to destroy me
Either way they die

They killed my wife,and my baby
With hopes to enslave me
First mistake...last mistake|
Paid by the alliance,to slay all the giants
Next mistake...no more mistakes|

Fill the cracks in,with judicial granite
Because I don't say it,don't mean I ain't
Thinkin' it
Next thing you know,they'll take my thoughts away
I know what I said,now I must scream of the overdose
And the lack of mercy killings

A man only sees what he wants to see...

Тема Peace sellsнови [re: Megadeath]  
Автор Skywalker (WISHMASTER)
Публикувано08.04.03 17:56

What do you mean, "I don't believe in God"?
I talk to him every day.
What do you mean, "I don't support your system"?
I go to court when I have to.
What do you mean, "I can't get to work on time"?
I got nothing better to do
And, what do you mean, "I don't pay my bills"?
Why do you think I'm broke? Huh?

If there's a new way,
I'll be the first in line.
But, it better work this time.

What do you mean, "I hurt your feelings"?
I didn't know you had any feelings.
What do you mean, "I ain't kind"?
I'm just not your kind.
What do you mean, "I couldn't be president, of the United States of America"?
Tell me something, it's still "We the people", right?

If there's a new way I'll be the first in line, But, it better work this time. Can you put a price on peace?
Peace sells...,
Peace sells...,
Peace sells...,but who's buying?


Редактирано от Skywalker на 08.04.03 17:57.

Тема Re: Countdown to Extinctionнови [re: Megadeath]  
АвторBlack Sheep (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано08.04.03 18:03

Аз харесвам повече Captive Honour

Madness comes, and madness goes
An insane place, with insane moves
Battles without, for battles within
Where evil lives and evil rules
Breaking them up, just breaking them in
Quickest way out, quickest relief wins
Never disclose, never betray
Cease to speak or cease to breathe
And when you kill a man, you're a murderer
Kill many, and you're a conqueror
Kill them all...Ooh...Oh you're a god!

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
Have you reached a verdict?

Yes, we have Your Honour, we find the defendant guilty!
On all counts for crimes against all humanity.

By virtue of the jury's decision and the power
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Incarcerated with no possibility of parole for life

Life?...Whadda ya mean life?...I ain't got a life

Boy!...Your soul better belong to Jesus!...
Hmmm-mmm cause your ass belongs to me!

Captive honour, ain't no honour

No time for questions
No time for the games
Start kicking ass
And taking down the names
A long shit list
A shorter fuse
He is untouchable
And guarantees you'll lose


Inside the bighouse
His nightmare unfolds
Before he got there
His manpussy was sold
Black blanket welcome
This tough guy's now a bitch
Praying for death
It can't be worse than this

Тема Dobre че има още такива хора...нови [re: Black Sheep]  
АвторOldMetal (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано08.04.03 18:12

които си падат по такава сериозна музика.... напоследък като че ли те оредяха, пък и музиката не е същата...

с умиление си спомням олющените касетки с МЕГАДЕТ, ТЕСТАМЕНТ, ПАРАДАЙС ЛОСТ...

Тема Black Sheep, Знаех си:)))нови [re: Black Sheep]  
Автор Skywalker (WISHMASTER)
Публикувано08.04.03 18:19

4е си от наща!!!


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