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Тема Надявам се всички са прочели превюто на Red Bull  
Автор Vladi (татко)
Публикувано22.08.07 11:08

You've had two weekends without a grand prix so here is a handy Red Bull Dictionary to remind you what all those Press Release quotes really mean: a useful Red Bull***tometer to keep with you throughout the race weekend. And don't blame the press officers, because you have to remember that the Press Release is the only thing they produce that their team bosses and you, the media, actually recognise as work! So, without even pausing to optimise our issues, please read on:

"We have no plans to change any of our drivers in the near future."
Means: "We plan to change one of our drivers on Monday after the race."

"The car retired with an electrical failure."
Means: "The engine seized, threw a piston and con rod through the side of the block where it cut through the electrical wiring loom, causing an electrical failure." (If you run a customer engine, under no circumstances can you have an engine failure.)

"We do not know what fuel loads the other teams were running in qualifying."
Means: "We are in deep trouble because we are slower than the others, but actually it's worse than that because we are much, much slower than them, as they have enough fuel to run ten laps more than us at the start of the race."

"But the car has very good pace in race trim, so we should be okay for the race."
Means: "Our car is just plain slow, but if we are stuck in the middle of the pack with no chance of overtaking, we can claim we had a competitive car and no one will know we are lying."

"We knew our car would struggle on this type of circuit."
Means: "Our car would struggle on any type of circuit made up of a tarmac road surface laid out with straights and corners."

"I have a very good relationship with my team-mate."
Means: "I am comfortably quicker than my team-mate."

"I have a good working relationship with my team-mate."
Means: "I hate my team-mate. I call him my ‘team-hate.' He can't even remember the names of his mechanics, he does hardly any testing, and yet he just turns up and drives the car and is quicker than me. He also has a much prettier girlfriend."

"A difficult first day of practice which saw us struggle to find the right balance on the car. We still need to complete our tyre comparison programme."
Means: "The car is a complete pig and the only balance I'm ever likely to find is the one in my bank account. As for the tyre choice, we'll toss a coin in the hotel bar tonight to decide which one to use."

"Next year, we should be able to challenge for race wins on a regular basis."
Means: "We said exactly the same thing last year, but hope no one will notice that we are repeating ourselves."

Of course, none of these comments refer to Red Bull Racing or Toro Rosso press releases, which are always honest, decent and truthful.

Тема Re: Надявам се всички са прочели превюто на Red Buнови [re: Vladi]  
Автор Jair ()
Публикувано22.08.07 12:42

"Next year, we should be able to challenge for race wins on a regular basis."
Means: "We said exactly the same thing last year, but hope no one will notice that we are repeating ourselves."

тва как пасва като по мярка на единия от пилотите на ред бул не е истина :)

яко де :)

Тема Re: Надявам се всички са прочели превюто на Red Buнови [re: Jair]  
АвторEl Capitan (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано22.08.07 13:13

Е тва:

: "The car is a complete pig and the only balance I'm ever likely to find is the one in my bank account. As for the tyre choice, we'll toss a coin in the hotel bar tonight to decide which one to use."

е по-здраво!

Тема Re: Надявам се всички са прочели превюто на Red Bullнови [re: Vladi]  
АвторEв. (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано22.08.07 13:18


Личи си, че ваканцията е дошла дългичка на журналистите. И аз с почуда установих, че тази неделя имало състезание.

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