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Тема 20 години от Хилсбъро
Автор AnfieldBG (LFC)
Публикувано15.04.09 09:41  

Днес се навършват 20 години от трагедията в Шефилд. Трагедията се случи на 15-и април 1989 година, когато Ливърпул и Нотингам Форест трябваше да изиграят полуфинал за Купата на Англия. Копирам нещо от официалния сайт на Пуул, което мисля казва всичко..

Twenty years ago today, 24,000 Liverpool fans travelled to a football match. 96 never returned. On the anniversary of Britain's worst sporting disaster, we want the world to see the faces of the fans whose hopes and dreams for the future ended that day.
Collectively they've become known as 'The 96' but to the families and friends they left behind, they were simply a dad, a son, a brother and a sister; a cousin, an auntie, an uncle and a grandad; a boyfriend, a husband, a soul mate and a best friend.

As a letter written for this website by the wife of one of those supporters who never came home so eloquently put it, 'To the world my husband is one of the 96, but to me and his children, he was always our number one.'

Today, as Liverpool Football Club and fans everywhere mark the 20th anniversary of the disaster, we're putting faces to the names who, to those who didn't know them, only exist as a list etched into the Hillsborough Memorial marble.

24,000 tickets, 23 turnstiles, 2 criminally overcrowded pens, 96 dead, 766 injured, 20 years ago today - numbers alone don't even begin to tell half the story of a disaster that has shaped Liverpool Football Club and the fans that will forever follow it.

Probably the most significant number in this whole sorry tragedy is the one that depicts the age of each victim on the slide show below.

That number, and the faces staring back at you - captured during happier times without a care in the world - tells you everything you need to know about why the events of April 15 1989 and the fans who died that day will never ever be forgotten.

Цялата тема
* 20 години от Хилсбъро AnfieldBG   15.04.09 09:41
. * Re: 20 години от Хилсбъро Гpeдopeд   15.04.09 10:08
. * Re: 20 години от Хилсбъро Vendome   15.04.09 11:44
. * Re: 20 години от Хилсбъро falkenbach   15.04.09 15:50
. * Re: 20 години от Хилсбъро TheExorcist   15.04.09 20:23
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