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Тема As Last of Baby Boomers Turns 40
Авторdemografy (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано14.01.05 13:39  

Цялото изследване тук :

Част от откритията
касае се за Америка

Baby boomers are diverse: Immigration has played a major role in increasing the diversity of the baby boomers. About 12 percent of the early boomers (born between 1946 and 1955) are foreign-born, compared to 15 percent of late boomers (born between 1956 and 1964.) The percentage of African Americans has not changed a great deal over time, but the percentage of Hispanic and Asian Americans has increased dramatically.

-- Diversity has not led to equality: Baby boomers are the first generation to come of age after the Civil Rights era. Yet the authors found differences of income according to race, ethnicity and country of birth so entrenched that, in effect, they are ethnic classes. Blacks in the boomer generation, for example, are no better off relative to whites than their parents and grandparents. And educational levels also are unequal across the baby boom generation, which is often described as the best-educated generation in history.

-- Many boomers live in poverty: At midlife, boomers have the highest wage inequality of any recent generation. Late boomers have the highest levels of poverty since the generation born before World War I. One in 10 late boomers lives in poverty at middle age.

"What surprised us the most was how racial inequality persists among the boomers compared to other generations," co-author Angela M. O’Rand said. "The figures are quite dramatic regarding the continuing relative disadvantage of African Americans."

Цялата тема
* As Last of Baby Boomers Turns 40 demografy   14.01.05 13:39
. * Защо немкините спряха да раждат дeмorpaфия   17.01.05 13:12
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