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Тема Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение [re: antiladi77]
Автор antiladi77 ()
Публикувано09.11.20 07:52  

Тема Re: Предупреждение [re: Blackeyes]
Автор Blackeyes (Очето)
Публикувано 20.12.14 10:26 следващо непрочетено мнение Отговор на мнението

Хайде, да четеш!, че то явно от военни експерименти не ти остава време да помислиш малко накъде си се запътил.

Извадки, защото и аз нямам време за боклуци из нета:
1. "Историята на възникване на интернет е много интересна - разказва Джарон Лание в едно интервю. - Корените му са в лявата култура[/] на 60-те и началото на 70-те години, в които се роди вид технооптимизъм. От друга страна, се базира на военното технократично мислене, мрежата все пак е военно изобретение. И двете направления продължават да са представени в съвременния интернет."
Ще отричаш, ама не си познал къде ти е аудиторията!
2."Интернет е един кошмарен свят
Глобалната мрежа е успешен експеримент, който обаче има тъмна страна в лицето на колективизма и т.нар. мъдрост на масите, смята компютърният визионер Джарон Лание ("Шпигел онлайн")

Джарон Лание е роден в Ню Йорк. Смятан е за един от водещите компютърни учени, които предсказват дигиталното бъдеще. Ланиер е човекът, който има основна заслуга за популяризирането на термина "виртуална реалност" през 80-те години и пръв внедрява компютърни технологии в хирургията и автомобилната индустрия. През 1985 г. той основава компанията VPL Research (от Virtual Programmin Languages), която изработва примитивни киберръкавици и очила. Днес той е автор, консултант и композитор, живее в Бъркли, Калифорния. Изнася лекции срещу опасността от дигитален маоизъм, която според него произтича от интернет.
3. "- Г-н Лание, какво всъщност е истинското ви отношение към глобалната мрежа?

- Интернет се доказа като много успешен експеримент. Но също така има и тъмна страна с много лоши резултати, за които повечето хора си затварят очите. Мрежата прокара прекрасни идеи за демокрация, откритост, равноправие и еднаква отговорност за всички, които я ползват. Но тези първоначални идеи започват да се потъпкват и на тяхно място се появяват нови послания. Много от тях може да са добри, но повечето не са, а някои са направо отвратителни.

- Кои например?

- Най-лошата е т.нар. вяра в мъдростта на масите. Тази заблуда намира все по-голяма почва в интернет.

- Едно обаче не може да се отрече. Когато много хора дават еднакво мнение по даден въпрос в нета, в крайна сметка това е подобно на много резултати, които се постигат и в реалния живот?

- Да, това функционира при финансовите пазари и при демократичните избори. Но за разлика от пазара, където колективът определя една цена, в мрежата колективът вече свободно се налага над индивидуалните идеи и мнения. Такъв начин на мислене обаче много пъти е водил до ужасни социални и политически събития, както показва историята. Мен ме тревожи схващането, според което само "голямото", тоест колективът е реален и важен, а не отделният човек. Това бе грешката на всички тоталитарни режими, като започнем от нацистите, камбоджанския касапин Пол Пот и стигнем до фундаменталните ислямисти."



Amarcord: Il natale di Roma
9,590 views•Mar 29, 2015
March 29
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March 29 in recent years
2020 (Sunday)
2019 (Friday)
2018 (Thursday)
2017 (Wednesday)
2016 (Tuesday)
2015 (Sunday)
2014 (Saturday)
2013 (Friday)
2012 (Thursday)
2011 (Tuesday)
March 29 is the 88th day of the year (89th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. 277 days remain until the end of the year.

845 – Paris is sacked by Viking raiders, probably under Ragnar Lodbrok, who collects a huge ransom in exchange for leaving.
1430 – The Ottoman Empire under Murad II captures Thessalonica from the Republic of Venice.
1461 – Battle of Towton: Edward of York defeats Queen Margaret to become King Edward IV of England, bringing a temporary stop to the Wars of the Roses.[1]
1500 – Cesare Borgia is given the title of Captain General and Gonfalonier by his father Rodrigo Borgia after returning from his conquests in the Romagna.
1549 – The city of Salvador da Bahia, the first capital of Brazil, is founded.
1632 – Treaty of Saint-Germain is signed returning Quebec to French control after the English had seized it in 1629.
1792 – King Gustav III of Sweden dies after being shot in the back at a midnight masquerade ball at Stockholm's Royal Opera 13 days earlier. He is succeeded by Gustav IV Adolf.
1806 – Construction is authorized of the Great National Pike, better known as the Cumberland Road, becoming the first United States federal highway.
1809 – King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden abdicates after a coup d'&#233;tat. At the Diet of Porvoo, Finland's four Estates pledge allegiance to Alexander I of Russia, commencing the secession of the Grand Duchy of Finland from Sweden.
1831 – Great Bosnian uprising: Bosniaks rebel against Turkey.
1847 – Mexican–American War: United States forces led by General Winfield Scott take Veracruz after a siege.
1849 – The United Kingdom annexes the Punjab.
1857 – Sepoy Mangal Pandey of the 34th Regiment, Bengal Native Infantry mutinies against the East India Company's rule in India and inspires the protracted Indian Rebellion of 1857, also known as the Sepoy Mutiny.
1865 – American Civil War: Federal forces under Major General Philip Sheridan move to flank Confederate forces under Robert E. Lee as the Appomattox Campaign begins.
1867 – Queen Victoria gives Royal Assent to the British North America Act which establishes Canada on July 1.
1871 – Royal Albert Hall is opened by Queen Victoria.
1879 – Anglo-Zulu War: Battle of Kambula: British forces defeat 20,000 Zulus.
1882 – The Knights of Columbus is established.
1886 – John Pemberton brews the first batch of Coca-Cola in a backyard in Atlanta.
1911 – The M1911 .45 ACP pistol becomes the official U.S. Army side arm.
1927 – Sunbeam 1000hp breaks the land speed record at Daytona Beach, Florida.[2]
1930 – Heinrich Br&#252;ning is appointed German Reichskanzler.
1936 – The 1936 German parliamentary election and referendum seeks approval for the recent remilitarization of the Rhineland.
1941 – The North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement goes into effect at 03:00 local time.
1941 – World War II: British Royal Navy and Royal Australian Navy forces defeat those of the Italian Regia Marina off the Peloponnesian coast of Greece in the Battle of Cape Matapan.
1942 – The Bombing of L&#252;beck in World War II is the first major success for the RAF Bomber Command against Germany and a German city.
1945 – World War II: Last day of V-1 flying bomb attacks on England.
1945 – World War II: The German 4th Army is almost destroyed by the Soviet Red Army.
1946 – Instituto Tecnol&#243;gico Aut&#243;nomo de M&#233;xico, one of Mexico's leading universities, is founded.
1947 – Malagasy Uprising against French colonial rule in Madagascar.
1951 – Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage.
1957 – The New York, Ontario and Western Railway makes its final run, the first major U.S. railroad to be abandoned in its entirety.
1961 – The Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, allowing residents of Washington, D.C., to vote in presidential elections.
1962 – Arturo Frondizi, the president of Argentina, is overthrown in a military coup by Argentina's armed forces, ending an 11&#8203;1&#8260;2 day constitutional crisis.
1971 – My Lai Massacre: Lieutenant William Calley is convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life in prison.
1973 – Vietnam War: The last United States combat soldiers leave South Vietnam.
1973 – Operation Barrel Roll, a covert American bombing campaign in Laos to stop communist infiltration of South Vietnam, ends.
1974 – NASA's Mariner 10 becomes the first space probe to fly by Mercury.
1974 – Terracotta Army was discovered in Shaanxi province, China.
1982 – The Canada Act 1982 receives the Royal Assent from Queen Elizabeth II, setting the stage for the Queen of Canada to proclaim the Constitution Act, 1982.
1984 – The Baltimore Colts load its possessions onto fifteen Mayflower moving trucks in the early morning hours and transfer its operations to Indianapolis.
1990 – The Czechoslovak parliament is unable to reach an agreement on what to call the country after the fall of Communism, sparking the so-called Hyphen War.
1993 – Catherine Callbeck becomes premier of Prince Edward Island and the first woman to be elected in a general election as premier of a Canadian province.
1999 – The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above the 10,000 mark (10,006.78) for the first time, during the height of the dot-com bubble.
1999 – A magnitude 6.8 earthquake in India strikes the Chamoli district in Uttar Pradesh, killing 103.
2002 – In reaction to the Passover massacre two days prior, Israel launches Operation Defensive Shield against Palestinian militants, its largest military operation in the West Bank since the 1967 Six-Day War.
2004 – Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia join NATO as full members.
2010 – Two suicide bombers hit the Moscow Metro system at the peak of the morning rush hour, killing 40.
2013 – At least 36 people are killed when a 16-floor building collapses in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
2014 – The first same-sex marriages in England and Wales are performed.
1001 – Sokkate, king of the Pagan dynasty of Burma (d. 1044)
1187 – Arthur I, Duke of Brittany (d. 1203)
1373 – Marie d'Alen&#231;on, French princess (d. 1417)
1517 – Carlo Carafa, Italian cardinal (d. 1561)
1553 – Vitsentzos Kornaros, Greek poet and playwright (d. 1614)
1561 – Santorio Santorio, Italian biologist (d. 1636)
1584 – Ferdinando Fairfax, 2nd Lord Fairfax of Cameron, English general and politician (d. 1648)
1602 – John Lightfoot, English priest, scholar, and academic (d. 1675)
1620 – Edward Digges, English barrister and colonist
1629 – Alexis of Russia, Tsar of Russia (d. 1676)
1713 – John Ponsonby, Irish politician (d. 1789)
1735 – Johann Karl August Mus&#228;us, German author (d. 1787)
1747 – Johann Wilhelm H&#228;ssler, German pianist and composer (d. 1822)
1769 – Nicolas Jean-de-Dieu Soult, French general and politician, 12th Prime Minister of France (d. 1851)
1780 – J&#248;rgen J&#248;rgensen, Danish adventurer (d. 1841)
1790 – John Tyler, American lawyer and politician, 10th President of the United States (d. 1862)
1799 – Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby, English politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (d. 1869)
1802 – Johann Moritz Rugendas, German landscape painter of Spanish America (d. 1858)
1816 – 10th Dalai Lama (d. 1837)
1824 – Ludwig B&#252;chner, German physiologist, physician, and philosopher (d. 1899)
1826 – Wilhelm Liebknecht, German journalist and politician (d. 1900)
1862 – Adolfo M&#252;ller-Ury, Swiss-American painter (d. 1947)
1863 – Walter James, Australian politician, 5th Premier of Western Australia (d. 1943)
1867 – Cy Young, American baseball player and manager (d. 1955)
1869 – Ale&#353; Hrdli&#269;ka, Czech-American anthropologist and scholar (d. 1943)
1869 – Sir Edwin Lutyens, British architect (d. 1944)
1870 – Pavlos Melas, French-Greek captain (d. 1904)
1871 – Tom Hayward, English cricketer (d. 1939)
1872 – Hal Colebatch, English-Australian politician, 12th Premier of Western Australia (d. 1953)
1873 – Tullio Levi-Civita, Jewish-Italian mathematician and academic (d. 1941)
1874 – Lou Henry Hoover, American wife of Herbert Hoover, 33rd First Lady of the United States (d. 1944)
1876 – Friedrich Traun, German sprinter and tennis player (d. 1908)
1884 – Ed Archibald, Canadian pole vaulter (d. 1965)
1885 – Dezs&#337; Kosztol&#225;nyi, Hungarian author and poet (d. 1936)
1888 – Enea Bossi, Sr., Italian-American engineer, designed the Budd BB-1 Pioneer and Bossi-Bonomi Pedaliante (d. 1963)
1889 – Warner Baxter, American actor (d. 1951)
1889 – Howard Lindsay, American producer, playwright, librettist, director and actor (d. 1968)
1890 – Bert Bliss, English international footballer, inside forward (d. 1968)[3]
1891 – Yvan Goll, French-German poet and playwright (d. 1950)
1891 – Alfred Neubauer, Austrian race car driver and manager (d. 1980)
1892 – J&#243;zsef Mindszenty, Hungarian cardinal (d. 1975)
1893 – Astrid Holm, Danish actress (d. 1961)
1895 – Ernst J&#252;nger, German philosopher and author (d. 1998)
1896 – Wilhelm Ackermann, German mathematician (d. 1962)
1899 – Lavrentiy Beria, Georgian-Russian general and politician (d. 1953)
1900 – Bill Aston, English race car driver (d. 1974)
1900 – John McEwen, Australian farmer and politician, 18th Prime Minister of Australia (d. 1980)
1902 – Marcel Aym&#233;, French author, playwright, and screenwriter (d. 1967)
1902 – Don Miller, American football player and coach (d. 1979)
1902 – William Walton, English composer (d. 1983)
1903 – Douglas Harkness, Canadian colonel and politician, 14th Canadian Minister of National Defence (d. 1999)
1906 – James Bausch, American decathlete and football player (d. 1974)
1907 – Braguinha, Brazilian singer-songwriter and producer (d. 2006)
1908 – Arthur O'Connell, American actor (d. 1981)
1908 – Dennis O'Keefe, American actor and screenwriter (d. 1968)
1909 – Moon Mullican, American country and western singer-songwriter and pianist (d. 1967)
1912 – Hanna Reitsch, German soldier and pilot (d. 1979)[4]
1914 – Phil Foster, American actor (d. 1985)
1914 – Chapman Pincher, Indian-English historian, journalist, and author (d. 2014)
1916 – Peter Geach, English philosopher and academic (d. 2013)
1916 – Eugene McCarthy, American poet and politician (d. 2005)
1917 – Tommy Holmes, American baseball player (d. 2008)[5]
1918 – Pearl Bailey, American actress and singer (d. 1990)[6]
1918 – L&#234; V&#259;n Thi&#234;m, Vietnamese mathematician and academic (d. 1991)
1918 – Sam Walton, American businessman, founded Walmart and Sam's Club (d. 1992)
1919 – Eileen Heckart, American actress (d. 2001)
1920 – John M. Belk, American businessman and politician (d. 2007)
1920 – Clarke Fraser, American-Canadian geneticist and academic (d. 2014)
1920 – Pierre Moinot, French author (d. 2007)
1920 – Theodore Trautwein, American lawyer and judge (d. 2000)
1921 – Sam Loxton, Australian cricketer, footballer, and politician (d. 2011)
1923 – Geoff Duke, English-Manx motorcycle racer (d. 2015)
1923 – Betty Binns Fletcher, American lawyer and judge (d. 2012)
1923 – Bob Haymes, American singer-songwriter, and actor (d. 1989)
1926 – Moshe Sanbar, Hungarian-Israeli banker and economist (d. 2012)
1927 – John McLaughlin, American journalist and producer (d. 2016)
1927 – John Vane, English pharmacologist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2004)
1928 – Romesh Bhandari, Pakistani-Indian politician, 13th Foreign Secretary of India (d. 2013)
1928 – Keith Botsford, Belgian-American journalist, author, and academic (d. 2018)
1928 – Vincent Gigante, American boxer and mobster (d. 2005)
1929 – Sheila Kitzinger, English activist, author, and academic (d. 2015)
1929 – Richard Lewontin, American biologist, geneticist, and academic
1929 – Lennart Meri, Estonian director and politician, 2nd President of Estonia (d. 2006)
1929 – Utpal Dutt, Indian Bengali actor, director and playwright (d. 1993)
1930 – Anerood Jugnauth, Mauritian lawyer and politician, 4th President of Mauritius
1931 – &#536;tefan Andrei, Romanian politician, 87th Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs (d. 2014)
1931 – Sopubek Begaliev, Kyrgyzstani economist and politician (d. 2002)
1931 – Aleksei Gubarev, Russian general, pilot, and astronaut (d. 2015)
1931 – Norman Tebbit, English journalist and politician, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
1933 – Jacques Brault, Canadian poet and academic
1934 – Shahryar Khan, Indian-Pakistani politician and diplomat, 20th Foreign Secretary of Pakistan
1936 – Richard Rodney Bennett, English-American composer and educator (d. 2012)
1936 – Mogens Camre, Danish politician (d. 2016)
1936 – John A. Durkin, American lawyer and politician (d. 2012)
1936 – Judith Guest, American author and screenwriter
1936 – Joseph P. Teasdale, American lawyer and politician, 48th Governor of Missouri (d. 2014)
1937 – Roberto Chabet, Filipino painter and sculptor (d. 2013)
1937 – Smarck Michel, Haitian businessman and politician, 6th Prime Minister of Haiti (d. 2012)
1937 – Gordon Milne, English footballer
1938 – Bert de Vries, Dutch politician
1939 – Roland Arnall, French-American businessman and diplomat, 63rd United States Ambassador to the Netherlands (d. 2008)
1939 – Terence Hill, Italian actor, director, and producer
1939 – Hanumant Singh, Indian cricketer (d. 2006)
1940 – Ray Davis, American bass singer (d. 2005)
1940 – Astrud Gilberto, Brazilian singer-songwriter
1940 – John Suchet, English journalist and game show host
1941 – Joseph Hooton Taylor Jr., American astrophysicist and astronomer, Nobel Prize laureate
1942 – Bob Lurtsema, American football player
1942 – Scott Wilson, American actor (d. 2018)
1943 – Vangelis, Greek keyboard player and songwriter
1943 – Chad Allan, Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist
1943 – Eric Idle, English actor and comedian
1943 – John Major, English banker and politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
1944 – Terry Jacks, Canadian singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1944 – Denny McLain, American baseball player and sportscaster
1944 – Lynne Segal, Australian-British feminist academic and activist
1945 – Walt Frazier, American basketball player and sportscaster
1945 – Speedy Keen, English singer-songwriter, keyboard player, and producer (d. 2002)
1946 – Billy Thorpe, English-Australian singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (d. 2007)
1946 – Segun Bucknor, Nigerian musician and journalist (d. 2017)
1947 – Inge B&#246;dding, German sprinter
1947 – Robert Gordon, American singer and actor
1947 – Bobby Kimball, American singer-songwriter
1948 – Bud Cort, American actor, director, and screenwriter
1948 – Piet Souer, Dutch record producer, songwriter and arranger
1949 – Michael Brecker, American saxophonist and composer (d. 2007)
1949 – Dave Greenfield, English musician (d. 2020)
1949 – Pauline Marois, Canadian social worker and politician, 30th Premier of Quebec
1949 – Keith Simpson, English historian and politician
1951 – William Clarke, American harmonica player (d. 1996)
1951 – Geoff Howarth, New Zealand cricketer
1951 – Tina Monzon-Palma, Filipino journalist
1952 – Rainer Bonhof, German footballer
1952 – Russell Fairfax, Australian rugby player and coach
1952 – John Hendricks, American businessman, founded Discovery Communications
1952 – Te&#243;filo Stevenson, Cuban boxer and engineer (d. 2012)
1953 – T&#245;nis Palts, Estonian politician, 39th Mayor of Tallinn
1955 – Earl Campbell, American football player
1955 – Brendan Gleeson, Irish actor
1955 – Marina Sirtis, British-American actress
1956 – Patty Donahue, American singer (d. 1996)
1957 – Elizabeth Hand, American author
1957 – Christopher Lambert, American-born French actor
1958 – Pedro Bial, Brazilian journalist and producer
1958 – Travis Childers, American businessman and politician
1958 – Nouriel Roubini, Turkish-American economist and academic
1958 – Victor Salva, American director, producer, and screenwriter
1958 – Marc Silvestri, American publisher, founded Top Cow Productions
1959 – Barry Blanchard, Canadian mountaineer
1959 – Perry Farrell, American singer-songwriter
1959 – Brad McCrimmon, Canadian ice hockey player and coach (d. 2011)
1960 – Wayne Pearce, Australian rugby league player, coach, and sportscaster
1961 – Gary Brabham, English-Australian race car driver
1961 – Mike Kingery, American baseball player
1961 – Amy Sedaris, American actress and comedian
1961 – Michael Winterbottom, English director and producer
1962 – Billy Beane, American baseball player and manager
1962 – Ted Failon, Filipino journalist and politician
1962 – Kirk Triplett, American golfer
1964 – Catherine Cortez Masto, American attorney and politician
1964 – Jill Goodacre, American model and actress
1964 – Elle Macpherson, Australian model and actress
1964 – Ming Tsai, American chef and television host
1965 – Emilios T. Harlaftis, Greek astrophysicist, astronomer, and academic (d. 2005)
1965 – William Oefelein, American commander, pilot, and astronaut
1965 – Voula Patoulidou, Greek hurdler, long jumper, and politician
1966 – Krasimir Balakov, Bulgarian footballer and manager
1966 – Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Dutch politician
1966 – Eric Gunderson, American baseball player
1966 – Sigrid Kirchmann, Austrian high jumper
1967 – Ainars Bagatskis, Latvian basketball player and coach
1967 – Michel Hazanavicius, French director, producer, and screenwriter
1967 – Brian Jordan, American baseball player and sportscaster
1968 – Lucy Lawless, New Zealand actress
1969 – Kim Batten, American hurdler
1969 – Shinichi Mochizuki, Japanese mathematician
1969 – Jimmy Spencer, American football player and coach
1971 – Robert Gibbs, American political adviser, 28th White House Press Secretary
1971 – Lara Logan, South African television and radio journalist and war correspondent
1971 – Hidetoshi Nishijima, Japanese actor
1972 – Rui Costa, Portuguese footballer
1972 – Piet-Hein Geeris, Dutch field hockey player
1972 – Alex Ochoa, Cuban-American baseball player and coach
1972 – Priti Patel, British Indian politician, Secretary of State for the Home Department
1973 – Marc Overmars, Dutch footballer and coach
1973 – Sebastiano Siviglia, Italian footballer
1973 – Steve Smith, English high jumper
1974 – Miguel G&#243;mez, Colombian-American photographer and educator
1976 – Igor Astarloa, Spanish cyclist
1976 – Jennifer Capriati, American tennis player
1978 – Aaron Persico, New Zealand-Italian rugby player
1980 – Bill Demong, American skier
1980 – Bruno Silva, Uruguayan footballer
1981 – Jlloyd Samuel, Trinidadian footballer (d. 2018)
1982 – J&#275;kabs R&#275;dlihs, Latvian ice hockey player
1983 – Darius Draudvila, Lithuanian decathlete
1984 – Juan M&#243;naco, Argentinian tennis player
1985 – Fernando Amorebieta, Venezuelan international footballer, central defender[7]
1985 – Maxim Lapierre, Canadian ice hockey player
1985 – Mickey Pimentel, American football player
1986 – Sylvan Ebanks-Blake, English footballer
1986 – Ivan Ukhov, Russian high jumper
1987 – Gianluca Freddi, Italian footballer
1987 – Dimitri Payet, French footballer
1987 – Romain Hamouma, French footballer
1988 – Esther Cremer, German runner
1988 – Jes&#250;s Molina, Mexican footballer
1988 – J&#252;rgen Zopp, Estonian tennis player
1989 – James Tomkins, English footballer
1990 – Carlos Pe&#241;a, Mexican footballer
1990 – Teemu Pukki, Finnish footballer
1990 – Lyle Taylor, English footballer[8]
1991 – Irene, South Korean idol, actress and television host
1991 – Fabio Borini, Italian footballer
1991 – N'Golo Kant&#233;, French footballer
1993 – Thorgan Hazard, Belgian footballer[9]
87 BC – Emperor Wu of Han of China (b. 157 BC)
AD 57 – Emperor Guangwu of Han (b. 5 BC)
500 – Gwynllyw, Welsh king and religious figure
1058 – Pope Stephen IX (b. 1020)
1075 – Ottokar I of Styria, German noble
1368 – Emperor Go-Murakami of Japan (b. 1328)
1461 – Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland, English politician (b. 1421)
1461 – Lionel de Welles, 6th Baron Welles
1467 – Matthew Palaiologos Asen, Byzantine aristocrat and official
1578 – Louis I, Cardinal of Guise (b. 1527)
1578 – Arthur Champernowne, English admiral and politician (b. 1524)
1628 – Tobias Matthew, English archbishop and academic (b. 1546)
1629 – Jacob de Gheyn II, Dutch painter and engraver (b. 1565)
1692 – Nicolaus Bruhns, Danish-German organist, violinist, and composer (b. 1665)
1703 – George Frederick II, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach, (b. 1678)
1751 – Thomas Coram, English captain and philanthropist, founded Foundling Hospital (b. 1668)
1772 – Emanuel Swedenborg, Swedish astronomer, philosopher, and theologian (b. 1688)
1788 – Charles Wesley, English missionary and poet (b. 1707)
1792 – Gustav III of Sweden (b. 1746)
1800 – Marc Ren&#233;, marquis de Montalembert, French general and engineer (b. 1714)
1803 – Gottfried van Swieten, Dutch-Austrian librarian and diplomat (b. 1733)
1826 – Johann Heinrich Voss, German poet, translator, and academic (b. 1751)
1829 – Cornelio Saavedra, Argentinian general and politician (b. 1759)
1848 – John Jacob Astor, German-American businessman (b. 1763)
1855 – Henri Druey, Swiss politician, 2nd President of the Swiss Confederation (b. 1799)
1873 – Francesco Zantedeschi, Italian priest and physicist (b. 1797)
1877 – Inazuma Raigor&#333;, Japanese sumo wrestler, the 7th Yokozuna (b. 1802)
1888 – Charles-Valentin Alkan, French pianist and composer (b. 1813)
1891 – John Plankinton, American businessman and industrialist, also noted for philanthropy (b. 1820)
1891 – Georges Seurat, French painter (b. 1859)
1900 – Cyrus K. Holliday, American businessman (b. 1826)
1905 – William Plankinton, American businessman, industrialist and banker (b. 1843)
1906 – Slava Ra&#353;kaj, Croatian painter (b. 1878)
1911 – Alexandre Guilmant, French organist and composer (b. 1837)
1912 – Henry Robertson Bowers, Scottish lieutenant and explorer (b. 1883)
1912 – Robert Falcon Scott, English lieutenant and explorer (b. 1868)
1912 – Edward Adrian Wilson, English physician and explorer (b. 1872)
1924 – Charles Villiers Stanford, Irish composer and conductor (b. 1852)
1934 – Otto Hermann Kahn, German-American banker and philanthropist (b. 1867)
1937 – Karol Szymanowski, Polish pianist and composer (b. 1882)
1940 – Alexander Obolensky, Russian-English rugby player and soldier (b. 1916)
1948 – Harry Price, English parapsychologist and author (b. 1881)
1957 – Joyce Cary, Anglo-Irish novelist (b. 1888)
1959 – Barth&#233;lemy Boganda, African priest and politician, 1st Prime Minister of the Central African Republic (b. 1910)
1963 – Gaspard Fauteux, Canadian dentist and politician, 19th Lieutenant Governor of Quebec (b. 1898)
1963 – August Rei, Estonian soldier, journalist, and politician, 12th Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs (b. 1886)
1970 – Anna Louise Strong, American journalist and author (b. 1885)
1971 – Dhirendranath Datta, Pakistani lawyer and politician (b. 1886)
1972 – J. Arthur Rank, English businessman, founded Rank Organisation (b. 1888)
1980 – Mantovani, Italian-English conductor and composer (b. 1905)
1981 – Eric Williams, Trinidadian historian and politician, 1st Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago (b. 1911)
1982 – Walter Hallstein, German academic and politician, 1st President of the European Commission (b. 1901)
1982 – Carl Orff, German composer and educator (b. 1895)
1982 – Nathan Farragut Twining, American general (b. 1897)
1985 – Luther Terry, American physician and academic, 9th Surgeon General of the United States (b. 1911)
1988 – Maurice Blackburn, Canadian composer and conductor (b. 1914)
1988 – Ted Kluszewski, American baseball player and coach (b. 1924)
1991 – Guy Bourdin, French photographer (b. 1928)
1992 – Paul Henreid, American actor (b. 1908)
1994 – Bill Travers, English actor, director, and screenwriter (b. 1922)
1995 – Mort Meskin, American illustrator (b. 1916)
1995 – Terry Moore, American baseball player and coach (b. 1912)
1996 – Frank Daniel, Czech-American director, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1926)
1996 – Bill Goldsworthy, Canadian ice hockey player (b. 1944)
1997 – Hans-Walter Eigenbrodt, German footballer and coach (b. 1935)
1999 – Gyula Zsengell&#233;r, Hungarian footballer (b. 1915)
1999 – Joe Williams, American jazz singer (b. 1918)
2001 – Helge Ingstad, Norwegian lawyer, academic, and explorer (b. 1899)
2001 – John Lewis, American pianist and composer (b. 1920)
2003 – Carlo Urbani, Italian physician and microbiologist (b. 1956)
2004 – Lise de Baissac, Mauritian-born SOE agent, war hero (b. 1905)[10]
2004 – Joel Feinberg, American philosopher and academic (b. 1926)
2005 – Miltos Sachtouris, Greek poet and author (b. 1919)
2006 – Salvador Elizondo, Mexican author and poet (b. 1932)
2007 – Larry L'Estrange, English rugby player and soldier (b. 1934)
2009 – Vladimir Fedotov, Russian footballer and manager (b. 1943)
2009 – Andy Hallett, American actor and singer (b. 1975)
2011 – &#194;ngelo de Sousa, Portuguese painter and sculptor (b. 1938)
2011 – Iakovos Kambanellis, Greek author, poet, playwright, and screenwriter (b. 1921)
2012 – Pap Cheyassin Secka, Gambian lawyer and politician (b. 1942)
2012 – Bill Jenkins, American race car driver and engineer (b. 1930)
2013 – Reginald Gray, Irish-French painter (b. 1930)
2013 – Brian Huggins, English-Canadian journalist and actor (b. 1931)
2013 – Liu Kang, Chinese footballer and manager (b. 1961)
2013 – Ralph Klein, Canadian journalist and politician, 12th Premier of Alberta (b. 1942)
2013 – Art Phillips, Canadian businessman and politician, 32nd Mayor of Vancouver (b. 1930)
2014 – Marc Platt, American actor and dancer (b. 1913)
2014 – Ruth A. M. Schmidt, American geologist and paleontologist (b. 1916)
2015 – William Delafield Cook, Australian-English painter (b. 1926)
2015 – Gerry Hardstaff, English cricketer (b. 1940)
2016 – Patty Duke, American actress (b. 1946)
2017 – Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov, Russian physicist (b. 1928)
2019 – Agn&#232;s Varda, French film director (b. 1928)
Holidays and observances
Christian feast day:
Eustace of Luxeuil
Hans Nielsen Hauge (Lutheran)
John Keble (commemoration, Anglicanism)
March 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Earliest day on which the Octave Day of Easter can fall, while May 2 is the latest; observed on the Sunday after Easter. (Christianity)
Boganda Day (Central African Republic)
Commemoration of the 1947 Rebellion (Madagascar)
National Vietnam War Veterans Day (United States of America)
Day of the Young Combatant (Chile)
Youth Day (Taiwan)

Markham, Clements (1906). "The Crowning Victory of Towton". Richard III: His Life and Character. London, United Kingdom: Smith, Elder & Co. p. 37.
"Sunbeam land speed engine restored".
"Bert Bliss". archive.mehstg.com. Retrieved 20 March 2020.
Piszkiewicz, Dennis (1997). From Nazi Test Pilot to Hitler's Bunker: The Fantastic Flights of Hanna Reitsch. Westport: Praeger. p. 3. ISBN 978-0-27595-456-7.
"Tommy Holmes | Society for American Baseball Research". sabr.org. Retrieved 4 June 2020.
"Pearl Bailey | American entertainer". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 4 June 2020.
"Fernando Amorebieta". soccerbase.com. Retrieved 19 March 2020.
"Lyle Taylor Stats, News, Bio". ESPN. Retrieved 4 June 2020.
"Thorgan Hazard Stats, News, Bio". ESPN. Retrieved 4 June 2020.
Fenton, Anthony Taunton (2004-06-01). "Obituary: Lise Villameur". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2019-08-04.
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to March 29.
BBC: On This Day
The New York Times: On This Day
Historical Events on March 29
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Related: List of non-standard dates
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This article is about the month. For organized walking forward, see Marching. For other uses, see March (disambiguation).
"Mar." redirects here. For other uses, see MAR.
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March is the third month of the year and named after Mars in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It is the second of seven months to have a length of 31 days. In the Northern Hemisphere, the meteorological beginning of spring occurs on the first day of March. The March equinox on the 20 or 21 marks the astronomical beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, where September is the seasonal equivalent of the Northern Hemisphere's March.

March begins on the same day of the week as November and ends on the same day of the week as June every year. It begins on the same day of the week as February in common years only. In years preceding common years, it begins and ends on the same day of the week as August of the following year and ends on the same day of the week as November of the following year and in years preceding leap years, it begins and ends on the same day of the week as May of the following year. In common years, it begins on the same day of the week as June of the previous year and in leap years, September and December of the previous year. In common years, March ends on the same day of the week as September of the previous year and in leap years, April and December of the previous year.[1]


March, from the Tr&#232;s Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, a book of prayers to be said at canonical hours
The name of March comes from Martius, the first month of the earliest Roman calendar. It was named after Mars, the Roman god of war, and an ancestor of the Roman people through his sons Romulus and Remus. His month Martius was the beginning of the season for warfare,[2] and the festivals held in his honor during the month were mirrored by others in October, when the season for these activities came to a close.[3] Martius remained the first month of the Roman calendar year perhaps as late as 153 BC,[4] and several religious observances in the first half of the month were originally new year's celebrations.[5] Even in late antiquity, Roman mosaics picturing the months sometimes still placed March first.[6]

March 1 began the numbered year in Russia until the end of the 15th century. Great Britain and its colonies continued to use March 25 until 1752, when they finally adopted the Gregorian calendar (the fiscal year in the UK continues to begin on 6 April, initially identical to 25 March in the former Julian calendar). Many other cultures and religions still celebrate the beginning of the New Year in March.

March is the first month of spring in the Northern Hemisphere (North America, Europe, Asia and part of Africa) and the first month of fall or autumn in the Southern Hemisphere (South America, part of Africa, and Oceania).

Ancient Roman observances celebrated in March include Agonium Martiale, celebrated on March 1, March 14, and March 17, Matronalia, celebrated on March 1, Junonalia, celebrated on March 7, Equirria, celebrated on March 14, Mamuralia, celebrated on either March 14 or March 15, Hilaria on March 15 and then through March 22–28, Argei, celebrated on March 16–17, Liberalia and Bacchanalia, celebrated March 17, Quinquatria, celebrated March 19–23, and Tubilustrium, celebrated March 23. These dates do not correspond to the modern Gregorian calendar.

Other names
In Finnish, the month is called maaliskuu, which is believed to originate from maallinen kuu, during March, earth finally becomes visible under the snow (other etymological theories have however been put forward). In Ukrainian, the month is called березень/berezen&#697;, meaning birch tree, and b&#345;ezen in Czech. Historical names for March include the Saxon Lentmonat, named after the March equinox and gradual lengthening of days, and the eventual namesake of Lent. Saxons also called March Rhed-monat or Hreth-monath (deriving from their goddess Rhedam/Hreth), and Angles called it Hyld-monath.

In Slovene, the traditional name is su&#353;ec, meaning the month when the earth becomes dry enough so that it is possible to cultivate it. The name was first written in 1466 in the &#352;kofja Loka manuscript. Other names were used too, for example brezen and breznik, "the month of birches".[7] The Turkish word Mart is given after the name of Mars the god.

March symbols

The Daffodil, the floral emblem of March
Aquamarine gemstones
Aquamarine gemstones
Polished bloodstones
Polished bloodstones
March's birthstones are aquamarine and bloodstone. These stones symbolize courage.
Its birth flower is the daffodil.[8]
The zodiac signs for the month of March were Pisces (until March 19, 2020) and Aries (March 20, 2020 onwards).[9][10]
March observances
This list does not necessarily imply either official status nor general observance.

Month-long observances
In Catholic tradition, March is the Month of Saint Joseph.
Endometriosis Awareness Month (International observance)
National Nutrition Month (Canada)
Season for Nonviolence: January 30 – April 4 (International observance)
Women's History Month (Australia, United Kingdom, United States)
United States
Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month[11]
Irish-American Heritage Month
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
Music in our Schools Month
National Athletic Training Month
National Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month
National Celery Month
National Frozen Food Month
National Kidney Month
National Nutrition Month
National Professional Social Work Month
National Reading Awareness Month
Youth Art Month
National Ladder Safety Month
Non-Gregorian observances, 2020
(All Baha'i, Islamic, and Jewish observances begin at the sundown prior to the date listed, and end at sundown of the date in question unless otherwise noted.)

List of observances set by the Bah&#225;'&#237; calendar
List of observances set by the Chinese calendar
List of observances set by the Hebrew calendar
List of observances set by the Islamic calendar
List of observances set by the Solar Hijri calendar
Movable observances: 2020
List of movable Eastern Christian observances
List of movable Western Christian observances
National Corndog Day (United States): March 21
Equal Pay Day (United States): March 31
First Sunday: March 1
Children's Day (New Zealand)
Second week: March 1–7
Global Money Week
School day closest to March 2: March 2
Read Across America Day
First Monday: March 2
Casimir Pulaski Day (United States)
First Tuesday: March 3
Grandmother's Day (France)
First Thursday: March 5
World Book Day (UK and Ireland)
World Maths Day
First Friday: March 6
Employee Appreciation Day (United States, Canada)
Second Sunday: March 8
Daylight saving time begins (United States and Canada)
Week of March 8: March 8–14
Women of Aviation Worldwide Week
Monday closest to March 9, unless March 9 falls on a Saturday: March 9
Baron Bliss Day (Belize)
Second Monday: March 9
Canberra Day (Australia)
Commonwealth Day (Commonwealth of Nations)
Second Wednesday: March 11
Decoration Day (Liberia)
No Smoking Day (United Kingdom)
Second Thursday: March 12
World Kidney Day
Friday of the 13th of month: March 13
Friday the 13th
Friday of the second full week of March: March 13
World Sleep Day
Third week in March: March 15–21
National Poison Prevention Week (United States)
Third Monday: March 16
Birthday of Benito Juarez (Mexico)
March 19th, unless the 19th is a Sunday, then March 20: March 19
Feast of Joseph of Nazareth (Western Christianity)
Father's Day (Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Honduras, and Bolivia)
Las Fallas, celebrated on the week leading to March 19. (Valencia)
"Return of the Swallow", annual observance of the swallows' return to Mission San Juan Capistrano in California.
Third Wednesday: March 18
National Festival of Trees (Netherlands)
March equinox: March 20
Nowruz, The Persian new year. (Observed Internationally)
Chunfen (East Asia)
D&#237;sabl&#243;t (some Asatru groups)
Earth Equinox Day
Equinox of the Gods/New Year (Thelema)
Higan (Japan)
International Astrology Day
Mabon (Southern Hemisphere) (Neo-paganism)
Ostara (Northern Hemisphere) (Neo-paganism)
Shunbun no Hi (Japan)
Sigrbl&#243;t (The Troth)
Summer Finding (Asatru Free Assembly)
Sun-Earth Day (United States)
Vernal Equinox Day/K&#333;reisai (Japan)
World Storytelling Day
Fourth Monday: March 23
Labour Day (Christmas Island, Australia)
Fourth Tuesday: March 24
American Diabetes Alert Day (United States)
Last Saturday: March 28
Earth Hour (International observance)[12]
Last Sunday: March 29
European Summer Time begins
Last Monday: March 30
Seward's Day (Alaska, United States)
Fixed observances
March 1 (M-01)
Baba Marta (Bulgaria),
Beer Day (Iceland)
Commemoration of Mustafa Barzani's Death (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Heroes' Day (Paraguay)
Independence Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
M&#259;r&#539;i&#537;or (Romania and Moldavia)
National Peanut Butter Day (United States)
National Pig Day (United States)
Remembrance Day (Marshall Islands)
Saint David's Day (Wales)
Samiljeol (South Korea)
Self-injury Awareness Day (International observance)
World Civil Defence Day
March 2 (M-02)
National Banana Creme Pie Day (United States)
National Reading Day (United States)
Omizu-okuri ("Water Carrying") Festival (Obama, Japan)
Peasant's Day (Burma)
Texas Independence Day (Texas, United States)
Victory at Adwa Day (Ethiopia)
March 3 (M-03)
Hinamatsuri (Japan)
Liberation Day (Bulgaria)
Martyr's Day (Malawi)
Mother's Day (Georgia)
National Canadian Bacon Day (United States)
Sportsmen's Day (Egypt)
What if Cats & Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day
World Wildlife Day
March 4 (M-04)
National Grammar Day (United States)
St Casimir's Day (Poland and Lithuania)
March 5 (M-05)
Custom Chief's Day (Vanuatu)
Day of Physical Culture and Sport (Azerbaijan)
Learn from Lei Feng Day (China)
National Absinthe Day (United States)
National Cheez Doodle Day (United States)
St Piran's Day (Cornwall)
March 6 (M-06)
European Day of the Righteous ( Europe)
Foundation Day (Norfolk Island)
Independence Day (Ghana)
March 7 (M-07)
Liberation of Sulaymaniyah (Iraqi Kurdistan)
National Crown Roast of Pork Day (United States)
Teacher's Day (Albania)
March 8 (M-08)
International Women's Day
International Women's Collaboration Brew Day
Mother's Day (primarily Eastern Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet bloc)
National Peanut Cluster Day (United States)
National Potato Salad Day (United States)
March 9 (M-09)
National Crabmeat Day (United States)
National Meatball Day (United States)
Panic Day
Teachers' Day (Lebanon)
March 10 (M-10)
Harriet Tubman Day (United States of America)
Holocaust Remembrance Day (Bulgaria)
Hote Matsuri (Shiogama, Japan)
National Blueberry Popover Day Day (United States)
National Mario Day (United States)
National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (United States)
Tibetan Uprising Day (Tibetan independence movement)
March 11 (M-11)
Day of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania
Johnny Appleseed Day (United States)
Moshoeshoe Day (Lesotho)
Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day (United States)
March 12 (M-12)
Arbor Day (China)
Arbor Day (Taiwan)
Aztec New Year
Girl Scout Birthday (United States)
National Baked Scallops Day (United States)
National Day (Mauritius)
Tree Day (North Macedonia)
World Day Against Cyber Censorship
Youth Day (Zambia)
March 13 (M-13)
Anniversary of the election of Pope Francis (Vatican City)
Kasuga Matsuri (Kasuga Grand Shrine, Nara, Japan)
L. Ron Hubbard's birthday (Scientology)
Liberation of Duhok City (Iraqi Kurdistan)
National Coconut Torte Day (United States)
March 14 (M-14)
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week March 14 to March 20 (United States)
Pi Day
White Day (Asia)
March 15 (M-15)
H&#333;nen Matsuri (Japan)
International Day Against Police Brutality
J. J. Roberts' Birthday (Liberia)
National Brutus Day (United States)
National Day (Hungary)
True Confessions Day
World Consumer Rights Day
World Contact Day
World Day of Muslim Culture, Peace, Dialogue and Film
World Speech Day
Youth Day (Palau)
March 16 (M-16)
Day of the Book Smugglers (Lithuania)
Remembrance day of the Latvian legionnaires (Latvia)
Halabja Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Lips Appreciation Day
Saint Urho's Day (Finnish Americans and Finnish Canadians)
March 17 (M-17)
Children's Day (Bangladesh)
Evacuation Day (Massachusetts) (Suffolk County, Massachusetts)
Saint Patrick's Day (Ireland, Irish diaspora)
March 18 (M-18)
Anniversary of the Oil Expropriation (Mexico)
Flag Day (Aruba)
Forgive Mom and Dad Day
Gallipoli Memorial Day (Turkey)
Men's and Soldiers' Day (Mongolia)
Teacher's Day (Syria)
March 19 (M-19)
Kashubian Unity Day (Poland)
Minna Canth's Birthday (Finland)
March 20 (M-20)
Feast of the Supreme Ritual (Thelema)
Great American Meatout (United States)
International Day of Happiness (United Nations)
Independence Day (Tunisia)
International Francophonie Day (Organisation internationale de la Francophonie), and its related observance:
UN French Language Day (United Nations)
Liberation of Kirkuk City (Iraqi Kurdistan)
National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (United States)
World Sparrow Day
March 21 (M-21)
Arbor Day (Portugal)
Birth of Benito Ju&#225;rez, a Fiestas Patrias (Mexico)
Harmony Day (Australia)
Human Rights Day (South Africa)
Independence Day (Namibia)
International Colour Day (International observance)
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (International observance)
International Day of Forests (International observance)
Mother's Day (most of the Arab world)
National Tree Planting Day (Lesotho)
Truant's Day (Poland, Faroe Islands)
World Down Syndrome Day (International observance)
World Poetry Day (International observance)
World Puppetry Day (International observance)
Youth Day (Tunisia)
March 22 (M-22)
As Young As You Feel Day
Emancipation Day (Puerto Rico)
World Water Day
March 23 (M-23)
Day of the Sea (Bolivia)
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Day (Azerbaijan)
National Chips and Dip Day (United States)
Pakistan Day (Pakistan)
Promised Messiah Day (Ahmadiyya)
World Meteorological Day
March 24 (M-24)
Commonwealth Covenant Day (Northern Mariana Islands, United States)
Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice (Argentina)
Day of National Revolution (Kyrgyzstan)
International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims (United Nations)
National Tree Planting Day (Uganda)
Student Day (Scientology)
World Tuberculosis Day
March 25 (M-25)
Anniversary of the Arengo and the Feast of the Militants (San Marino)
Cultural Workers Day (Russia)
Empress Menen's Birthday (Rastafari)
EU Talent Day (European Union)
Feast of the Annunciation (Christianity), and its related observances:
Lady Day (United Kingdom) (see Quarter Days)
International Day of the Unborn Child (international)
Mother's Day (Slovenia)
Waffle Day (Sweden)
Freedom Day (Belarus)
International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members (United Nations General Assembly)
Maryland Day (Maryland, United States)
Revolution Day (Greece)
Struggle for Human Rights Day (Slovakia)
Tolkien Reading Day (Tolkien fandom)
March 26 (M-26)
Independence Day (Bangladesh)
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
Martyr's Day or Day of Democracy (Mali)
Prince K&#363;hi&#333; Day (Hawaii, United States)
Purple Day (Canada and United States)
March 27 (M-27)
Armed Forces Day (Myanmar)
International whisk(e)y day
Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day
World Theatre Day (International)
March 28 (M-28)
Commemoration of Sen no Riky&#363; (Schools of Japanese tea ceremony)
Serfs Emancipation Day (Tibet)
Teachers' Day (Czech Republic and Slovakia)
March 29 (M-29)
Boganda Day (Central African Republic)
Commemoration of the 1947 Rebellion (Madagascar)
Day of the Young Combatant (Chile)
Youth Day (Taiwan)
March 30 (M-30)
Land Day (Palestine)
National Doctors' Day (United States)
Spiritual Baptist/Shouter Liberation Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
World Idli Day
March 31 (M-31)
C&#233;sar Ch&#225;vez Day (United States)
Culture Day (Public holidays in the Federated States of Micronesia)
Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis (Azerbaijan)
Freedom Day (Malta)
International Transgender Day of Visibility
King Nangklao Memorial Day (Thailand)
National Backup Day (United States)
National Clams on the Half Shell Day (United States)
Thomas Mundy Peterson Day (New Jersey, United States)
Transfer Day (US Virgin Islands)
"The Month of March". Retrieved 2020-03-08.
Mary Beard, John North, and Simon Price, Religions of Rome (Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp. 47–48 and 53.
Michael Lipka, Roman Gods: A Conceptual Approach (Brill, 2009), p. 37. The views of Georg Wissowa on the festivals of Mars framing the military campaigning season are summarized by C. Bennett Pascal, "October Horse," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 85 (1981), p. 264, with bibliography.
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981), p. 84; Gary Forsythe, Time in Roman Religion: One Thousand Years of Religious History (Routledge, 2012), p. 14 (on the uncertainty of when the change occurred).
Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic, p. 85ff.
A&#239;cha Ben Abed, Tunisian Mosaics: Treasures from Roman Africa (Getty Publications, 2006), p. 113.
"Koledar prireditev v letu 2007 in druge informacije ob&#269;ine Dobrova–Polhov Gradec" [The Calendar of Events and Other Information of the Municipality of Dobrova–Polhov Gradec] (PDF) (in Slovenian). Municipality of Dobrova-Polhov Gradec. 2006. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-11-02.
"March Birth Flower : Flower Meaning".
The Earth passed the junction of the signs at 03:49 UT/GMT March 20, 2020, and will pass it again at 09:37 UT/GMT March 20, 2021.
"Astrology Calendar", yourzodiacsign. Signs in UT/GMT for 1950–2030.
"National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month – UCP". ucp.org.
"Homepage". 2 February 2018.
External links
Wikiquote has quotations related to: March
Look up March in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to March.
Wikisource has the text of a 1911 Encyclop&#230;dia Britannica article about March.
Answers article on the seasons
Months and days of the year
Today: November 8, 2020
Related: List of non-standard dates
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* ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 07:24
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 07:35
. * MY LETTERS Предупреждение siropino   18.01.21 12:57
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. * MY LETTERS Предупреждение siropino   18.01.21 12:59
. * ЧИТАЛНЯ ЗА Blackeyes Предупреждение siropino   18.01.21 13:00
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 07:46
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 07:51
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 07:53
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 07:58
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 08:04
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 08:05
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 08:19
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 08:20
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение smocker77   08.11.20 08:19
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 08:32
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 08:35
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 08:42
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 08:51
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 08:55
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 09:07
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 09:14
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 09:17
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 09:21
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 09:34
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 09:38
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 09:42
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 09:45
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 10:27
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 10:34
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 10:37
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 11:04
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 11:06
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   08.11.20 11:10
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 04:21
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 04:31
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 05:17
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 05:40
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 06:04
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 06:52
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 07:18
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 07:41
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 07:52
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 08:14
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 08:18
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 08:32
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 08:59
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 09:05
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 09:22
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 09:39
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 10:10
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 10:29
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   09.11.20 10:51
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   11.11.20 01:18
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   11.11.20 01:29
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   11.11.20 02:53
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   11.11.20 03:02
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   11.11.20 03:06
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   11.11.20 03:07
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение antiladi77   11.11.20 03:16
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes - за селянинъt antiladi77   11.11.20 03:16
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes - за селянинъt antiladi77   27.11.20 14:30
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение smocker77   21.11.20 16:32
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение kkrekk   27.11.20 15:50
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение kkrekk   27.11.20 22:01
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ kkrekk   28.11.20 09:17
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ kkrekk   01.12.20 18:55
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение kkrekk   27.11.20 21:48
. * КОПИЕ НА ТЕЧАТА НА ЧЕРНОГЛАВ kkrekk   27.11.20 21:57
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение kkrekk   06.12.20 12:38
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение funy77   18.12.20 12:16
. * ЧИТАЛНЯ - за постинги на група77 smocker77   22.12.20 17:40
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - за постинги на група77 smocker77   22.12.20 17:50
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - за постинги на група77 smocker77   23.12.20 10:07
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - за постинги на група77 smocker77   23.12.20 16:01
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - за постинги на група77 smocker77   24.12.20 08:47
. * ЧИТАЛНЯ - не ОФФ постинги на група77 smocker77   24.12.20 09:24
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - не ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   24.12.20 20:10
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - не ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   25.12.20 13:48
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - не ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   25.12.20 15:35
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - не ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   25.12.20 21:44
. * ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   27.12.20 05:02
. * Re: ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   28.12.20 00:15
. * Re: ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   28.12.20 00:18
. * Re: ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   28.12.20 00:23
. * не ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   29.12.20 10:21
. * Re: не ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   29.12.20 10:24
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - не ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   05.01.21 10:08
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - не ОФФ постинги на група77 funy77   07.01.21 21:11
. * ЧИТАЛНЯ - не ОФФ постинги на група77 siropino   13.01.21 00:25
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - не ОФФ постинги на група77 siropino   15.01.21 11:47
. * ЧИТАЛНЯ - за постинги на група77 siropino   18.01.21 13:07
. * ЧИТАЛНЯ - за постинги на група77 siropino   06.02.21 06:16
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение funy77   25.12.20 12:26
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение funy77   25.12.20 12:34
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение funy77   25.12.20 13:17
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на фъни77 Предупреждение funy77   06.01.21 02:46
. * тема на фъни77 Предупреждение siropino   18.01.21 06:42
. * Tема на funy77 warning* siropino   18.01.21 06:44
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение siropino   12.01.21 05:36
. * ЧИТАЛНЯ*Предупреждение siropino   18.01.21 06:39
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - Формула 1. siropino   12.01.21 08:18
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - Формула 1. siropino   12.01.21 08:57
. * ЧИТАЛНЯ - Формула 1. siropino   18.01.21 06:40
. * ЧИТАЛНЯ Предупреждение siropino   18.01.21 06:37
. * WARNING! siropino   18.01.21 06:45
. * THEME ANTILADI77 HOT WARNING! siropino   18.01.21 06:47
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - тема на Blackeyes Предупреждение siropino   18.01.21 14:07
. * Re: ЧИТАЛНЯ - ИЗПОВЕД 1мула 1. siropino   21.01.21 09:10
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