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Тема Заглавие: A Story on the INTIFADA
АвторCTИBH д-p Д ЧOЛИ (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано03.11.02 00:07  

Заглавие: A Story on the INTIFADA
Автор: mario dolores
Дата: 01.11.2002 - 17:20


A Story on the INTIFADA


img src=
<img src=http://www.hizbollah.tv/arabic/picarchive/resistance/intifada/graphics/int0910.jpg>

- The second Intifada began and continues in this fall-time, 2000... What is
your observation and opinion on Intifada?
- Imperialism, and Zionism (Jewish Fascism) Will Be Defeated In The Middle East!
US imperialism wish to speed up the process and stabilise the "New Order in
the Middle East" as soon as possible. One of the major parts of the
imperialist plan in the Middle East is to eliminate the struggle of the
Palestinian people for liberation, their right for an independent country,
their demand to return to their own land and their dream of Jerusalem.
According to this, the first target is the organisations that are for armed
struggle and the revolutionary dynamics of the Palestinian people. And once
again the response of the Palestinian people to the "New World Order" of
imperialism is "Fight Until Liberation! Fight Until Victory!"
- I agree with you!.. Imperialism has stepped up its practices in the Middle
East. There were
plenty of engagements. Almost every day we heard or read the news about
these engagements of Arafat, Assad, Barak, Hezbollah and Palestinian
organisations. Terms like "peace", "peacekeeper", "peaceful" etc. were
widely used by the media. Misinformation reached a peak. The "Muslim" and
"supporter of the Palestinians" (!) oligarchy in other countries worldwide and
its media were
launching campaigns to explain "Israel's love of peace" for those Muslims
"who cannot understand". This campaign has been taking place in the Middle
East more effectively and in an advanced form, since the target of such a
"peace" is the Middle East. The murderer Barak was called "the dove of
peace" by his media and collaborators, and imperialism wishes to invest in
him. Through this way their plans will be stepped up. The collaborator Arab
regimes and the oligarchy in false demorcasies of Western were helping to
advertise him in this
way with all their might. Also, the petit bourgeois nationalists supported
them, as a result of their ideological and political defeat.
Despite everything, the barriers to the Palestinian revolution are not
insuperable. The Palestinian people and its struggle carry this dynamic.
This was proven during decades of boycotts, strikes, in the prisons, during
the uprisings, in the camps. The people have learned to endure pain, they
have learned to stand up to horrors. A new-born Palestinian is confronted by
the occupation of his or her land, or with the reality that he is close to
his land , but also far away. He has to live with the pain that he is
without a homeland. Even before he can walk, he resists, and before he
learns how to say daddy or mummy, he learns the slogan "Revolution until
victory". Stones and slings used against the enemy are his toys. The future
generals of the Palestinian revolution grew up with feelings of hatred and
revenge against Zionism and capitalism. Such a people possess the potential
which will lead them to victory. The uprising in the occupied zones, going
on for months now, is clear proof. The Palestinian people are fighting the
weapons, the tanks and gas grenades of the Israeli soldiers, with stones,
slings and slogans. Young or old, seven or seventy, all take part in a
sacrificial uprising against the occupiers. The cruelties by Israel are
witnessed by millions on television screens. Since the beginning of the
uprising, dozens of Palestinians have been murdered, many more are wounded.
Israel, once again, has shown to the rest of the world their understanding
of "peace".
- This uprising is also a response to the betrayal of the Arab nonchalanses.
is the response of the Palestinian people to imperialism, Zionism and their
collaborators. Victory in the Middle East will belong to the Palestinians
and the peoples of the Middle East. The imperialists and its collaborators,
the Zionist satellit state ZOG, and the reactionary Arab states will not escape
just end. They will be thrown in the dustbin of history by the peoples of
the Middle East. The Working Class all over the world will take their
responsibility in
this struggle as well and stand beside the Middle East with international
- I believe that Imperialism, and Zionism (Jewish Fascism) will be Defeated in
The Middle East, too!
- What are the Communist Parties of Middle East thinking on Intifada?
- They declared common appeal in 2001... The undersigning Arab Communist
Parties address Communist, Workers and Progressive Parties and Freedom -Loving
Groups all over the world to assist the Palestinian Intifada by taking actions
that would enforce the Israeli government headed by well-known butcher Sharon to
stop the on-going massacres committed every day.

It is clear now that Israel, in defence of international legitimacy and basic
human rights, is indulging more and more in extreme violence and excessive
brutality to stop the Intifada, which is a peaceful struggle against occupation.

The every day scenes of the brutal Israeli practices include shooting of
children, women and elders, intruding upon, bombing and shelling Palestinian
cities, villages and refugee camps from the ground, the sky and the sea,
demolishing of houses, uprooting trees, assassination of the Intifada activists,
and sabotaging the economy through closure, blockade and isolation to cause
hunger, unemployment and extreme poverty.

All these crimes are committed to force the Palestinian people to surrender and
stop the struggle against the Israeli occupation. The Palestinians, on the other
hand, are determined to keep on the struggle for their legitimate rights that
include the establishment of their independent state with East Jerusalem as its
capital, the abolishment of the colonial settlements founded in the occupied
lands, the intervention of the UN to stop the on-going crimes of the Israeli
government and the provision of international protection forces.

Moreover, Sharon and his military aides should face prosecution in international

The unprecedented crimes against the Palestinian people are supported by the US
Administration, which id backing the Israeli aggressors through providing them
and allowing them to use the most sophisticated and destructive weapons.

What is going on is a massacre against humanity and could be stopped by
solidarity and collaborative efforts of the freedom-loving groups, the
progressive forces, and anti-Fascist activists.

We call upon all you to exert pressure to stop the on-going massacre against the
Palestinian people. This needs immediate actions through:
- Organising sit-in strikes, rallies, demonstrations, protest activities against
the Israeli and the US embassies to condemn the policy of Sharon and his
supporters in the US Administration.
- Mobilising the peace-loving forces to participate in protest actions against
the ZOG-Zionist Occupational Gang crimes.
- Wonderful!.. We agree with you, Comrade!..


отговори на mario dolores

Мнения по тема: A Story on the INTIFADA

Тема Автор Дата
A Story on the INTIFADA mario dolores 01.11.2002 - 17:20


img src=
<img src=http://www.hizbollah.tv/arabic/picarchive/resistance/intifada/graphics/int0910.jpg>
2 НОЕМВРИ 2002

Цялата тема
* Заглавие: A Story on the INTIFADA CTИBH д-p Д ЧOЛИ   03.11.02 00:07
. * A Story oф the INTIFADA funy77   06.01.21 06:58
. * Стивън или Стеф е ни при чем funy77   06.01.21 08:32
. * Re: Заглавие: A Story on the INTIFADA siropino   13.01.21 04:16
. * Пише се Джордж Сорос siropino   13.01.21 09:08
. * Re: Заглавие: A Story on the INTIFADA siropino   13.01.21 09:06
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