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Тема Seven Years
АвторSollog (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано30.12.01 21:36  

Seven Years

January 1st 2002 is the seven-year anniversary of the discovery of the Point of Creation Formula.

March 21st 2002 is the seven-year anniversary of the revelation of the Creator Formula, the mathematical proof of GOD!

On New Years Day seven years heretofore, I started prophesying to warn the world of what was near, it was done in order to save the few that were chosen from the eldritch seven years that shall now follow.

For seven years I foretold where and when divers quakes then occurred.

For seven years I augured where and when famous deaths then betided.

For seven years I portended where and when major acts of terrorism then ensued.

For the next seven years terrorism and war shall rule this sphere to a degree that has never been seen before.

Many millions of humans shall die horrific deaths in the coming seven years.

On New Years Eve 2001 terrorism shall cause many to lay slain in the streets of various consequential cities around the world such as in New York City.

On January 1st 2002 a magnitude 7.0+ quake shall occur.

On March 21st 2002 a magnitude 7.0+ quake shall occur.

Massive quakes and mighty hurricanes shall strike numerous ample urban areas throughout the next seven years killing a vast myriad of humans.

Nuclear Terrorism shall make cities obsolete.

Biological Terrorism shall make cities obsolescent.

Seven years of terror and war shall make cities regions of anarchy and archaic ruins.

On New Years Eve 2001 the seven-year reign of the utmost pernicious and iniquitous terrorism and war shall commence.

I AM the word of ONE

I AM the word of the ONE above

I AM Sollog Immanuel Adonai-Adoni

Цялата тема
* Seven Years Sollog   30.12.01 21:36
. * Re: По дяволите! Изпитaнa мapka   31.12.01 00:27
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