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Тема Ноември [re: ~quo vadis]
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Публикувано05.07.08 12:54  

1 November - last day of the Ludi Victoriae Sullanae

4 November - start of the Ludi Plebeii

8 November - Mundus patet: a harvest feast involving the dead

13 November - Iovis epulum; feast of Feronia

14 November - Equorum Probatio (The official cavalry parade of the equites)

An equestrian (Latin eques, plural equites - also known as a vir egregius, lit. "excellent man" from the 2nd century AD onwards) was a member of one of the two upper social classes in the Roman Republic and early Roman Empire. This social class is often translated as "knight" or "chevalier" (French). However, this translation is not literal, since medieval knights relied on their martial skills, the physical power of their horse and armour to support their position, while the connection of Roman equestrians to horses had become more symbolic even in the early days of the Republic. The social position of medieval knights and Roman equestrians, however, was essentially the same: they were the Roman equivalent to Medieval nobility. The Roman tax farming system shared many similarities with medieval feudalism without actually being identical, due to inherent differences in the social structure and the level of central government.

The equites were the Roman middle class between the upper class of patricians and the lower class of plebians. The distinguishing mark of the equestrian class was a gold ring (that of the patrician was of iron) and narrow black band on the tunic.

15 November

Festival in honor of Feronia

Feronia was a marginal rural goddess in Roman religion, to whom woods and springs were sacred, and a more important goddess among the Latins.
Many versions of Feronia’s cult have been supposed, and it is not quite clear that she was only one goddess or had only one function in ancient times. It seems certain that Feronia originated as a Latin, rather than Etruscan goddess.

Some Latins believed Feronia to be a harvest goddess, and honoured her with the harvest firstfruits in order to secure a good harvest the following year.

Feronia also served as a goddess of travellers, fire, and waters.

Slaves regarded Feronia as a goddess of freedom, and believed that sitting on a holy stone in one of her sanctuaries would set them free.

Erylus, king in Praeneste, was Feronia’s son, according to a tradition recorded by Virgil. In a different tradition, her son was the underworld god Herulus.

Feronia had a temple at the base of Mt. Soracte in Capena; this Lucus Feroniae (Fiano Romano) was the site (locus) of a grove sacred to her in which took place an annual festival in her honour, which was in the nature of a trade fair, whose participants were protected by the sacred nature of the grove. The place, in the territory of Capena in southwestern Etruria, was plundered of its gold and silver by Hannibal's retreating troops in 211 BCE, when he turned aside from the Via Salaria to visit the sanctuary; later it became an Augustan colonia, testified to by a single inscription, copied in a manuscript of the rule of the Farfa Abbey as colonia Iulia Felix Lucoferonensis

Another important site was in Anxur (Terracina, southern Latium), where Servius recorded a marriage of Iuppiter Anxur and Feronia and one on the Campus Martius in the center of Rome, in what is now Largo di Torre Argentina. According to another tradition, some slaves who had just been freed would go to the temple at Terracina and receive upon their shaved heads the pileus, a hat that symbolized their liberty.

18 November - day 1 Dios dedicated to the sun god by emperor Licinius

24 November

Brumalia (a wine festival) were celebrated from this day until the winter solstice

In Roman festivals, the Brumalia was a feast of Bacchus, celebrated during the space of thirty days, commencing on November 24. It was instituted by Romulus, who entertained the Senate during this time. During this feast, prophetic indications were taken of the prospects for the remaining part of the winter.

Цялата тема
* Празници и ритуали в Римската империя ~quo vadis   05.07.08 08:41
. * Април ~quo vadis   05.07.08 09:31
. * Re: Април Capa_   05.07.08 09:51
. * Re: Април ~quo vadis   05.07.08 10:04
. * Май ~quo vadis   05.07.08 09:56
. * Юни ~quo vadis   05.07.08 10:24
. * Ноември ~quo vadis   05.07.08 12:54
. * Декември ~quo vadis   05.07.08 13:22
. * Януари ~quo vadis   05.07.08 15:27
. * Още допълнения... ~quo vadis   05.07.08 16:24
. * Re: Още допълнения... ThunderGoddess   05.07.08 16:29
. * Re: Още допълнения... ~quo vadis   05.07.08 16:32
. * Re: Още допълнения... ThunderGoddess   05.07.08 16:46
. * Re: Още допълнения... ~quo vadis   05.07.08 16:56
. * Re: Още допълнения... ThunderGoddess   05.07.08 17:07
. * Re: Още допълнения... Kaлoмaин   05.07.08 16:33
. * Re: Още допълнения... ~quo vadis   05.07.08 16:37
. * Re: Още допълнения... ThunderGoddess   05.07.08 16:47
. * Re: Още допълнения... Kaлoмaин   05.07.08 16:48
. * Re: Още допълнения... ~quo vadis   05.07.08 16:59
. * Re: Още допълнения... ThunderGoddess   05.07.08 17:09
. * Re: Още допълнения... Kaлoмaин   05.07.08 17:32
. * Re: Още допълнения... ThunderGoddess   05.07.08 17:41
. * Re: Още допълнения... Last Roman   08.07.08 12:36
. * Re: Още допълнения... ThunderGoddess   08.07.08 12:44
. * Re: Още допълнения... ~quo vadis   08.07.08 21:39
. * Re: Празници и ритуали в Римската империя Aulus Vitellius Celsus   14.02.15 09:25
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