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Тема Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма
Автор 4eHe (screenager)
Публикувано29.09.06 11:26  

Димитър Стоянов – биографична справка (от Фокус, линк по-долу)

Димитър Стоянов е народен представител в XL Народно събрание от парламентарната група на Атака и евронаблюдател. Роден е на 17 май 1983 в София. Син на Капка Георгиева (журналистка) и Кин Стоянов. Внук е на писателя Радой Ралин. Димитър Стоянов е временен парламентарен секретар в периода от 11 юли 2005 г. до 08 март 2006 г. Стоянов е член на комисията по гражданското общество и медии от 24 август 2005 г. Също така е зам.-председател комисията по европейска интеграция от 24 август 2005 г. Стоянов е член на временната комисия по искането на Борис Велчев, главен прокурор на Република България, за даване на разрешение за възбуждане на наказателно преследване срещу Волен Сидеров. Комисията работи в периода 11 май 2006 до 11 юни 2006 г.

Споделил младежа, в поща до всички евродепутати подигравателна оценка за унгарската им колежка Ливия Ярока (32 г.), която е от ромски произход. Тя е от групата на християндемократите. Стоянов се подразнил от номинацията й за награда на излизащото в ЕП "Парламентарно списание".
Според него отличието е на път да се превърне в конкурс за хубавици. (http://www.segabg.com/online/article.asp?issueid=2428&sectionid=2&id=0000304)

Well, gentlemen, I must disagree with you. In my country there're tenths of thousands gypsy girls way more beautiful than this honorable one. In fact if you're in the right place on the right time you even can by one (around 12-13 years old) to be your loving wife. The best of them are very expensive - up to 5 000 euros a piece, wow! Of course this is a crime according to the Penal code, Chapter Four (Crimes against the marriage, the family and the youth), Section II (Crimes against the youth), Article 191/3, punishable with 2 to 5 years of imprisonment, but I don't think that most of the so-called "Roma rights organizations" even now about this article, and they in fact don't care (call them what you want, they care only about anti-discrimination laws' articles, because they pay, and crime doesn't you now)!!! This is another story though.
So let's get back to Miss Laroka's nomination. Believe me, I've seen lots of gypsy women, but all that are at her age are much skinnier. Doesn't she sharing the terrible suffering her people are bearing all around Europe, the poverty, the miserable conditions and the unemployment???? Well, I guess when you're an MEP you have to put some weight on you. Have to look serious.
Thirdly, she already has received one award this year. But wait - for a youth leader? This honorable lady is almost 32 years old for the God sake! Most youth organizations are accepting members up to 26. My party is considered liberal in this criterion as our deadline is 30. Honorable Miss Laroka still does not fit. I don't know, there're different kinds of growth, maybe she fits in one of them.
With these justifications I won't support Miss Livia Laroka's nomination. Still she has my deepest regards and I wish her luck and success!!

(от Капитал http://www.capital.bg/showblog.php?storyid=284573)

След реакцията, отговорчето:

My deepest apologies

rom: "STOYANOV Dimitar" <dimitar.stoyanov@europarl.europa.eu>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 14:34:34 +0200
Subject: My deepest apologies

As so many of you, honorable members, has condemned me I feel the urge to serve my apologies for having disturbed you in such a rude manner. I have no intention to insult the honorable miss Laroka. Just wanted to point out that in Bulgaria gypsy girls are still sold like items by their parents. It is wide known by the authorities where and when this terrible "deals" are happening, because it's a part of gypsies'' traditions and it happen on public places. No body gives a damn about that, including the foundations that are proclaiming themselves as guardians of the civil rights of the minorities.

I also got extremely outraged, because for so many years everybody is speaking about the Roma problems, but speaking is not solving issues. These poor folks are used over decades as political paws to serve political aims. No body is doing anything about their better education, family planning, and wellbeing as general. In Bulgaria gypsies are paid to go to vote, this is how the politicians, who in words defend their civil rights are broking in deed their political rights. And even gypsies own representatives in the politics are speaking too much and doing too little and are doing it too late usually.

At the end I would like to say that ATAKA party have NEVER published in its official site calls for violence against gypsies or anybody else in fact. The publications in unofficial sites are on responsibility of their authors, speaking on behalf of ATAKA without having a mandate to do so and on the hosting enterprises, that supports them and refuse to withdraw this sites from the net no matter who ATAKA insists on that.

In the 21st century to blame someone to be racist is the heaviest of the insults. According to Bulgarian Penal code if someone is insulted and replies immediately with an insult, both perpetrators can be released from responsibility. This is what I think happened at the end.

Again, I want to express my deepest apologies to Miss Livia Laroka and to everybody that have felt insulted, repeating I never intended to do so. But I feel insulted too, because I'm not a racist, I'm proud to be Bulgarian, to be MP and observer in European Parliament. I have a right of freedom of political expression. And just because my political means for taking actions against some major social issue is different from yours, doesn't give you the right to call me racist!

Regards, Dimitar Stoyanov

Мисля си колко много (подс)казва дефиницията, отправена към другите за самите нас
Според Вас,
расист ли е Димитър ?

Цялата тема
* Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма 4eHe   29.09.06 11:26
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Бeзcъннa   29.09.06 12:03
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма 4eHe   29.09.06 15:05
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Aдa   29.09.06 15:11
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма dabobo   30.09.06 22:51
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Kpokoдилчo   29.09.06 12:24
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма 4eHe   29.09.06 15:08
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма kpилe   29.09.06 13:06
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма 4eHe   29.09.06 15:12
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма kpилe   29.09.06 17:54
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма beta_n(black_hole)   29.09.06 14:33
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма 4eHe   29.09.06 15:13
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма beta_n(black_hole)   29.09.06 16:33
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Aдa   29.09.06 14:52
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма 4eHe   29.09.06 15:15
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Aдa   29.09.06 15:18
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма 4eHe   29.09.06 15:23
. * Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Aдa   29.09.06 15:30
. * Това ми напомни нещо 4eHe   29.09.06 16:26
. * Re: Това ми напомни нещо Aдa   29.09.06 16:48
. * Как мислиш, 4eHe   29.09.06 17:09
. * Re: Как мислиш, Aдa   29.09.06 20:04
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма npocmak   30.09.06 10:45
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Гидиlongurмpъceн!   30.09.06 16:49
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Aдa   30.09.06 19:56
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Гидиlongurмpъceн!   01.10.06 14:58
. * Да бе Гeвpek.   29.09.06 15:29
. * И още (реалност) Гeвpek.   29.09.06 15:34
. * Re: И още (реалност) lnfinity   29.09.06 16:28
. * Re: И още (реалност) Kpъr   03.10.06 04:08
. * Пропуските в медиите 4eHe   29.09.06 15:36
. * Re: Пропуските в медиите Гeвpek.   29.09.06 15:37
. * още от българските 4eHe   29.09.06 16:09
. * Re: още от българските Гeвpek.   29.09.06 16:49
. * Re: още от българските 4eHe   29.09.06 16:58
. * Re: още от българските Гeвpek.   29.09.06 17:01
. * Re: още от българските 4eHe   29.09.06 17:06
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма EasyBreezy   29.09.06 16:34
. * Това ми е чуденката 4eHe   29.09.06 16:47
. * Re: Това ми е чуденката EasyBreezy   29.09.06 17:33
. * Re: Това ми е чуденката beta_n(black_hole)   29.09.06 18:03
. * Re: криви усмивки от стари и нови ленти... poвepcиpoтa   29.09.06 19:02
. * Re: Това ми е чуденката Kpъr   03.10.06 03:54
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Гeвpek.   29.09.06 16:52
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма EasyBreezy   29.09.06 17:25
. * Re: Бeзcъннa   30.09.06 10:08
. * Re: EasyBreezy   30.09.06 11:24
. * European Parliament Goes Bananas over Bad Joke 4eHe   29.09.06 17:19
. * Re: European Parliament Goes Bananas over Bad Joke Гeвpek   30.09.06 23:15
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма snowdrop   29.09.06 17:57
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Гидиlongurмpъceн!   30.09.06 16:44
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Kpъr   03.10.06 04:14
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма beta_n(black_hole)   03.10.06 13:20
. * Re: Набор 1983 - Анатомия на расизма Kpъr   05.10.06 03:09
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