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Тема Barwatch [re: Lucid]
Автор 4eHe ()
Публикувано07.06.02 22:14  

В този форум ША (мацето) не съм аз . Евентуално добивам контур в остротии, обаче не е задължително.

Наблюдаването, за което писа и в предишното мнение, не е непременно условие. Хайде де ! Колко пъти гледаме без да виждаме ? Или няма нищо красиво за запомняне ? Зрението ни дири хубавото по незнайните пътеки на разума. Обръща го в паметно събитие, складира го нейде из дълбините на съзнанието и си го ползва "до поискване" при следващ, удобен случай .. това не е аксиома, но така си мисля.

Сигурно сте учили за жабите, които умират от глад в кутия пълна с мухи, гъсеници и всякакъв друг деликатес ? Защото последните не се движат. Не дразнят. Какъв късмет, че еволюцията е направила завой и кренвирша ти може да стои тотално обездвижен в чинията, без ти да умираш от глад.

Сега за зрението при наблюдаване на обичан обект.
Струва ми се, че фантазията ми взема превес. Чертае очите му по-сини, отколкото са всъщност. И за да ги видя, при face-to-face близост не ми трябва зрение.
Моментната ситуация след операцията на хобота не е най-подходящ пример (коментарът на ужасената ми реакция бе You should have seen the doctor), но бас ловя че виждаш конкретно лице ясно и по-ясно без дори да ти се намира снимка под ръка !

...това не бях го вадила от доста време; представлява гледна точка на приятел и, лично аз, намирам вдъхновение (а той го умееше )

The waking and the dreaming mind, as we learned, use the same and similar apparatus and mechanism in producing visual, auditory, and other sensory images and projections.

This makes things easier for dream research.

However, there are two aspects of dreaming that should be borne in mind. One concerns the brain and neurophysiology (of dreaming). The other relates to the mind or psychology (of dreaming). The noted explorer of dreams, Dr. Calvin Hall, pointed out many years ago that contemporary dream researchers didn't distinguish the psychology of dreaming from its physiology and limited or identified their study of dreaming to its outward symptoms, eye movements, brain waves, heart beat, blood pressure, breathing, etc. Such an attitude of physiological reductionism was shared by most physiologists in the old days. Ivan P. Pavlov slighted psychology and believed that it inevitably will melt into and merge with physiology, and hence psychological phenomena will be explained fully only by physiological processes and mechanisms. It was not a mere coincidence that he thought animals have no psyche.

Such reductionist attitudes among physiologists and neurobiologists continue to show to this day.

"Some day," states David Hubel (in his "Eye, Brain and Vision"), "we may not need the word mind at all."

Some readers may have wondered why I have devoted so many pages to the phenomena of visual and sensory projections and to the conception of multidimensional psychic space. It helps us to understand the difference between mind and brain, between psychology and neurobiology. The notion of the psychic space, which I define as the totality of all psychic projections, etc., I use in a similar fashion, as in mathematics. Vector space in math, for instance, is defined as the totality of all real, possible, or imaginable vectors and vector operations of all kinds or only of similar orientation in space. Affine space, likewise, is the totality of all possible, equally slanted lineal figures, structures, and operations as distinguished from orthogonal (Euclede) space, in which the theorem of Pythagoras holds true and so on and so forth. We know that a line has one dimension and therefore belongs to one-dimensional space; a plane is two-dimensional; a solid is three-dimensional, and the near vicinity space we live in is a four-dimensional continuum of space and time. The brain, with all its movements and changes in time, is four-dimensional, but the mind is multidimensional. Certainly, they are correlated and to every point (and process) of the multidimensional mind corresponds a point (and a process) in the four-dimensional brain. But they relate to each other like the way the set of points of a three-dimensional solid are projected onto a two-dimensional plane, as in descriptive geometry.

If we imagine that points could think then we could be sure that no point of the plane projections would know or could say anything about any other point, just as moving people on a motion picture screen (if they could feel and think) could never see, meet, recognize or know anything about each other. They would see around them only a line and wouldn't know that many two-dimensional people are projected onto this line. Likewise, receptors in the retina that have responded to an image know nothing or little about the response of other receptors to other spots of the image. It is only after the brain analyzes, reconstructs, and projects images in space to identify with the relevant objects and scenes that they can be recognized as parts of the whole image-scene or event.

All neurophysiological phenomena take place in the organism inside the skin. Neurophysiological space, therefore, is restricted to the organism, or more precisely, to the brain and nervous system.

The mind or psyche mediates between the organism and the social and natural environment and involves both. It includes in its modeling besides the organism all objects, scenes, and events of the surrounding world and all possible or imaginable scenes, events, ideas, etc. we see, feel, imagine, interact with or care about, etc.

Psychic space is unbounded and infinite and may encompass society, nature, the whole world, the Universe, and all kinds of countless imagined Universes.

It is clear that the psyche and mind can never be reduced to and merge with the brain and neurophysiological structures and functions, although they are inseparably linked in correlative parallel processes.

The mind will forever exist and develop further as long as there will still be civilized life and conscious beings on our planet. And very luckily so. Imagine a world of humans and animals only with brains, without minds, i.e., mindless people (and animals), a mindless world.

Another difference between brain and mind is that brain and neurobiology are material, part of the physical world, while mind and psyche are ideal, immaterial. They are free to move and combine in their multidimensional space all elements of the inner, spiritual and of the outer, physical world in all kinds of possible links and fantastic structures.

Редактирано от 4eHe на 07.06.02 22:20.

Цялата тема
* Remote Louge - New York 4eHe   07.06.02 17:39
. * За да не ми мрънка пак OPY 4eHe   07.06.02 17:54
. * Re: Remote Louge - New York _malchugan_   07.06.02 18:18
. * i oshte _malchugan_   07.06.02 18:24
. * Защо по-малко цветове ? 4eHe   07.06.02 18:39
. * Re: Защо по-малко цветове ? _malchugan_   07.06.02 23:05
. * Re: Remote Louge - New York Lucid   07.06.02 18:25
. * Re: Remote Louge - New York 4eHe   07.06.02 18:42
. * Re: Remote Louge - New York Lucid   07.06.02 18:45
. * Barwatch 4eHe   07.06.02 22:14
. * Re: Barwatch Lucid   08.06.02 00:13
. * Re: Barwatch 4eHe   08.06.02 15:14
. * Re: Barwatch Джeйн   08.06.02 21:21
. * PDA 4eHe   09.06.02 00:55
. * Re: PDA Lucid   09.06.02 02:47
. * Re: 4eHe   09.06.02 13:03
. * Re: Remote Louge - New York    08.06.02 02:50
. * za vyltoto :) _malchugan_   08.06.02 03:15
. * Re: za vyltoto :)    08.06.02 03:29
. * Re: za vyltoto :) _malchugan_   08.06.02 03:48
. * Re: za vyltoto :)    08.06.02 03:47
. * Re: za vyltoto :) _malchugan_   08.06.02 03:49
. * Re: Remote Louge - New York 4eHe   08.06.02 10:25
. * Re: Remote Louge - New York    08.06.02 14:33
. * Парченце ?? 4eHe   08.06.02 15:18
. * Re: Парченце ??    08.06.02 16:32
. * Re: Парченце ?? 4eHe   08.06.02 17:51
. * Re: Парченце ??    08.06.02 18:12
. * Darts 4eHe   08.06.02 18:10
. * Една клюка 4eHe   09.06.02 01:23
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