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Тема Re: Много му пука на някой! [re: aiumi]
Автор aiumi ()
Публикувано12.07.16 22:20  

Все пак го направих пак, и пак е малко по-различно, де, enjoy, както се казва :)))

Your Existing Situation

"Creative and emotional, looking for ways to further expand those qualities. Looking for a partner who enjoys the same activities. Seeking adventure and new and unusual activities."

Your Stress Sources

"Seeks freedom and the chance to do as she wishes; avoids restrictions or things that try to hold her back. Feels an intense amount of pressure being put on her and would like a chance to escape in order to do the things she wants and needs to do for himself. However, she lacks the determination and motivation to escape and pursue her own personal gains."

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Tries to participate and involve herself in things going on around him; however, avoids conflict and arguments to reduce stress and tension."

"Finds satisfaction in sexual activity, but is emotionally detached which prevents her from becoming too involved."

Current situations force her into compromise and placing her own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.

Is bothered when her needs and desires are misunderstood and she feels there is no one to turn to or rely on. her self-centered attitude can cause her to be easily offended.

"He is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity, but can be restless and emotionally distant so she never really gets too involved with others."

Your Desired Objective

Very active imagination and may be prone to fantasies and daydreaming. Always dreaming of interesting and exciting things to happen to her. Is a charmer and wants to be admired for that.

Your Actual Problem

"Feeling tension and stress brought on by situations which are out of her control, leaves her feeling helpless, anxious, and in adequate. In order to build her self-esteem back up, she looks to others for recognition, respect, and encouragement. This can be a problem since she tends to blame others for her shortcomings. Searching for solutions that are geared toward her needs and self-consciousness."

Your Actual Problem #2

"Feeling held back and restricted from moving forward, looking for a solution that will give her more freedom and less obstacles."

Цялата тема
* Тестове с картинки TheGiverAndTheTaker   10.07.16 14:43
. * Re: Тестове с картинки TheGiverAndTheTaker   10.07.16 14:45
. * Re: Тестове с картинки crazymonkey-126377   10.07.16 21:53
. * Re: Тестове с картинки TheGiverAndTheTaker   10.07.16 14:46
. * Re: Тестове с картинки TheGiverAndTheTaker   10.07.16 14:51
. * Re: Тестове с картинки crazymonkey-126377   10.07.16 21:54
. * Хи-хи, nbb   11.07.16 07:26
. * Re: Хи-хи, dama spatia   11.07.16 22:07
. * Re: Тестове с картинки blue jewel   10.07.16 22:27
. * Re: Тестове с картинки TheGiverAndTheTaker   10.07.16 22:47
. * Този тест ме разби тотално! TheGiverAndTheTaker   11.07.16 09:27
. * Моят резултат TheGiverAndTheTaker   11.07.16 09:28
. * Re: Моят резултат blue jewel   11.07.16 11:36
. * Много точен crazymonkey-126377   11.07.16 11:43
. * Re: Този тест ме разби тотално! blue jewel   11.07.16 11:35
. * Re: Този тест ме разби тотално! TheGiverAndTheTaker   11.07.16 14:10
. * Да, crazymonkey-126377   11.07.16 14:27
. * Re: Този тест ме разби тотално! blue jewel   11.07.16 14:44
. * Re: Този тест ме разби тотално! aiumi   11.07.16 21:47
. * Направи ми впечатление, TheGiverAndTheTaker   11.07.16 14:30
. * Re: Направи ми впечатление, aiumi   11.07.16 21:53
. * Направи огромна грешка TheGiverAndTheTaker   11.07.16 22:26
. * Re: Направи огромна грешка aiumi   11.07.16 22:32
. * Re: Направи огромна грешка TheGiverAndTheTaker   11.07.16 22:38
. * Re: Направи огромна грешка aiumi   11.07.16 23:16
. * Не се офлянквай TheGiverAndTheTaker   11.07.16 22:30
. * Re: Не се офлянквай aiumi   11.07.16 23:03
. * Re: Не се офлянквай vida1929   11.07.16 23:22
. * Re: Не се офлянквай crazymonkey-126377   11.07.16 23:39
. * Клевета nbb   12.07.16 08:56
. * Тц! aiumi   12.07.16 22:02
. * Ако дълго време nbb   12.07.16 23:18
. * Re: Не се офлянквай blue jewel   12.07.16 10:12
. * Дръжки знае nbb   12.07.16 11:19
. * Не crazymonkey-126377   12.07.16 12:29
. * При мен nbb   12.07.16 12:43
. * Аз crazymonkey-126377   12.07.16 13:10
. * Не е въпрос nbb   12.07.16 13:14
. * Re: Не е въпрос crazymonkey-126377   12.07.16 13:29
. * Обикновено nbb   12.07.16 13:42
. * Re: Не blue jewel   12.07.16 13:10
. * Това nbb   12.07.16 13:12
. * Така е, crazymonkey-126377   12.07.16 13:26
. * Това nbb   12.07.16 13:45
. * Re: Това vida1929   12.07.16 20:30
. * Зависи nbb   12.07.16 20:34
. * Re: Така е, TheGiverAndTheTaker   12.07.16 14:30
. * Не crazymonkey-126377   13.07.16 11:24
. * Може да се помогне nbb   13.07.16 12:50
. * Re: Може да се помогне crazymonkey-126377   13.07.16 13:06
. * Точно така - nbb   13.07.16 13:08
. * Много му пука на някой! TheGiverAndTheTaker   12.07.16 10:40
. * Re: Много му пука на някой! crazymonkey-126377   12.07.16 12:25
. * Re: Много му пука на някой! TheGiverAndTheTaker   12.07.16 14:32
. * Да crazymonkey-126377   13.07.16 10:42
. * Re: Да blue jewel   13.07.16 11:57
. * Re: Да crazymonkey-126377   13.07.16 13:16
. * А защо nbb   13.07.16 13:23
. * А защо crazymonkey-126377   13.07.16 13:24
. * Не пречи, nbb   13.07.16 13:25
. * Re: Да Amelia Pond   13.07.16 14:33
. * Re: Да crazymonkey-126377   14.07.16 15:36
. * Re: Да Amelia Pond   14.07.16 23:25
. * Re: Много му пука на някой! aiumi   12.07.16 21:46
. * Re: Много му пука на някой! aiumi   12.07.16 22:20
. * Е, crazymonkey-126377   13.07.16 13:09
. * Re: Този тест ме разби тотално! Amelia Pond   13.07.16 14:08
. * Re: Тестове с картинки ALONE911   13.07.16 11:05
. * Този тест nbb   13.07.16 13:05
. * Хе-хе, nbb   13.07.16 13:13
. * Re: Тестове с картинки Amelia Pond   13.07.16 14:26
. * Re: Тестове с картинки blue jewel   13.07.16 14:32
. * Re: Тестове с картинки Amelia Pond   13.07.16 14:34
. * Re: Тестове с картинки blue jewel   13.07.16 14:31
. * Re: Тестове с картинки TheGiverAndTheTaker   13.07.16 16:50
. * Re: Тестове с картинки aiumi   13.07.16 20:26
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