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Тема Re: зa ТОКСОПЛАЗМОЗАТА [re: Bet]
Автор mery__Модератор (брюнетка)
Публикувано06.08.02 21:34  

Поствам всичко, което намеря.Погледни и в Бъдещи майки, там имаше такава тема.

The good news
Just like German measles (rubella), most people can have an active toxoplasmosis infection just once in their lives. One toxoplasmosis infection before you are pregnant protects your unborn baby during any subsequent pregnancy (unless your immune system has been weakened, for example, by cancer drugs or transplant anti-rejection drugs).

Chances are, you're at risk
Only about 10 percent to 20 percent of American women of child-bearing age have had toxoplasmosis at some time in their lives. They are immune, so their unborn babies are not at risk.

Токсоплазмоза (Toxoplasmosis)

Токсоплазмозата е зооантропоноза - заболяване общо за животните и човека. Причинител на заболяването е Toxoplasma gondii - облигатен вътреклетъчен паразит със сложен цикъл на развитие.
Формите, през които преминава в развитието си са: ендозоит, мерозоит, цистозоит и псевдоциста в междинните гостоприемници и шизонт, гамети и ооциста в крайния гостоприемник.

Особено опасно е ако бременни жени поемат ооцисти от котка, особено в началото на бременността. Стига се до аборти и уродства на плода.

Заболяването протича в следните клинични форми: скрита, безсимптомна, остра, подостра и хронична.

Признаците при хората са доста общи. Често наподобяват респираторни инфекции, тонзилити с повишаване на температурата и затова най-точно диагнозата се поставя чрез серологично изследване за антитела, или чрез откриване в кръвта на самия причинител. Когато се заразят бременни жени т.нар. вродена форма (най-опасна), ако инвазирането настъпи в началото на бременността, настъпват аборти. Ако обаче това стане в последните месеци - раждат се или мъртви плодове или такива с малформации - хидроцефалия, пневмония, менингоенцефалит и т.н.

Жени прекарали заболяването преди бременността и с висок титър антитела в кръвта не предават токсоплазмозата на плода си.

Предпазване от токсоплазмоза

Причинителят на тази бовест е паразит, който се намира в недобре сготвено или опечено свинско или овнешко месо. При заразяване се появява лека треска, подути лимфни възли на врата, отпадналост, придружена с болки в ставите. През първите три месеца паразитът може да предизвика спонтанен аборт. Болестта е особено опасна от 5-ия месец нататък, защото преминавайки през плацентата, паразитът причинява тежки мозъчни и очни малформации.

Нерядко се открива смесена инфекция трихомоназа + гонорея, като трихомонасите дават "убежище" на гонококите, т.е. гонококите се развиват вътреклетъчно в трихомонасите. Друга смесена инфекция е трихомоназа + кандида, трихомоназа + хла мидии, трихомоназа + микоплазма/токсоплазмоза/.
При доказана трихомоназа се провежда лечение не само на заболялите, но едновременно и на техните сексуални партнъори, а така също и на контактните лица. По настоящем се прилагат различни лечебни схеми с трихомонацид, флажил и други медикаменти.
При мъжете лекарствата се вземат през устата, а при жените - както през устата, така и под формата на влагалищни таблетки /глобули/. По време на лечението половите сношения се преустановяват за 14 дни.
Toxoplasmosis & Pregnancy

The Facts About Toxoplasmosis & Pregnancy
When the pregnant cat owner first encounters this word while leafing through a book about mothers-to-be, she feels a stab in the pit of her stomach. Reading on only increases her feelings of dread: "A pregnant woman can get it from a cat... She can pass it on to her developing baby... It can cause birth defects." While there is a reason for concern, there's no need to panic, say veterinarians and gynecologists.
"Doctors used to say the woman should get rid of the cat, but that's totally unnecessary," says Dr. Michael Davidson, associate professor of companion animal and special species medicine at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine. The only way a woman can get toxoplasmosis from a cat is through direct contact with its feces, which most people try to avoid anyway! A few simple precautions are all that's needed to prevent exposure to this parasite during pregnancy.

Some 80 percent of domestic cats are exposed to toxoplasmosis during their lives, usually as a result of eating a mouse, mole, squirrel or other infected prey. Some cats show no symptoms; others get diarrhea or become listless. Occasionally, pneumonia or eye inflammation occurs. Indoor cats in rodent-free homes may never be exposed.

As many as 60 percent of humans also become exposed, usually after handling cat feces either in a litter box or garden, says Dr. Davidson. Chances are, most cat owners who have lived with felines for any length of time have already been exposed to toxoplasmosis. Like cats, people generally show no symptoms or appear to have only a mild "flu." Although a person shows no symptoms, he or she still produces an antibody, thus building up immunity.

"If you have been exposed to toxoplasmosis and produced an antibody, you're pretty well protected," says Dr. John Botti, director of maternal-fetal medicine at Penn State University College of Medicine. If a woman is exposed to the parasite for the first time during pregnancy, though, the effects that it will have on her and the baby depend on how far along she is in the pregnancy. During the first three months, it is unlikely that a woman will pass the parasite on to her developing fetus. If toxoplasmosis is transmitted to the baby during this time, however, the chances are greatest that the baby will develop a major health problem. Conversely, a woman in her third trimester of pregnancy is most likely to pass on toxoplasmosis to her baby, but the parasite is least likely to cause serious birth defects.

Statistics show that of the 4 million babies born in the United States each year, only 1,200 suffer any effects from toxoplasmosis. Most of these babies have only mild problems, such as a rash or an eye infection. Nonetheless, the parasite can cause grave damage to a growing fetus. In rare instances, babies have developed hydrocephalus (a condition in which the brain swells), mental retardation and anemia.

To eliminate the risk of exposure to toxoplasmosis, pregnant cat owners should avoid handling the litter box by having someone else perform the task, or simply wear gloves when cleaning it, and washing hands thoroughly afterwards. This also applies to gardening, especially if outdoor cats frequent the area. "Just use common sense," Dr. Davidson advises. As an added precaution, he recommends that the litter box be changed daily because, once the organism is shed, it takes at least 24 hours for it to become transmissible to humans. Interestingly, cats can only shed the organism in their feces one time during their lives - just after they have been exposed for the first time. And, Dr. Davidson says, "It's unlikely they'll shed it during a woman's pregnancy."

A simple blood test can determine if a person has ever been exposed to toxoplasmosis. Unfortunately, it cannot specify when exposure occurred, so it's a good idea for a woman to be tested before becoming pregnant. If she has been exposed she will know for sure it was prior to her pregnancy.

Toxoplasmosis should be taken seriously, but it's no reason for pregnant women to get rid or even avoid their cats. During pregnancy, a woman has days when she feels apprehensive about the future or stressed about her weight gain or fearful of the impending delivery. The perfect remedy - and one that is completely safe - may be to curl up on the sofa with a feline friend.

Редактирано от mery__ на 06.08.02 21:35.

Цялата тема
* зa ТОКСОПЛАЗМОЗАТА Bet   06.08.02 20:33
. * Re: зa ТОКСОПЛАЗМОЗАТА mery__   06.08.02 20:43
. * зa mery_ Bet   06.08.02 21:19
. * Re: за Bet mery__   06.08.02 21:39
. * Re: зa ТОКСОПЛАЗМОЗАТА mery__   06.08.02 21:34
. * Re: зa ТОКСОПЛАЗМОЗАТА Bet   08.08.02 16:46
. * Re: зa ТОКСОПЛАЗМОЗАТА Nevena   08.08.02 18:25
. * ТОКСОПЛАЗМОЗАТА Щypчe   07.08.02 01:11
. * Re: зa ТОКСОПЛАЗМОЗАТА miroslava   07.08.02 10:09
. * Re: зa ТОКСОПЛАЗМОЗАТА 3a miroslava и Щypчe   08.08.02 16:54
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