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Тема Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив [re: Schwerin]
АвторStrelec (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано26.11.03 22:03  

Remains of ancient, mediaeval, revival and modern culture coexist and are interwoven into the unobtrusive, irresistible and eternal beauty of this city. They do not stand in each other's way; they complement and enrich each other to make Plovdiv a synonym of Bulgarian history and a genuine world city.

Plovdiv is very, very old. The Eternal City, as Rome is conventionally called, is much younger. Athens, Carthage and Constantinople came into being later. A contemporary of Troy and having survived Mycenae, Plovdiv is a city upon layers of cities and an epoch upon layers of epochs. Plovdiv is all in one: a Thracian and classical Greek polis, the pride of Philip of Macedon, the capital of Thrace under the Roman Empire, a centre of Byzantinism, a stronghold of the Bulgarians, a dream of the crusaders -- a magnificent, wealth and most important city.

Kendros, Eumolpia, Philippopolis, Pulpudeva, Thrimonzium, Pulden, Populdin, Ploudin, Filibe -- those were the ancient names of Plovdiv throughout its 6000 to 8000 years of existence. The name Plovdiv first appeared in 15 century documents and has remained till today.

In the distant past Plovdiv was situated on seven hills: Taxim, Nebet, Jambaz, Sahat, Jendem and Bunarjik. The seventh hill, Markovo Tepe, has nowadays subsided completely under the pavement of modern Plovdiv.

In 432 B.C. the town was conquered by Philip II of Macedonia. During his rule the ancient Thracian fortress and towers were rebuilt. The vain Philip II gave the city his own name, Philippopolis. Soon it became a Thracian town again, called Pulpudeva. During the 1st century A.C. it was conquered by the Romans. The practical Romans called the town Thrimonzium (lying on three hills) because the Roman town was situated on three hills, Taxim, Nebet, and Jambaz Tepe. The Roman emperors Trayanus and Marcus Aurellius built solid fortresses around the town. They intoduced many improvements, as well as coin minting. At the time Plovdiv was known as Ulpia Thrimonzium, the most flourishing metropolis of the Thracian province.
The magnificent amphitheatre above dates back from Roman times. Now it is restored and classical drama, operas, and concerts are presented on stage in the open air...

In 447 the Huns ruined the town. In the sixth century the Slavs settled in the Balkan Peninsula and introduced the names Pulden and Plundiv.

In 815 Khan Kroum seized the fortress. In the following five centuries the town was ruled by Bulgarians, then conquered by Byzantium. The Bulgarian army came again later. The Crusaders demolished and plundered the town several times on their way to Mecca.

1365 was a fateful year for Plovdiv. The town fell under the Turkish yoke. Later it was renamed Filibe and became an important administrative and military center of crafts. Filibe was the seat of the ruler of the district of Rumelia. At that time the town possessed a mysterious charm and striking poverty typical of the Orient. The functioning Jumaia Mosque attracts visitors to the center of modern Plovdiv with its fine minaret and its sun-dial.

The commercial area of the town was between that mosque and the river Maritza. One of the oldest clock towers in Eastern Europe is located behind Sahat Tepe. The clock is working even nowadays. As the Turkish traveller Evlya Chelebi wrote in 1651, "Philibe is the biggest one among 10 big towns in the European part of Turkey, and is getting richer every day".

The 19th century brought Plovdiv closer to the rennaissance from cultural opression during the Turkish occupation. That was the time of spiritual awakening when the Bulgarian people began their struggle for religious, cultural and political independence. Many citizens of Plovdiv sacrificed their lives because they had the courage to rise against the sultan. In 1850 the well-known enlightener Naiden Gerov established a class school. In the following year the anniversary of the Slavic enlighteners Sts. Cyrillus and Methodius was celebrated for the first time. Hristo G. Danov founded the first Bulgarian publishing house in 1855. He circulated the printed books, newspapers and magazines around the Bulgarian land. The first printing press in Bulgaria appeared at that time. The Bulgarian revolutionist Vassil Levski organized a revolutionary committee in Plovdiv.

Цялата тема
* От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Schwerin   26.11.03 19:02
. * Библиотекарката ДъpвeнФилocoф   26.11.03 19:15
. * Re: Библиотекарката Schwerin   26.11.03 19:23
. * Дано ДъpвeнФилocoф   26.11.03 19:29
. * Re: Дано Schwein   26.11.03 19:52
. * Чакай, чакай ... ДъpвeнФилocoф   26.11.03 20:02
. * Re: Чакай, чакай ... Schwein   26.11.03 20:29
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Schwerin   26.11.03 19:16
. * Каро виден представител на бактерио-рицарското.... sir Majestic   26.11.03 21:56
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Strelec   26.11.03 22:03
. * Бахти много е лесно така sir Majestic   26.11.03 22:05
. * IA mlakvai be Strelec   26.11.03 22:30
. * Мога и още как sir Majestic   26.11.03 22:57
. * Da be ... utre Strelec   26.11.03 23:01
. * Re: Neka ne izpolzvame 4ujd psevdonim lstinskiqt Strelec   27.11.03 20:02
. * За това ти препоръчвам регистрация sir Majestic   27.11.03 20:13
. * Mdaaaaaaaaa Strelec   28.11.03 00:04
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Schwerin   27.11.03 22:54
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Швepин   28.11.03 00:57
. * Заповядай, чети с удоволствие sir Majestic   26.11.03 23:01
. * Re: Заповядай, чети с удоволствие Strelec   26.11.03 23:04
. * Показах ти колко е долнопробно sir Majestic   26.11.03 23:09
. * Prav si, viarno Strelec   26.11.03 23:15
. * Re: Заповядай, чети с удоволствие Швepин   27.11.03 23:05
. * Re: Заповядай, чети с удоволствие Швepин   28.11.03 01:02
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Дядo Meц   27.11.03 16:49
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Швepин   28.11.03 00:46
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Baritona   27.11.03 18:57
. * Вижте истината в очите! иcтинaтa-бoли   28.11.03 09:25
. * Re: Вижте истината в очите! Schwerin   28.11.03 09:44
. * Re: Вижте истината в очите! Baritona   02.12.03 05:59
. * Re: Вижте истината в очите! Schwerin   02.12.03 08:54
. * Re: Вижте истината в очите! Baritona   03.12.03 04:32
. * Re: Вижте истината в очите! Schwerin   03.12.03 09:28
. * Re: Вижте истината в очите! Schwerin   06.12.03 22:04
. * "Na kraia na sveta" Baritona   08.12.03 01:06
. * Re: "Na kraia na sveta" Angelow   08.12.03 09:53
. * Re: Вижте истината в очите! Schwerin   04.12.03 18:47
. * Re: Schwerina Bariton   05.12.03 05:34
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив qgf   04.12.03 23:56
. * Evmolpia Drevno ime na Plovdiv Baritona   05.12.03 05:07
. * Re: Evmolpia Drevno ime na Plovdiv Schwerin   05.12.03 09:56
. * Re: Evmolpia Drevno ime na Plovdiv Sant Juan   05.12.03 19:28
. * Re: Evmolpia Drevno ime na Plovdiv Hamburg   06.12.03 07:26
. * Re:Imenata na Plovdiv Baritona   06.12.03 07:18
. * Re:Imenata na Plovdiv Hamburg   06.12.03 07:38
. * Re:Imenata na Plovdiv dfg   16.12.03 04:32
. * Poiasnenia Baritona   19.12.03 05:01
. * Re: Poiasnenia dfg   19.12.03 16:47
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Schwerin   11.12.03 03:33
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Angelow   21.12.03 17:56
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Sant Juan   23.12.03 21:49
. * re: Даи за да получиш... Baritona   24.12.03 07:50
. * Re: re: Даи за да получиш... Angelow   24.12.03 15:44
. * Re: re: Даи за да получиш... Hamburg   26.12.03 13:03
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Brain   29.12.03 01:42
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Schwerin   31.12.03 05:34
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Schwerin   01.01.04 09:56
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Angelow   02.01.04 12:30
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Angelow   07.01.04 21:38
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Sant Juan   03.02.04 23:57
. * Re: От кой и кога е основан Пловдив Чичo   05.02.04 06:40
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