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АвторTypиcтyнrep (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано08.03.03 18:56  

Получих това съобщение преди около месец. Ако се интересувате - вижте на посочения сайт. На мен ми е много скъпо, пук и не долюбвам полукомерсиални неща, свързани с пещери, ама ако имате скътана някоя кинта - струва си! На изпратилия го Дмитрий благодарих и казах, че ще го разпространя из пещерняшките български форуми.
Късмет и на добър път!:0
Dear fellow caver,

Piligrim caving club wishes you a Happy New Year!

Right now we are in the process of sheduling caving trips for
2003 and hope cavers from your country could join us in spring.

General information about Piligrim caving club is available at
www.piligrim.org I just wanted to emphasize that our activities
are not entirely comercial. We provide funding for our club's
non-porfit initiatives aimed at taking youths away from drugs,
alchohol and crime in Minusinsk - our headquarters city south
of Krasnoyarsk.

Beginning March 1 we can host groups of up to 6 people and take
them arround known caves in Krasnoyarsk region and republic of
Khakassiya. Duration may vary to fit your preferances, but in
the past we've done 10 and 14 days projects. We have a 4wd van
and a driver to accompany us all the time, plus guides, a cook
and an interpretor (me). In summer we live in tents, but if it
is too cold for that, we'll arrange lodging at local villages
in typical wooden houses, heated by firewood stoves. Please be
aware there is no centralized water supply, toilet is outside
and electricity may be unstable. However, we do believe Russian
hospitality and proximity to virgin nature will compensate it.
As to hygiene we ask locals to heat up their saunas as needed.

We charge $665 per person for a 10 day trip, out of which $150
is actual expense for food, housing, petrol and accidentials.
$250 is split between personnel and $250 is club fee. $15 is
visa support government charge.

In order to issue an official invitation that helps you get a
Russian visa, we should have information about each visitor:

Full name:
Date and place of birth:
Passport number and validity dates:
Employer's name, address and fax:
Position held at work:
City where you apply for visa:
Emeregency person's name and contacts:

The arrival points are airports or railroad stations of Abakan
(Khakassiya) or Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk region). We prefer the
last option, because flights from Moscow to Krasnoyarsk are made
every day on a safe airplane and with convenient timetable.

Our last expedition with foreign participants was held in August
2002 with 2 cavers from Great Britain. They sent us a disc with
digitized pictures and we'll put it online as soon as it arrives.
For your reference e-mail addresses of those cavers as well as
other people we've previously hosted are on our website in the

Please feel free to ask them or me for any other information.

Most respectfully,

Piligrim Caving Club

AVAILABLE CAVES (Length * Depth in m.)

Oreshnaya (conglomrate hrzntl) 43470*247
Badzheiskaya (hrzntl, a pitch) 6000*170
Torgashinskaya (vertical) 2965*176
Pandora's Box (vertical) 11000*195
Ungutskaya (???) 400*30
Cheremshanskaya (???) 570*45
Osinaya (???) 500*30
Cubinskaya (vertical) 3000*274
Zhenevskaya (horizontal) 6000*90
Lisanskaya (undgrnd river) 2100*100
Partizanskaya (horiznotal) 6649*135
Mayachnaya (???) 1100*60
Sim-Sim (???) 700*70
Ledopadnaya (vertical) 589*188
Koroleva (hrzntl + potential) 5070*172
Accord (vertical) 1315*139

Клуб :  

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