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Тема Re: руните [re: Lord Roxton]
Публикувано09.08.05 16:35  

Корените на Огам със сигурност идват от латински,при търговски(и не толкова търговски)контакти на ирландците с римляни или романизираните брити,както в Британия,така и в южната 4аст на Ирландия,която изпитва силно римско културно влияние.

По-скоро и по-сигурно е,че не идват оттам... всъщност не съм много сигурен дали правилно разбирам написаното...

Ето нещо по темата:

It has been reported by several authorative sources that the Celts of pre-Roman times had no writing system of their own and that they used "the letter system of the Greeks" for commerce and communication. This assumptive claim is only partly true, but because the error is deeply embedded in scholastic endeavor, it is difficult to correct. The Oxford English dictionary claims that ogam was invented by someone familiar with Latin letters sometime after the fourth century AD. This is stated as fact, but the "fact" can be proven as error in several ways. Celtic coins, provably minted in the second century AD, have ogam letters stamped upon them. Additionally, several antique volumes exist in the library of the University of Dublin that deal with ogam and attest to the true age of the writing system. It is obvious that the usage of Ogam predated the era of the Romans.

1. Book of Leinster
2. Book of Ballymote
3. Book of Lecan

All three sources either directly or indirectly attribute the existence of the Ogam alphabet to time periods prior to the advent of Roman authority thus demonstrating the error of the fourth century invention claim by Oxford scholars. In the Book of Lecan, a tract called Uraceipt nan-Eges (Primer of the Bards) contains material attributed to Celtic Druids named Ambergin and Feir-cirtue who "lived prior to the Roman era." We owe a great debt to these druids and the scholars who preserved their words. The Book of Ballymote contains the most extensive treatment of the Ogam alphabet with a section that clearly defines the numerous styles and variants. George Calder translated the archaic Gaelic into English in 1917 and his Scholars Primer is a good source for ogam identification. Most ogam writings in Europe were destroyed during the "dark ages." Acting on orders to destroy all remnants of Celtic Druidism as "works of the devil," anything identifiable as the work of a Druid was put to the hammer and obliterated or damaged beyond any recognition. This same destruction of the evidence did not take place in the Americas where numerous Celtic Ogam inscriptions exist.

А ако имаш впредвид, че първите сведения за огами са от римско време - съгласен съм - май първи Цезар ги е описал. Но и той, и гърците казват, че Огма или Огмиус (бог на красноречието) е дарил огамите на келтите.

Цялата тема
* руните Edna   08.08.05 22:49
. * Re: руните Black Wolf   09.08.05 09:20
. * "Другите германци" Mag   09.08.05 17:48
. * Re: "Другите германци" Black Wolf   09.08.05 20:24
. * Re: руните Taлиecин   09.08.05 10:57
. * Re: руните MANlMAL   09.08.05 11:20
. * Re: руните Lord Roxton   09.08.05 12:54
. * Re: руните MANlMAL   09.08.05 16:35
. * Re: руните Lord Roxton   09.08.05 17:37
. * Re: руните MANlMAL   10.08.05 09:55
. * още малко за произхода на огамите Taлиecин   10.08.05 17:19
. * Re: руните Edna   09.08.05 22:23
. * Re: руните the_damned_witch   10.08.05 15:38
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