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Клубове Дирене Регистрация Кой е тук Въпроси Списък Купувам / Продавам 06:48 22.06.24 
Клубове / Фен клубове / Филмови / Манга Пълен преглед*
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Тема Малко смях
Автор Xero (Flaw)
Публикувано24.11.03 14:53  

Онзи ден като сърфирах И-нета се натъркнах на някои манга пародийки.
Ето една - Neon Genesis Simpsonian or why can't Shinji be more like Bart Simpson?

Episode 1

"Ay, Caramba." yells Bart as Misato's car gets totally trashed by the N2 shockwave..

"I still have some payments on this." wails Misato. He watches as she takes a bunch of car batteries and fixes the car. Cool, a woman who drives like a demon and a thief, be still my heart, thinks Bart.

As they proceed through the gates of Nerv, he asks Misato, "Hey, man, is this where they have all the dead aliens?"

"No aliens here, we'll be meeting your father."


Misato looks at the boy. My God, he's only got four fingers and he's all yellow and weird looking just like his dad. I just hope he's not as retarded. She involuntarily shivered.

She left him to the room where the Evangelion was stored.


Bart looks up to see Homer standing above, dressed in brown and wearing spectacles. "Dad?"

"Yeah, it's me, boy. Now get into that thing and fight that angel."

"Eat my shorts."

"Why you little. . ." Unfortunatley, Homer leans too far over the railing and falls. He hits the Eva several times on the way down, screaming, "Doh!" each time he bumps into it then falling into the pool holding the EVA. Homer crawls out of the pool. Misato rolls her eyes and Bart laughs in sheer delight.

Homer growls. "Fine, we'll get the other pilot. Hurry up and get Marge."

A blue-haired girl with big hair wrapped in bandages is wheeled into the room. "I can do this," she says sitting up. Then she collapses back on the bed.

"Wait," says Bart, "You're going to make her pilot that? I'm not a chicken. I'll ride it." Then he pauses and says, "I can destroy the local school, right?"

As Bart is sent to the surface, Barney is standing next to Homer drinking a pint. Homer turns to Barney and says, "Stop drinking the LCL."

Barney says, "Hey if it looks like beer, gives me a buzz like beer, it's beer." then he gives a burp.

Homer turns to Ritsuko, "Yo, Ritsie."

"Ritsuko." says Ritsuko with gritted teeth.

"Whatever, make sure Barney doesn't go to Terminal Doghouse anymore."


"Huh?" says Homer.

Meanwhile, a little boy named Kenji couldn't run fast enough to a shelter and was killed by friendly fire. A friend of his said, "Oh, my god, they killed Kenji! Those bastards!"

Episode 10 or thereabouts:

The Angel splits in two, turning into a very large mouse and an even larger cat, both armed with chainsaws. Lisa, pilot of EVA-02 and Bart both scream and get their butts whipped before the airforce comes to their rescue.

"Oh, great the Angel called, 'Itchy and Scratchy.'" says Barney.

Episode 14

"Stop with your blither-blather and don't bother me with your gobbledygook." says Mr. Burns, head of Seele. "Give me the answers."

Homer tries to look rather mysterious by using shiny sunglasses and folding his hands in front of his mouth, but ends up looking just retarded.. "Everything is going exactly to plan. Just like in the Dead Sea Scones." Mmmm, Scones, he thought.

Mr. Burns nearly shook with rage. "Dead Sea Scrolls. My God, I've put a moron in charge of the project. Didn't an Angel come that close to wiping us out."

"No, actually it was just the nuclear core about to melt, but that's been all taken care of. You can ask MAGI." Homer says. What's left of his brain says, Oh, bravo, then clapped sarcastically.

Episode 24

"What do you mean Krusty the Clown was the last Angel?"

Maya turns to say, "Well, he did have that 3rd extraneous nipple and that weird birthmark."

"Oh, great, a killer clown from outer space." remarks Homer.

Bart groans. "Krusty, how could you?"

Episode 26

"Wait, I know the answer. I am the center of the universe." The walls around Bart break and then everyone starts to clap except Lisa, the 2nd children. "I'm not clapping for that," she says.


So maybe I am bound by fate, a problematic scarring induced by hate...

Цялата тема
* Малко смях Xero   24.11.03 14:53
. * Re: Малко смях Tomoe   24.11.03 15:44
. * Re: Малко смях Xero   25.11.03 14:11
. * Re: Малко смях Tomoe   25.11.03 15:06
. * Neon Genesis Southparkian Xero   28.11.03 14:47
. * Neon Genesis Explosion Xero   28.11.03 15:03
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