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Тема Re: Второто бугарско царство [re: ayyyyyyyy]
Авторджинrиби (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано10.09.06 13:04  


The Cumans entered the lands of present-day southern Ukraine, as well as historic Moldavia, Wallachia, and part of Transylvania, in the 11th century. Having conquered the area, they continued their assaults by attacking and plundering the Byzantine Empire, the Kingdom of Hungary, and the principality of Kievan Rus'.

In 1089, they were defeated by Ladislaus I of Hungary. In alliance with the Vlachs and the Bulgarians during the Vlach-Bulgar Rebellion by brothers Asen and Peter of Tarnovo, the Cumans are believed to have played a significant role in the rebellion's final victory over Byzantium and the restoration of Bulgaria's independence (1185). The Cumans suffered a severe defeat by Great Prince Vladimir Monomakh of Kievan Rus in the 12th century (at the Battle of the Stugna River) and were crushed by the Mongols in 1238, after which most of them fled Wallachia and Moldova and took refuge in Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Byzantine Empire. After many clashes with the Hungarians, the Cumans were eventually evicted from Hungary to join their kin who lived in Bulgaria. Later, however, a large segment of them were re-invited back to Hungary. The Cumans who remained scattered in the steppe of what is now Russia joined the Golden Horde khanate.

In the 13th century, the Western Cumans adopted Roman Catholicism, while the Eastern Cumans converted to Islam. The Catholic Diocese of the Cumania founded in Milcov in 1227 and including what is now Romania and Moldova, retained its title until 1523.

The Cuman influence in the region of Wallachia and Moldavia was so strong that the earliest Wallachian rulers bore Cuman names. Cuman influence also persisted in the Kingdom of Hungary with the Cuman language and customs persisting in autonomous Cuman territories (Kunság) until the 17th century.
It is generally believed that the Bulgarian mediaеval dynasties Asen, Shishman and Terter had some Cumans' roots.
While the Cumans in Europe have been assimilated into other population groups, their name can still be encountered in placenames as far as the city of Kumanovo in the Northeastern part of the Republic of Macedonia, Comăneşti in Romania and Comana in Dobruja. The Cumans settled in Hungary had their own self-government there in a territory that bore their name, Kunság, that survived until the 19th century.In the countries where the Cumans were assimilated, family surnames derived from the words for "Cuman" (such as coman or kun, "kuman") are not uncommon. Among the people that have such a name are Romanian gymnast Nadia Comăneci, Romanian poet Otilia Coman (Ana Blandiana) and Romanian football player Gigel Coman. Traces of the Cumans are also the Bulgarian surname Kumanov (feminine Kumanova), its Macedonian variant Kumanovski (feminine Kumanovska) and the widespread Hungarian surname Kun.

Цялата тема
* Второто бугарско царство ayyyyyyyy   09.09.06 17:52
. * Ау! Чepньo Пeeв   09.09.06 18:01
. * Re: Ау! AU   09.09.06 18:12
. * Не бързай да поправяш, има още! Чepньo Пeeв   09.09.06 18:24
. * Re: Не бързай да поправяш, има още! au   09.09.06 19:06
. * Не ти ли минава през ума Чepньo Пeeв   09.09.06 19:20
. * Re: Не ти ли минава през ума au   10.09.06 23:04
. * да е жив и здрав Донски, komunist   09.09.06 20:28
. * Re: да е жив и здрав Донски, пиpин   10.09.06 23:10
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство ЧepнopизeцXpaбъp   10.09.06 08:45
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство джинrиби   10.09.06 13:04
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство ЧepнopизeцXpaбъp   10.09.06 13:17
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство Щъpkoт   10.09.06 13:23
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство ЧepнopизeцXpaбъp   10.09.06 14:48
. * и все пак Щъркот е закон koмyниcт   10.09.06 14:58
. * Re: и все пак Щъркот е закон ЧepнopизeцXpaбъp   10.09.06 17:11
. * Re: аз пък цakичъ   11.09.06 18:56
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство Щъpkoт   10.09.06 17:18
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство джинrиби   10.09.06 13:33
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство SS   10.09.06 14:20
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство Щъpkoт   10.09.06 17:25
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство SS   10.09.06 19:04
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство Щъpkoт   10.09.06 19:42
. * Re: Второто бугарско царство Kyдyrep   10.09.06 22:41
. * zz sos   10.09.06 23:56
. * Re: zz Waffen SS Schutzstaffeln   11.09.06 23:15
. * Re: zz sos   12.09.06 01:51
. * specialno za ssssssssssssss sos   10.09.06 23:55
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