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Тема The Rose prophecy agout the Pope John Paul II-by N
АвторHomer Makedonski (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано10.03.03 14:09  

Hi 2 all

I would like to open a topic about the prophecy concerning the ,,death of John Paul II'' / Quatrain 2.97

Roman pontiff beware of your approaching,
Of the city where two rivers water,
Your blood you will come to spit in that place,
Both you and yours when blooms the rose.
Everyone having a different explanations for Nostradamus and here I would like to put down my view about this Quatrain,because I have found it very interested to me.
lets go then with the line one:

-,,Roman pontiff beware of your approaching,''

I will focus my analyse on two words :Roman and pontiff
and through them I will try to sort out -to give my view for -this enigma

Roman= Roma or Romanoi what is,, the second name'' for the Greeks.
pontiff=(by the Collins Concise dictionary of the English language)meaning are:
a former title of the pagan high priest at Rome,later used of popes and occasionally of other bishops,and now confident to the pope.
pontifical:1.of,relating to,or characteristic of a pontiff.
2.having an excessively authorative manner;pompous.~n.R.C.Church,Church of England;
3.a book containing the prayers and ritual instructions for ceremonies restricted to a bishop;...e.t.c..etc..

So ,will say that pontiff is a title and here I will use an explanation under 2:having an excessively authorative (power)

Question so fare is Who is the one with Romanoi origin with in
fill authorative (power)?

Maybe the answer is hiden at this site


June 19, 2001
President George W. Bush
President of The United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Hon President Bush:

On behalf of the members of the Pan-Macedonian Association USA – Canada please allow me to convey warmest greetings to you. As US Citizens of Greek decent whose family origin is from “Macedonia”, ......

line two:
-,,Of the city where two rivers water,''
question will be answered with Baghdad
Baghdad is a sity near by Tiger and Euphrates
as ancient Babylon
line three
-,,Your blood you will come to spit in that place''
War experts are saying that the power or the biological or chemical agents named as VX is very powerfull.Only 10 m.l. of it can kill 60 millions people.
10 ml. only!!!!!

line four
-,,Both you and yours when blooms the rose.''

Does anyone knows when the roses are up to blooms?

I will say April in it's begining..


and all of this has nothing to do with the Pope !!

Цялата тема
* The Rose prophecy agout the Pope John Paul II-by N Homer Makedonski   10.03.03 14:09
. * Re: The Rose prophecy agout the Pope John Paul II-by N Homer Makedonski   10.03.03 14:15
. * Ups pardon sum go zgresil klubot Homer   10.03.03 14:24
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