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Тема канони [re: Mist]
Автор Paganel (believer)
Публикувано18.08.04 03:01  

Заеби ти каноните. Свещениците не са вярвали сигурно и на 5% от това което са писали, ама нали е трябвало да ръчкат простолюдието с гегата. Ясно си е, че злото идва пак от Бог. Все пак той е направил Сатаната.

Потърсих из нета малко, странно но първото на което попаднах беше анализ на Корана, но тъй като (поне според мен) Бог и Сатаната са очевидния първоизточник на идеята за Еру и Мелкор ето:

(Текстовете по-долу биха били по-скоро интересни за хора незапознати с библията и корана)

In God's kingdom, certain creatures are necessarily given the powers needed to perform their duties. Satan believed that his God-given powers qualified him to function as an independent god. As evidenced by the prevalence of misery, disease, accidents, and war in his dominion, we now know that Satan is incompetent.

The Quran clearly states that Satan was an angel, by virtue of the immense powers and rank bestowed upon him. This is why he is addressed as an angel (2:34, 7:11, 15:29, 17:61, 18:50, 20:116, 38:71) prior to his fall. By definition, a jinn is a fallen angel (18:50). Satan's rebellion teaches us that the angels were created with minds of their own, and absolute freedom of choice. (2:34).

А ето и християнски:

Ezekiel is careful to point out that Satan is a created being. He is not eternal, but limited and finite. Before the fall, Lucifer is perfect...intellectually and physically. Ez. 28:13 describes the beauty of Lucifer. "The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created." Christian writer Dwight Pentecost wrote "It was not necessary for Lucifer to learn to play a musical instrument in order to praise God. If you please, he had a built-in pipe organ.......Lucifer, because of his beauty, did what a musical instrument would do in the hands of a skilled musician.....Lucifer didn't have to look for someone to play the organ so that he could sing the doxology..he was the doxology." His name "serpent" means "The shining one." Paul also describes him as "an angel of light".

Isaiah 14:13-14 - The 5 things Satan wanted:
1. Lucifer wanted God's place. "I will ascend into heaven." He wanted to move God off His throne.
2. Lucifer wanted God's position. "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God." "Stars" = angels of God. Lucifer was never the Commander-in-Chief of the angelic army, but he was a Five-Star General. He was not happy just being in charge of the cherubim; he wanted sole authority over all the angels without submitting himself to the authority of the Creator. He wanted to eliminate God from the scene.
3. He wants to control all the universe--absolute control. "I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north."
4. He was no longer happy to be a reflector of his Creator, he wanted to be the originator. "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds." Of the 150 references to clouds in the Bible, over 100 of them are related to the presence and glory of God. Lucifer was saying he was going to take to himself a greater glory than the glory of God.
5. He wanted to be responsible to no one but himself. He wanted total independence. "I will be like the Most High."

When you give each other everything, it becomes an even trade. Each wins all.

Цялата тема
* Замисъла на Еру dragonfly   14.08.04 22:41
. * Re: Замисъла на Еру Yassen   14.08.04 22:54
. * Re: Замисъла на Еру Бeзцeнни   14.08.04 22:56
. * Re: Замисъла на Еру Maltalossion   15.08.04 16:07
. * За Доброто и за Злото... lSTORlK   15.08.04 16:58
. * Re: За Доброто и за Злото... Estel   15.08.04 18:21
. * Re: За Доброто и за Злото... SMAUG   16.08.04 11:59
. * Re: Замисъла на Еру VoodoRush   15.08.04 21:09
. * Re: Замисъла на Еру Mopдpeд   15.08.04 21:41
. * спасението на Ам-Гъл Loretta   16.08.04 02:35
. * Re: спасението на Ам-Гъл SMAUG   16.08.04 11:27
. * Re: спасението на Ам-Гъл Loretta   16.08.04 19:04
. * Re: спасението на Ам-Гъл VoodoRush   16.08.04 20:11
. * Re: спасението на Ам-Гъл Paganel   17.08.04 04:23
. * Re: спасителят в Rush-та VoodoRush   17.08.04 15:40
. * Re: спасителят в Rush-та Paganel   17.08.04 20:35
. * Re: спасителят в Rush-та VoodoRush   18.08.04 11:31
. * ЛОТР /// християнство Loretta   18.08.04 01:11
. * Re: спасението на Ам-Гъл SMAUG   17.08.04 10:10
. * не поука Loretta   17.08.04 12:31
. * Re: не поука dragonfly   17.08.04 13:18
. * Re: не поука Mist   17.08.04 15:38
. * Re: не поука Loretta   18.08.04 00:50
. * Re: не поука Mist   18.08.04 15:51
. * Re: не поука Estel   17.08.04 20:04
. * Re: не поука Loretta   18.08.04 00:51
. * Re: спасението на Ам-Гъл VoodoRush   18.08.04 11:40
. * Ам-Гъл и Юда Loretta   18.08.04 12:13
. * Re: Замисъла на Еру Umai Maia   16.08.04 14:31
. * Re: Замисъла на Еру Paganel   17.08.04 04:31
. * music is the gate Mist   17.08.04 15:28
. * проличава си, че не беше на дебата :Р Paganel   17.08.04 20:30
. * Re: проличава си, че не беше на дебата :Р Mist   17.08.04 22:50
. * Re: проличава си, че не беше на дебата :Р Maltalossion   17.08.04 22:59
. * Re: проличава си, че не беше на дебата :Р Paganel   18.08.04 02:44
. * Re: the evil that men do Mist   18.08.04 15:48
. * Re: the evil that men do Maltalossion   18.08.04 17:34
. * канони Paganel   18.08.04 03:01
. * Re: канони Mist   18.08.04 15:44
. * о не :) Loretta   18.08.04 00:59
. * Re: о не :) Paganel   18.08.04 02:38
. * Бог и Луцифер Loretta   18.08.04 11:06
. * ооооок Paganel   19.08.04 00:56
. * всичко За, без последния абзац с въпроса firefox   19.08.04 09:12
. * и с последния абзац си За Loretta   19.08.04 10:58
. * Re: music is the gate Loretta   18.08.04 00:58
. * Re: music is the gate Mist   18.08.04 15:39
. * betting SMAUG   18.08.04 17:27
. * rhythm is the dancer ;)) firefox   18.08.04 18:35
. * Re: fox & manimal Mist   18.08.04 19:41
. * Re: firefox   18.08.04 14:34
. * Re: Mist   18.08.04 15:55
. * :DD firefox   18.08.04 18:29
. * Re: :DD Mist   18.08.04 19:43
Клуб :  

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