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Тема Re: Мда, Галандро,... [re: Gallandro]
Автор Strider (alagos)
Публикувано09.06.04 19:47  

... специално за орките е казано. :)) А Толкин така и не установява краен вариант на идеите си за произхода на орките. На едно и също място можеш да срещнеш следните противоречиви твърдения: "Orcs are not Elvish." и "In that case Elves, as a source, are very unlikely.", но и "It remains therefore terribly possible there was an Elvish strain in the Orcs". :))

"Their nature and origin require more thought. They are not easy to work into the theory and system. As the case of Aule and the Dwarves shows, only Eru could make creatures with independent wills, and with reasoning powers. But Orcs seem to have both: they can try to cheat Morgoth / Sauron, rebel against him, or criticize him. Therefore they must be corruptions of something pre-existing. But Men had not yet appeared, when the Orcs already existed. Aule constructed the Dwarves out of his memory of the Music; but Eru would not sanction the work of Melkor so as to allow the independence of the Orcs. (Not unless Orcs were ultimately remediable, or could be amended and 'saved'?) It also seems clear (see 'Finrod and Andreth') that though Melkor could utterly corrupt and ruin individuals, it is not possible to contemplate his absolute perversion of a whole people, or group of peoples, and his making that state heritable. [Added later: This latter must (if a fact) be an act of Eru.] In that case Elves, as a source, are very unlikely."
In summary: I think it must be assumed that 'talking' is not necessarily the sign of the possession of a 'rational soul' or fea. The Orcs were beasts of humanized shape (to mock Men and Elves) deliberately perverted I converted into a more close resemblance to Men. Their 'talking' was really reeling off 'records' set in them by Melkor. Even their rebellious critical words - he knew about them. Melkor taught them speech and as they bred they inherited this; and hey had just as much independence as have, say, dogs or horses of their human masters. This talking was largely echoic (cf. parrots). In The Lord of the Rings Sauron is said to have devised a language for them. The same sort of thing may be said of Huan and the Eagles: they were taught language by the Valar, and raised to a higher evel - but they still had no fear. But Finrod probably went too far in his assertion that Melkor could not wholly corrupt any work of Eru, or that Eru would (necessarily) interfere to abrogate the corruption, or to end the being of His own creatures because they had been corrupted and fallen into evil. It remains therefore terribly possible there was an Elvish strain in the Orcs. These may then even have been mated with beasts (sterile!) - and later Men. Their lifespan would be diminished. And dying they would go to Mandos and be held in prison till the End.
It will there be seen that the wills of Orcs and Balrogs etc. are part of Melkor's power 'dispersed'. Their spirit is one of hate. But hate is non-cooperative (except under direct fear). Hence the rebellions, mutinies, etc. when Morgoth seems far off. Orcs are beasts and Balrogs corrupted Maiar. Also (n.b.) Morgoth not Sauron is the source of Orc-wills. Sauron is just another (if greater) agent. Orcs can rebel against him without losing their own irremediable allegiance to evil (Morgoth). Aule wanted love. But of course had no thought of dispersing his power. Only Eru can give love and independence. If a finite sub-creator tries to do this he really wants absolute loving obedience, but it turns into robotic servitude and becomes evil."

History of Middle-Earth, vol.X Morgoth's Ring

И доста още неща има по оркския въпрос точно из тая част пета на Morgoth's Ring.

Цялата тема
* Привет на всички! Alegro   07.06.04 20:35
. * Re: Привет на всички! Eowyn_   07.06.04 20:55
. * Re: Привет на всички! Alegro   07.06.04 22:14
. * Къхъм... къхъм.. Gallandro   08.06.04 10:22
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Kиpдaн   08.06.04 10:45
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Gallandro   08.06.04 11:03
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Alegro   10.06.04 21:17
. * Re: Поклон! Mитpaндиp   08.06.04 12:31
. * За малко да забравя... Gallandro   08.06.04 13:46
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Eлиoн   08.06.04 15:22
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Gallandro   08.06.04 15:52
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Taлиecин   08.06.04 16:00
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Gallandro   08.06.04 16:08
. * Re: кашлюк- кашлюк. . . Mитpaндиp   08.06.04 16:54
. * Re: кашлюк- кашлюк. . . Gallandro   08.06.04 18:32
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. dragonfly   08.06.04 18:01
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Eлиoн   08.06.04 19:56
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Gallandro   09.06.04 10:11
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Гpaxчe   09.06.04 12:32
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Gallandro   09.06.04 12:46
. * Re: Само да ти помогна за есето... Roheryn   09.06.04 20:14
. * Re: Само да ти помогна за есето... SMAUG   10.06.04 09:44
. * Re: За Ауле Roheryn   10.06.04 19:12
. * Re: Само да ти помогна за есето... Gallandro   10.06.04 10:02
. * Това за Маярите е предположение, ... Roheryn   10.06.04 19:11
. * Re: Това за Маярите е предположение, ... Strider   10.06.04 19:48
. * И още.... Roheryn   10.06.04 21:09
. * Re: Само да вметна нещо, което... Roheryn   08.06.04 20:01
. * Re: Само да вметна нещо, което... Gallandro   09.06.04 09:45
. * Re: Само да вметна нещо, което... SMAUG   09.06.04 10:11
. * Всъщност, Рох, сетих се още нещо. Gallandro   09.06.04 14:01
. * Re: Всъщност, Рох, сетих се още нещо. SMAUG   09.06.04 14:06
. * офф Gallandro   09.06.04 14:26
. * :)) SMAUG   09.06.04 14:39
. * Re: Мда, Галандро,... Strider   09.06.04 19:47
. * Re: Абе Галандро! /Почти успях :/ Roheryn   09.06.04 19:55
. * Re: Абе Галандро! /Почти успях :/ Gallandro   10.06.04 10:10
. * Противоречия Гpaxчe   10.06.04 10:52
. * Мерси :) (редактирано с доста добавки) Gallandro   10.06.04 11:07
. * Почвам да се увличам, ама айде... Gallandro   10.06.04 11:38
. * Re: Уф! Къф си мързел начи :)))) Roheryn   10.06.04 19:31
. * Re: Уф! Къф си мързел начи :)))) Gallandro   11.06.04 09:42
. * Re: Противоречия ами! Roheryn   10.06.04 20:54
. * Re: Противоречия ами! Гpaxчe   11.06.04 10:16
. * Re: Противоречия ами! Gallandro   11.06.04 10:47
. * Re: :) Roheryn   11.06.04 22:52
. * Re: Противоречия ами! SMAUG   11.06.04 10:48
. * Re: Противоречия ами! Гpaxчe   11.06.04 10:59
. * Тук малко издиша... Gallandro   11.06.04 11:07
. * Тц Гpaxчe   11.06.04 12:35
. * Leading the Revolution!!! SMAUG   11.06.04 17:41
. * Re: За "Галандро,Грах и аз" Roheryn   11.06.04 22:11
. * Както ни подхвана и тримата... SMAUG   12.06.04 14:42
. * Re: Точно там .... :/ Roheryn   13.06.04 21:45
. * Re: За "Галандро,Грах и аз" Gallandro   13.06.04 11:13
. * Защо четеш толкова буквално?! Gallandro   11.06.04 11:04
. * Re: Дали ще можеш... Roheryn   11.06.04 22:23
. * Re: Дали ще можеш... Gallandro   13.06.04 11:03
. * Re: Ще съм ти благодарна,.... Roheryn   13.06.04 21:45
. * Re: Защо четеш толкова буквално?! Eldanar   02.07.04 03:58
. * Re: Защо четеш толкова буквално?! Gallandro   02.07.04 09:48
. * Re: Само да вметна нещо, което... Eldanar   02.07.04 02:56
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Eлиoн   01.07.04 12:46
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Gallandro   01.07.04 14:46
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. dragonfly   08.06.04 17:26
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Пpeпoдoбният ЦУП   09.06.04 18:44
. * Re: Къхъм... къхъм.. Alegro   10.06.04 21:12
. * Re: Някой може ли да изрови... Roheryn   07.06.04 21:02
. * Привет!!! Alegro   07.06.04 22:18
. * Re: Привет!!! SMAUG   08.06.04 17:56
. * Re: Привет!!! Gallandro   08.06.04 18:28
. * Относно предводителите, Alegro   10.06.04 21:37
. * Re: Привет!!! Alegro   10.06.04 21:29
. * Re: Привет!!! SMAUG   11.06.04 10:55
. * Привет!!! Alegro   11.06.04 14:13
. * Добре казано! SMAUG   11.06.04 14:54
. * Re: Привет на всички! Umai Maia   08.06.04 11:21
. * Re: Привет на всички! Alegro   10.06.04 21:19
. * Re: Привет на всички! Taлиecин   08.06.04 15:33
. * Re: Привет на всички! Eowyn_   09.06.04 10:26
. * Галандро, ВИЖ! /ОФФ Roheryn   09.06.04 19:57
. * Re: Галандро, ВИЖ! /ОФФ dragonfly   09.06.04 20:05
. * Re: Привет на всички! Alegro   10.06.04 21:23
. * Re: Привет на всички! Taлиecин   10.06.04 22:32
. * Re: Привет на всички! Taлиecин   12.06.04 21:46
. * Re: Привет на всички! Alegro   13.06.04 11:39
. * Re: Привет на всички! SMAUG   13.06.04 12:08
. * Re: Привет на всички! Taлиecин   13.06.04 12:38
. * Re: Привет на всички! Gallandro   14.06.04 09:53
. * Re: Привет на всички! Taлиecин   14.06.04 15:26
. * Re: Привет на всички! Beregyl   13.06.04 13:47
. * Re: Ето ти Граховщината :) Намерих я Roheryn   13.06.04 21:19
. * Кон-археолог Gallandro   14.06.04 09:57
. * Re: Те ти! Roheryn   22.06.04 20:31
. * Re: Привет на всички! Niena   03.07.04 17:02
. * Re: Привет на всички! Taлиecин   04.07.04 00:55
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