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Тема Re: offtopic? [re: Eowyn_]
Автор lkew (circle)
Публикувано24.05.04 12:03  

(Възстановка на лице на неандартал.)

In all, the fossil record for Neanderthals is significantly better than for earlier human species. One reason for this is that Neanderthal fossils are relatively young compared to other early human species, and fossils decay over time. But another very important factor is the purposeful burial of their dead. Many Neanderthal sites include the remains of individuals who were deliberately placed in graves dug into the earth. Some of these burials show evidence that may indicate that these graves were adorned with offerings (such as flowers). This cultural advance, which represents an awareness and recognition of life and death, may have first been practiced by the Neanderthals.

Предвид природата на първите появили се хомо сапиенси, смятам, че развитието неандарталец - модерен човек е атавизъм, а не еволюция :)

ако изобщо има такова.


приложен цитат : " Several important sites in the vicinity of Qafzeh Cave, Israel, suggest that Neanderthals arrived in the region after modern Homo sapiens. This would indicate that the population of modern humans in this area was not descended form Neanderthals, and that there was some period of coexistence, or an alternating series of migrations into this region by the two species.

и още един : In the Far East, in contrast, there is quite a clear evolution from H. erectus, via a generalised H. sapiens to H. sapiens sapiens with Mongoloid features, but no Neanderthal presence (Roe in Waechter, 1990).

Изводи няма да извеждам. Направи си ги сама :)
Ако не можеш да преведеш нещо, свиркай :)

.............. и сега, в прав текст цитата, който ме прунуди да ти дам : "Some experts claim that modern humans and Neandertals shared genes and habitats right up until about 30,000 years ago, but this is a minority view falling ever further into empirical complications. The latest genetic study suggests that the ancestors of Neandertals and modern humans diverged about 500,000 years ago. It is more likely that Neandertals evolved independently of modern humans, as a conservative descendant of heidelbergensis, without significant cultural or genetic exchange with Homo sapiens.

И още един (за да закопая всяка опозиция) Although DNA tests show that modern humans and neanderthals diverged from a common ancestor more than 500,000 years ago and that modern humans do not carry neanderthal genes and so did not interbreed when they encountered each other 50,000 years ago, the discovery of possible hybrids suggests that we still have not fully completed the Neanderthal story.

Надявам се, че ти бях полЕзен (и разбих представите ти за света)

Count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums...
...The boogeymen are coming....

Редактирано от lkew на 24.05.04 12:07.

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. * Re: И сега нещо малко по-нетрадиционно... Гpaxчe   26.05.04 13:08
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