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Тема свобода и визи [re: Безродник]
Автор Analyser ()
Публикувано25.12.99 23:35  

Това тук е откъс от едно пручване на ЕС в България през 1997 година "During the last year no significant progress was achieved in efforts to eliminate the visa restrictions of the Western European countries. Despite having the status of an associate EU member, Bulgaria (as well as Romania) is on the so called "negative list" of countries considered risky for the EU countries and especially the "Shengen group". The fact that a resolution was adopted in June 1997 to replace Regulations 9317, which determines the country's visa regime, was not attributed to the merits of Bulgaria's foreign policy, but instead to inter-institutional relations inside the EU. Obviously, Bulgaria's unilateral decision to waive entry visas for citizens of the EU member-countries was not adequately appreciated and did not result in a reciprocal gesture. In Bulgaria visa requirements are mostly interpreted in negative terms, both as evidence of unequal treatment and as a irritating obstacle to freedom of movement. Justifiable though it may be, to a certain extent this leads to xenophobic attitudes. It was not (although it probably could) be utilized in positive terms - as a source for social cohesion and motivation for positive social change on the basis of the understanding that Bulgaria will accede to the European and Euro-Atlantic institutions as a society not as individuals. In descending order, it could be stated that in this context last year failures were its: inability to achieve a visa-free regime for Bulgarian citizens; inability to get Bulgaria excluded from the "negative list"; and inability to establish clear criteria for the removal of entry restrictions. Of course this cannot be considered the fault of Bulgaria alone. It must also be acknowledged that the EU deliberately avoids any commitment to specific criteria, presumably to avoid being put in an embarrassing situation should Bulgaria demonstrate its ability to compare on risky indicators with other countries not exposed to such a restrictive regime. well (e.g. account for fewer illegal or criminal emigrants)".:

Цялата тема
* свобода и визи Безродник   25.12.99 20:58
. * свобода и визи Analyser   25.12.99 23:35
. * свобода и визи Безродник   26.12.99 00:29
. * "Реципрочност" в сферата на визите Иван Иванов   26.12.99 02:18
. * "Реципрочност" в сферата на визите Безродник   26.12.99 16:15
. * "Нереципрочност" да се разбира и разсъжд Иван Иванов   26.12.99 23:52
. * "Нереципрочност" да се разбира и разсъжд Безродник   27.12.99 00:13
. * Г-н Иванов, вие наистина ли се намирате в Швеция? Doubt   27.12.99 00:55
. * Някои са извинени ... Иван Иванов   27.12.99 01:46
. * Г-н Иванов, вие наистина ли се намирате в Швеция? No doubt   27.12.99 02:04
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