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Тема WWF No Way Out Results
Автор Evil BrotherМодератор (Man-in-Black™)
Публикувано19.02.02 12:51  

WWF No Way Out Results

WWF No Way Out: 02-17-02
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: : Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler
Reporter: Fred Cook of IOWrestling.com

To start off the pre-game show, Jonathan Coachman talked about all the matches scheduled for the PPV. The WWF Desire video was played and contained clips from the past decades of wrestling with music by Kid Rock from his new album “Cocky.”

An now promo was played showing old clips of Hogan, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash.

They then showed Triple H and Stephanie’s recent struggle with each other and then Stephanie telling her husband that she is pregnant. Triple H was thrilled and they were set to renew their wedding vows. Triple H then found out that Stephanie hired an actor to play the doctor that spoke to Triple H about the baby. He called her a bitch during the vow renewing and told her that their marriage was over.

They then showed clips of the Rock/Undertaker feud that has gone down over the past weeks. They also added that Taker gave Rock a concussion and he is hell bent on revenge.

Another nWo promo was show. Clips of old WWF legends was playing and it was interrupted by New World Order footage and voice overs of Vince stating that he was going to destroy his creation with the nWo.

Clips from Raw were played of Chris Jericho attacking Austin in the entranceway and later during his match with Undertaker. Jericho leveled him with the World Title belt and stomped the hell out of The Rattlesnake in the middle of the ring. Y2J then took Stone Cold’s ice chest and drank his beer and then smashed him in the face with it.

They then showed Smackdown footage of Austin stalking Jericho throughout the night and getting into his head. Later on Smackdown while Chris Jericho was facing Kane in a match. He was disqualified and Austin came down and attacked.

nWo – New World Order WWF Debut
The show opened and the New World Order members came out right away to the old nWo music. Hogan, Hall and Nash came down to the ring and Nash got on the mic. Kevin Nash said they were here to set the record straight. They said they came in earlier and had a lot of heat with all of the boys and that the stares were frightening. He asked why? Because of their reputation? He said that some people have called the New World Order company-killing bastards.

Nash said that this all hurts their feelings and asked what they have done. Nash said they wanted a fair chance a clean slate so they could prove to the great fans that nobody does it like the New World Order.

Scott Hall got on the mic and kicked it off with his signature “Hey Yo!” and the crowd erupted. He said they are not bad guys, but marks and want to work with the great WWF superstars. He said they want to get some autographs, to hang out with the boys and maybe have some drinks with them. He said they just like the fans and they just want a chance.

Hollywood Hogan then took the mic and looked to be a bit choked up and said they are just like the fans, but richer and more famous. He said they just want a chance and want to make the WWF better. He said God Bless Vince McMahon for giving the nWo a chance. He then said God Bless the fans and America and then put down the mic and the New World Order left.

Match #1: Tag Team Turmoil Match
Spike & Tazz vs. The Dudley Boyz w/ Stacy Kiebler
Lance Storm and Christian started off the match with Scotty 2 Hotty and Albert. Scotty and Storm kicked off the match and Scotty got the upperhand and then tagged in Albert who came right in and slammed Storm and then hit the giant sling on Christian.

Christian and Storm double-teamed Albert and then he finally fought back and tagged in his partner Scotty 2 Hotty. He tossed Storm over the top to the outside and Christian hit the inverted DDT on him, but Storm got back in and hit the marital arts kick and took him down. Scotty hit a bulldog on Christian and then went for the WORM. Storm stopped him and Christian hit his finisher and pinned him.

The next team to come down was the returning Hardy Boyz with Lita. They came right in and double-teamed Christian and Matt then went for a move on the ropes and Storm pushed him down to the mat.

Christian and Matt were both down and they each tagged out to fresh partners and Jeff got in and took down both members of the opposing team. Matt then pulled Christian out of the ring and beat him on the outside while Jeff nearly tapped out to a submission hold in the ring.

The Hardyz double-teamed Lance Storm and hit their finisher to get the fall, which brought down the Dudley Boyz with Stacy Keibler.

D-Von came in and whipped Jeff into the corner where Buh Buh was and he flung him out and then D-Von slammed Jeff down and went for the fall. Buh Buh got the tag and then put Jeff in a leglock in the middle of the ring, but Matt came in and made the save. D-Von was then back in and got Jeff back in the corner and worked him over and then went for another pin.

Buh Buh powerslammed Jeff and then went up top for a high-risk move, but Jeff got up and hit the ropes and he came down on his crotch. Matt was tagged in and he hit a legdrop on D-Von, but he kicked out. Lita and Stacy then came in and went at it. Lita then got up top and hit the Litacanrana on Buh Buh while the ref was out and then Jeff hit a sumersault plancha on him on the outside.

Matt then rolled up D-Von in the middle of the ring and eliminated the Dudleyz. On the outside, the Boyz hit the 3D on Jeff on the outside and Billy and Chucky came down and went after Matt, who was all alone.

Billy and Chuck came in and Billy threw Matt right into a superkick from Chuck. Billy then hit the fame-asser and pinned him to bring down the last team, the APA.

Chucky and Faarooq were in the ring and Chuck was kicking away at him in the corner. He tagged in Billy and he took Faarooq out of the ring and Chuck worked him over and then sent him back in the ring to Billy Gunn.

Billy was punching Faarooq and then he went for the Fame-asser on him, but got caught and driven with a Spinebuster. Bradshaw then got the tag and he whipped Chuck into each turnbuckle and nailed him with clotheslines and then Billy came in and he nailed him with the clothesline from Hell and pinned him to win the match and the #1 contender spot for the tag titles.
Winner(s): The APA

Ric Flair was interviewed and said that no one should believe the bunch of crap that the New World Order tried to sell the people. Flair said that if the nWo gets out of hand they will have to get out of the building. The Undertaker then came up and told Flair he had better make sure he knows who has his back.

Match #2: Goldust vs. Rob Van Dam
Van Dam got in the ring and Goldust came right after him and knocked him out of the ring. He slammed him into the guardrail and got him back into the ring. Van Dam then put on the offense and backed Goldust back into the corner and punched him repeatedly. Goldust then got whipped off the ropes and got out of the ring to regroup.

Goldust walked down the aisle back toward the entranceway and then finally walked slowly back to the ring. Van Dam met him outside and slammed him into the railing and then tossed him into the crowd. He then draped him on the railing and hit a spinning legdrop on him from off the ring apron.

Goldust lifted a knee in Van Dam’s face and then went up top and hit another one from the top rope on the outside. He slammed his head into the ring apron and then got him back in the ring. He whipped him off the ropes and hit him with his backside. Goldust then catapulted him into the ropes.

Goldust then got Van Dam in a camal clutch and he finally got out before having to tap. Van Dam finally fought back and nailed Goldust in the corner and then went up top and hit a huge kick off the top. He covered him and got a 2-count.

Van Dam went for the 5 star frog splash and missed and Goldust hit the DDT and it looked to be over. RVD kicked out and then Goldust went for the inverted DDT and RTVD got out and hit the spinning heel kick. Van Dam then went up top and hit the 5 star frog splash and pinned Goldust to win the match.
Winner: Rob Van Dam

Steve Austin was walking through the hallway and he ran into the nWo. Hogan looked at Hall and Nash and said hey look guys, its Steve Austin, the Rattlesnake. They gave him a six-pack of beer and he asked them if they had heard he liked to drink. They said yes and he threw down the beers and Hogan told them to let him pass through.

Match #3: Tag Team Championship Match
Tazz & Spike vs. Booker T. & Test
Tazz came in and Test got him in the corner with a boot to the throat. Test kicked Tazz while he was down and then backed him in the corner again. He whipped him to the opposite side, but Tazz broke out and hit him with a clothesline. Spike then leaped off the top and dropkicked Test.

Spike then rolled up Test with the help of Tazz, but Booker T distracted the referee. Booker T. then came in and hit the big kick on Spike and then Tazz ran in and tried to come at Booker, but the ref stopped him. Booker then hit the knife-edge chops on Spike until he fell to the mat.

Booker tagged in Test and they double-teamed Spike. Test then used the ropes as leverage and choked Spike. He then scoop slammed Spike and went for an elbow and missed. He then took him down and went for the pin, but Spike got to the ropes.

Booker then got the tag and he worked over Spike. Tazz came in again and tried to stop Booker, but the ref got him out. Spike then went for the Dudley Dogg on Booker and both of them were down in the ring. They both got up and Spike tagged in Tazz and Test got the tag from Booker.

Test missed a big boot on Tazz, but he managed to throw out Booker. Tazz then went for the Tazzplex, but Test got out and Spike bulldogged him. Tazz then went for a clothesline on Test and got an elbow in the face. Test then choked Tazz and the ref made him stop, but Test got pissed and went after the ref.

Test is using the fact that he has WWF immunity. The referee pushed Test over and Tazz got him in the Tazzmission. Test tapped out in the middle of the ring and the tag champs retained their titles.
Winner(s): Tazz & Spike

Jonathan Coachman interviewed the Rock and he complained that Taker tried to end his career. He told Taker that he has no idea what it is like to be disrespected by The Rock. He said all he has been thinking about is coming to whoop his candy ass in Milwaukee. He told Taker that tonight, he is a deadman walking if you Smell what the Rock is Cookin’.

Match #4: Intercontinental Championship Match
Edge vs. William Regal
Brass knuckles are strung up on a pole in the corner for use in the match. Regal came down to the ring and got attacked on the outside before the bell could sound by Edge. He suplexed Regal and went straight for the Brass knucks. Edge picked up Regal and whipped him off the ropes, but got tossed over the ropes and landed on the ring apron and went for the knucks again, but was stopped.

They fought to the outside and Edge slammed Regal over the guardrail into the crowd area. Edge then ran back to the ring and again went for the brass knucks. Edge got Regal in a full nelson, but he countered and slammed him across the ropes. Regal got him in the abdominal stretch and a Regal Sucks chant started.

Edge went for the knucks and Regal took him to the outside. He hit a powerbomb on Edge on the outside mat. They got back into the ring and Regal got Edge in the Regal Stretch. Edge was bleeding from the mouth and he slowly tried to make his way to the ropes.

Edge finally got to the ropes and Regal picked him up and hit a tigerbomb on him and the climbed the ropes and went up the pole to get the brass knucks. Out of pure desperation, Edge hit the low blow on Regal and took him down from getting the brass knuckles.

Regal tried to powerbomb Edge off the ring apron, but they both fell to the outside and were down. Edge got up while Regal was still down and tried to get the knucks yet again, but Regal got up on the apron and they started exchanging blows. Regal knocked out Edge and got the knucks.

Edge suplexed Regal and they were both down and the knucks were loose in the middle of the ring. Regal kicked them out of the ring and Edge tried to get him in a pinning combination. He hit the spear and then went outside to get the knucks instead of the cover. He put the knucks on and came at Regal, but he pulled some out of his pants and nailed Edge with them and pinned him to win the match.
Winner: William Regal

Lilian Garcia interviewed Kurt Angle and asked him if having Stephanie as the guest referee in the match with Triple H was why he had so much confidence. He said his confidence is because he had gold medals that he didn’t get at a state fair or a box of Lucky Charms. He then said that the news of Stephanie not being pregnant was great news because Triple H would have made a terrible father. He then went on to say that he will win the match tonight and be the #1 contender for the title at Wrestlemania.

Match #5: The Rock vs. The Undertaker
Rock hit a full sprint to the ring and went after Taker in the ring. He whipped him in the corners and beat the hell out of him. Taker turned it around and took Rock down and then stomped him while he was down. Taker then choked Rock against the mat in the middle of the ring.

Taker whipped Rock off the ropes, and Rock reached down and nailed him with a neckbreaker and they were both down. Taker got up first and choked Rock with leverage from the ropes with his leg. Taker them pulled him up and slammed into the corner and then scared the referee when he tried to stop him.

Undertaker hit the sidewalk slam on Rock and then got him in a reverse chinlock. The Rock got up and Taker nailed him the stomach and then drove the elbow into the small of Rock’s back. While he was down, Taker kicked him and mocked him while he tried to get up.

Taker then went for a big boot and missed Rock and got hung up in the ropes. Rock then used this to fire back and fought him on the outside of the ring. He slammed Taker into the guardrail and then slammed his face into the announcer’s table. He pulled out some monitors and then went back for Taker and got slammed into the steps.

Rock then got slammed down on the guardrail and Taker say down on the steps to talk trash on Rock while he tried to regroup. Taker then rolled into the ring to break the 10 count and then went back out to Rock. He clotheslined him into the crowd and Taker followed him through the crowd.

Taker dragged Rock and tried to whip him into a door, but Rock reversed it and slammed him through it. Taker fired back and got Rock in a chokehold and dragged him back to the ring. He threw him back to the ringside area and then picked him up and laid him across the ring apron and then hit the elbows on him.

Undertaker hit a legdrop and went for the pin, but Rock kicked out. He stayed on him and tried again, but the Rock got out again. He got Rock in a chokehold in the middle of the ring again and Rock broke out and whipped him off the ropes, but got nailed with the DDT.

Rock leaned over and made the cover, but Taker kicked out and got Rock in the bear hug. He squeezed him to the mat and the referee picked up the Rock’s arm to make the count-out, but he finally got out of the hold and threw fists of desperation at Undertaker, but then got nailed again and fell to the mat.

Taker and Rock exchanged blows and Rock hit a DDT and followed it up with a spinebuster and then called for the People’s Elbow. Taker shot up and grabbed him by the throat, but Rock hit a low blow and then backed him into the corner.

Taker finally hit the chokeslam on Rock and both men were down. Taker took too much time to make the cover and Rock kicked out. Taker then left the ring and got on his bike and pulled a lead pipe and Flair came down and tried to stop him from getting into the ring with it. Taker took out Flair and Rock got Taker in the sharpshooter.

Vince McMahon ran down and tried to save Taker, but Rock grabbed Vince and dragged him into the ring. Rock beat up Vince and then Flair came in and nailed Taker with the lead pipe. Rock hit the Rock Bottom on Taker and pinned him to win the match.
Winner: The Rock

Mr. Perfect was at WWF New York and he said he should be out in the crowd with all the people, but he looked at the teeth and hair and clothes of the people and decided not to. He said the rats are even ugly in this town and then took off his shirt to show everyone what perfect is.

Match #6: #1 Contender Match
Triple H vs. Kurt Angle
Triple H came in and got mad at Stephanie right away for a count she made. He proceeded to choke out Angle on the mat and then he got him in the corner and stomped away at him.

Triple H clotheslined Angle and then Angle countered and suplexed him. Angle then tried to clothesline Triple H and missed and hit Stephanie over the ropes and took her out to the outside.

WWF officials came down to check on Stephanie. Triple H took down Angle and then had a smile on his face while he looked down at Stephanie. A new ref came in and Angle got the action going again, but triple H took control of the match again.

Angle countered on Triple H from the corner and hit numerous suplexes and then went for a cover. Angle then got Triple H in the corner and stomped away at him and then Triple H rolled out of the ring.

He got back into the ring and Angle nailed him with a clothesline and went for the pin, but Triple H kicked out. An “Angle Sucks!” chant brokeout and then Triple H turned the match around quickly, but then got hit with another suplex and kicked out of Angle’s pin. Angle hit yet another suplex and then choked Triple H near the ropes with his boot. Triple H got up and fired back, but Angle got him in a headlock.

Angle got him in the sleeper hold and Triple H tried to break free. Triple H finally got free and powerbombed Angle and they were both down and out. They started to exchange blows and Triple H went for a sunset flip, but got a boot to the face, but then he managed to hit a spinebuster and went for the pin.

Triple H went for a second pin and Angle kicked out. Triple H followed Angle to the outside and chased him around the ring and when they got back in, Angle laid out the ref.

Angle then took out Triple H and Stephanie made her way back down to the ring and made the 2-count. Angle then got Triple H in the ankle lock and he got free and Stephanie was knocked out again.

Tim White tried to get in and officiate the match, but he was thrown out of the ring. Angle got a chair and missed Triple H and then The Game hit the pedigree on him on the chair. Tim White came back in and tried to make the count, but Angle kicked out.

Stephanie then got up and Triple H grabbed her and went for the pedigree on her, but Angle nailed him with the chair twice and then nailed him with the Angle Slam. Stephanie counted the 3-count and Angle is going to WrestleMania.
Winner: Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle was shown leaving in the parking lot and going for his car. He asked the valet man is his car was ready to go, and he told the kid that if anyone asked where he was going, tell them he was headed to WRESTLEMANIA! He then got in his car and pulled away.

Rock was in the back with a doctor and Hogan and the nWo came in and he said Rock was his son’s favorite wrestler and he wanted to take a picture with him for the kid. Hogan turned away after the picture and said “So much for the People’s taste.” Rock got mad and told them he tried to be a man and mature about the situation. He then ripped on all of their old WWF gimmicks and told them to stick the camera up Hogan’s candy ass.

Match #7: Undisputed WWF Championship Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho
Austin and Jericho got in the ring and The Rattlesnake was pacing and staring down the champ. The bell sounded and they stood face-to-face in the middle of the ring. They each flipped each other a bird and they tied up and Jericho pushed Austin back into the corner. The ref broke it and they tied up again in the middle of the ring, but stepped off each other.

Austin nailed Jericho and then whipped him through the ropes to the outside. Jericho got back in quickly and came at Austin, but he got him in the corner and nailed him with several knife-edge chops.

Austin then rammed Jericho’s head into the turnbuckle pads numerous times to the crowd yelling “WHAT?” every step of the way. Austin then hit a vertical suplex and then went back to the corner for knife-edges.

Jericho got free and hit a swinging neckbreaker on Austin and then stomped away at him on the mat. Jericho then hit the knife-edge chops. Jericho then whipped Austin and hit him with a forearm and then went upstairs for a high-risk move and missed.

They fought to the outside and Austin slammed Jericho into the steps and then proceeded with more knife-edge chops. Austin got Jericho into the corner yet again and nailed him with shoulder blocks and then Jericho got free and nailed Austin and he fell through the ropes to the outside.

Austin and Jericho fought their way down the aisle and Austin slammed the champion into the trucks that were down by the entrance. Austin then slammed Y2J into the projector and then dragged him back to ringside.

Jericho then went up top and Austin stopped him with more knife-edges and he superplexed him off the top into the ring. Austin put the champ back up top and hit another. He hit a third superplex and went for the cover, but Jericho kicked out. Austin then ran Jericho into the turnbuckle and nailed him with a strong clothesline.

Austin got nailed with a low blow and Jericho took advantage of the match yet again. Jericho hammered away at Austin near the ropes and then choked him out with his foot and used the ropes for leverage. Jericho whipped Austin and then tried to get him in the Walls of Jericho but he fought free.

Jericho whipped Austin off the ropes, but he countered and dropped Jericho across the ropes on his gut. Austin tried to follow up, but Jericho side stepped him and sent him out of the ring.

Jericho tossed Austin into the security wall and then hit him with the forearms. They got back into the ring and Jericho missed a Lionsault. Jericho then got Austin in the sleeper in the middle of the ring.

Jericho muscled him to the mat and the ref lifted Austin’s arm to make the count-out. Austin went for a back suplex and Austin countered and hit a clothesline. Austin hit a spinebuster on Jericho and then nailed him in the stomach.

Austin slammed Jericho and went for the pin, but Jericho kicked out and he nailed Austin with a bulldog and then hit the Lionsault off the middle rope. He hit another and then went for the pin, but got a 2.

Jericho went for the spear and missed and hit the ring post. Jericho then took down Austin and got him in the Walls of Jericho. Austin would not tap out and he made his way to the ropes and got free. Jericho then tried to get out of the ring and Austin got him back in and spinebusted him on the title and almost got the 3-count.

Jericho nailed Austin with a headlock slam and then whipped him into the ropes and went for a clothesline, but nailed the referee. Austin got him in the Boston Crab and there was no referee to call the match. Austin then hit the Stunner and then the nWo came out!

The 3 nWo members came down and attacked Austin and Jericho was able to make the cover after they left and win the match and retain his title.
Winner: Chris Jericho

The New World Order came down and beat the hell out of Austin. Scott Hall hit the Stunner on Austin and he was laid out in the middle of the ring. Hogan then got under the ring and they held Austin down and spray painted Austin with nWo across the back. The nWo walked out laughing as Austin was down in the ring.

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