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Тема WWF Royal Rumble Results
Автор Evil BrotherМодератор (BAD*AZZ)
Публикувано21.01.02 21:06  

WWF Royal Rumble Results

They played a clip of Ric Flair’s history and hyped his match with Vince McMahon. They recapped the events that had gone down between the two men since Flair came into the WWF. They then showed clips of Triple H’s rehabilitation with the song Beautiful Day by U2.

Clips from Smackdown! were shown and Big Show picked up Rikishi and dumped him over the top rope. The APA then came down and went after Big Show.

They hyped the Rock/Jericho Championship match and showed the conflict between them over the past few weeks.

They then showed the clip of Ric Flair saying that Vince’s contract says that he is an Owner/Wrestler and that he would wrestle at the Royal Rumble. Vince then asked who would be man enough to fight him and Flair said it would be him.

The Intercontinental title match between William Regal and Edge was then advertised, followed by the Women’s title match between Jazz and Trish. The Dudleyz vs. Spike and Tazz will also take place for the tag team titles.

Smackdown footage was shown of Kurt Angle, Booker T., Austin and Triple H in action. The Undertaker came out after the match onto the ramp and confronted all the top dogs in the WWF.

Leading into the event, flashbacks of old highlights of Royal Rumble matches were shown.

Match #1: Tag Team Championship Match
Spike & Tazz vs. The Dudley Boyz w/ Stacy Kiebler
Tazz and Spike made their way down after the Dudleyz and they started battling outside of the ring. Buh Buh and Spike started the official match in the ring and Buh Buh worked over his Half Brother and tore the neck brace off his neck and then dropped him on his head with a neckbreaker.

D-Von was tagged in and he snap mared Spike down and then drop kicked him in the back of the neck. Buh Buh was tagged back in and he suplexed Spike and went for a second one, but Spike reversed it and hit the Acid Drop. Spike got dropped with a cheapshot and Tazz tried to come in.

D-Von came in and they double-teamed Spike and then he went upstairs and hit the Whassup headbutt on Spike. Tazz then came in and cleaned house on the Dudleyz with a series of suplexes. Spile got dumped out of the ring and then ran over the D-Von and got him in the Tazzmission and made him tap to retain their tag titles.
Winner(s): Tazz & Spike

Edge was interviewed by Lilian Garcia and he said that Regal wants to play dirty and he doesn’t care. He then grabbed a chair and showed it to the camera and said he introduced Regal’s face to the chair earlier.

Match #2: Intercontinental Championship Match
William Regal vs. Edge
Regal and Edge came down to the ring and the referee Nick Patrick checked the shorts of Regal. The match got started and Edge had the advantage. Regal fought back and nailed Edge with a series of uppercuts. Regal then got Edge in a headlock in the ropes.

Edge got up and got nailed with a huge suplex on his head by Regal. Both men were down after the vicious maneuver. Regal rolled over and covered Edge and got a 2-count. He went for the cover again with the lateral press, but he kicked out again. He then got him in a reverse chinlock and then short arm clotheslined him.

Edge went for a quick desperation pin and then Regal hit a Tiger Bomb and held it into a pin. Regal knocked Edge out of the ring and then followed him outside. He pulled him by the hair back up to the ring apron and Edge hit a DDT on him onto the side of the ring. Regal’s face hit very hard.

Edge rolled him in and went for the pin, but Regal got his foot on the bottom rope. Edge then whipped him face-first into the turnbuckle and then went for the Spear, but they collided and both went down to the mat for the count. They got up and edge hit him with a forearm shot and then a vertical suplex that was followed by a pin.

Edge got up and hit another suplex on Regal and went for another lateral press. Regal then got Edge in the Regal stretch. Edge inched his way to the ropes to break the hold. Edge then countered the hold an tried to get Regal in his own stretch. Edge then broke the hold and rolled Regal up for a 2-count.

Edge then climbed the ropes and Regal caught him up top. Regal set up for a superplex, but he pushed him away and then nailed him with a Missile Dropkick. Edge then went for the Spear and knocked out the ref. Regal then got up and nailed Edge with the brass knucks while the ref was down. He then pinned Edge and captured the WWF IC title.
Winner: William Regal

Match #3: Women’s Championship Match
Trish Stratus vs. Jazz w/ Special Referee Jackie
Jackie made her way to the ring first and Jim Ross stated that Ric Flair appointed her as the special referee for the match. The two ladies came down and Jazz went right after Trish and ripped her coat right off. She slammed her down on the mat and then hit a splash and went for the cover. Trish got up and fired back and then hit a sunset flip and went for the pin. Jazz countered and Trish countered back and then they got up and Trish was clotheslined by Jazz.

Jazz scoop slammed Trish and then stomped on her injured hand and then hit a leg drop. Jazz was focusing on the hurt hand and used leverage from the ropes to put pressure on it. Jazz and Jackie then got into it with words and Jazz then rolled up Trish and Jackie hesitated to make the count.

Jazz went for a back suplex on Trish, but she countered and hit a Bulldog. She went for the pin and Jazz countered and nearly pinned her. Jazz hit a DDT and went for the lateral press, but the champ kicked out. Jazz then whipped Trish into the corner. She countered and hit the bulldog to win the match and retain her title.
Winner: Trish Stratus

Ric Flair was shown coming into the arena earlier with his son and daughter. Coachman tried to interview him, but he really had no words to share and just introduced his kids.

Clips of the Flair/McMahon rivalry were then shown. They showed Vince imitate Flair and his reaction to that. They also showed Vince attack Flair with a pipe on Raw and a montage of interview clips of both co-owners of the company.

Match #4: Co-Owners Street Fight Match
Ric Flair vs. Vince McMahon
Vince and Flair squared up in the middle of the ring. Vince took down Flair after a tie up and Vince flexed to the crowd and mocking Flair’s strut. Vince got Ric in the corner and then Flair turned it around and hit him with a series of knife-edge chops.

Flair then got slammed into the turnbuckle and he flew out of the ring. Vince followed him out and smashed Flair in the back of the head with a sign. McMahon then threw Flair into the guardrail and then pulled trashcans out from under the ring. Flair’s head was split open and Vince slammed him into the steel steps.

Vince was beating Flair right in front of his kids who were in the front row. He rolled Flair back into the ring and then got him in a leg lock and then focused on injuring the leg of Flair. Vince then wrapped Ric’s legs around the ringpost and slammed his knee into it.

Vince then got Flair in his own hold, The Figure Four Leglock. Flair managed to break free and Vince got the hold put on him and then rolled out of the ring in pain. Vince got a lead pipe and brought it into the ring. Flair got up and hit a low blow on McMahon. They then went to the outside and Flair slammed Vince into the guardrail right in front of his kids.

They got back in the ring and Flair took Vince down and then went for the lead pipe and cracked Vince in the head with it. Flair then got Vince in the Figure Four and Vince finally tapped out in the middle of the ring.
Winner: Ric Flair

Nick Patrick was asked by Michael Cole if he had a chance to review the tape of William Regal’s tainted victory for the IC title. Stephanie McMahon then came in and asked to take over and started talking about how Triple H was going to take out 29 other to win the Rumble match. She was talking shit on Austin and then he came up behind her.

She saw him and he said WHAT? a bunch of times until she finally screamed and ran away. Austin then said he would win the rumble by taking out the 29 pieces of trash and then said WHAT again to Michael Cole and left.

Match #5: Undisputed Championship Match
Chris Jericho vs. The Rock
Rock and Jericho stood in the ring and Jericho put his hand in Rock’s face and then they both exploded. Jericho backed Rock into the corner and went for a spear and hit the ring post. Rock then went for a clothesline and Jericho countered it and he was down on the mat.

Jericho backed Rock into the corner again and nailed him with knife-edge chops. Rock broke free and Jericho nailed him with a spinning hell kick and then went for the lateral press and got a 2-count. Jericho then exposed the turnbuckle by taking off the pad.

Jericho got Rock on the mat and pummeled him with rights. The crowd started a ROCKY chant. Jericho went up top and hit a missile dropkick and then got Rock in a chokehold. Rock bot up to his feet and nailed Jericho in the gut and then bounced off the ropes and Jericho leveled him with a forearm shot.

Jericho then went up top and Rock caught him before he could do anything. Rock superplexed him down to the mat and both men were down for the count. Rock. Jericho got up and hit a lionsault on Rock and then hit another and went for the cover.

Jericho then got on the middle rope as Rock got up. He went for a dropkick and missed and Rock got him in the Sharpshooter in the middle. Lance Storm then ran down and distracted the ref on the ring apron. The ref was looking at Storm and Christian came in and Rock kicked his ass. Jericho then hit the Rock Bottom on Rock and then went for a pin.

Jericho scoop slammed Rock and then went for the People’s Elbow. Rock got up and tossed him over the top rope. He went outside he ring. Jericho picked up Rock and dropped him on the table. Jericho then got up on the table and went for the Rock Bottom, but Rock countered and slammed Jericho with the move through the over table.

Rock got up from the rubble of the table and picked up Jericho by the hair and got him back into the ring. Jericho got Rock in the Sharpshooter in the middle fo the ring and he slowly made his way over to the ropes.

Rock was then tossed into the ropes and went for a flying clothesline on Jericho and missed and hit the ref. Jericho made the pin and Nick Patrick ran down to take over officiating the match for Earl Hebner. Rock then got up and hit a DDT on Jericho.

Rock made the cover on Jericho and Patrick would not count the 3-count for him. Rock got up and Rock Bottomed him and then went for the People’s elbow on Jericho. He covered Jericho and there was no referee to make the count. Rock tried to get Hebner up and Jericho hit a low blow on him.

Jericho got up and slammed Rock into the turnbuckle and rolled him up and used the ropes to gain leverage and Hebner made the count without seeing and Jericho retained his Undisputed Title.
Winner: Chris Jericho

Shawn Michaels was interviewed from WWF New York and he said it was a treat to see Vince McMahon and Ric Flair meet in the ring, because they were both influential in his career. He then said he was predicting either Austin or Undertaker since they are from Texas to win the Royal Rumble match.

Match #6: The Royal Rumble
30 WWF Competitors
Rikishi was the #1 entrant into the Royal Rumble. He made his way down to the ring first followed by Goldust as #2. He came down with the gold glitter falling from the ceiling. He stared down Rikishi and paced around him and then turned his back on him and got attacked.

Rikishi slammed Goldust and then tired to throw him over the top rope and Goldust caught the rope and pulled himself back in. Goldust nailed Rikishi again and then went for a clothesline and nearly got backdropped over, but held the ropes again and got back in. He then got Rikishi in the corner and Big Bossman then made his way down to the ring as #3.

Goldust got put on the top rope straddling the turnbuckle and Rikishi rammed Bossman into him. Bossman pummeled Rikishi in the corner and Goldust came over and helped Bossman double-team him and they tried to put him over the top rope. Goldust then punched Bossman right in the face and they faught in the middle of the ring as the countdown began for #4. Bradshaw then made his way down to the match.

Bradshaw went after Goldust while Bossman continued to attack Rikishi in the corner. Rikishi knocked down Bossman and got the stink face on him in the corner. Bradshaw was in the other corner trying to put Goldust out. Rikishi eliminated Bossman. Bradshaw powerbombed Goldust and the buzzer sounded and Lance Storm came down as #5.

Storm got nailed by Goldust as Bradshaw was barely holding on from behind throw over. Goldust was trying to put over Bradshaw and Rikishi came over and tried to get him over, but he held on again and got back into the ring. Al Snow then came down as #6.

Snow was trying to put over Rikishi and Storm was almost being eliminated by Bradshaw. Storm was then trying to get out Rikishi as Billy Gunn came down as the 7th entrant.

Snow and Storm fought and fell to the outside ring apron. They battled and finally Snow caufht Storm’s foot and kicked him off the apron. Goldust was helping Bradshaw with Billy Gunn and then they doubled up and eliminated Bradshaw. Undertaker’s music then hit and he came down on a bike as #8.

Everyone was trying to put out Goldust and Taker came in and leveled Billy Gunn and then everyone else. He chokeslammed Goldust over the top rope. Take then eliminated Rikishi with a clothesline and then tossed over Billy Gunn. Taker got rid of everyone and waited for #9, which was Matt Hardy with Lita.

Matt ducked a clothesline by Taker and then got caught in a chokeslam. Lita then got on the top and tried to help Matt, but he caught her and slammed them both down. Matt fought back and tried to hoist Taker over the ropes. Jeff then came down as #10.

Jeff and Matt double-teamed Taker and Jeff was almost thrown over by Taker. Matt slammed down Taker and Jeff hit the Twist of Fate. Jeff then leaped at Taker in the corner and he got dumped over the ropes. Taker then beat down Matt and tossed him over as well right as Maven made his way down as #11.

The Hardyz then came back in and went after Taker. Maven then came over and drop kicked Taker and eliminated him. The crowd erupted and Maven looked so excited and shocked. Undertaker then came back in and beat Maven to death and brought him to the outside and smashed a chair over his head. Scotty 2 Hotty then made his way down to the ring as #12.

Taker continued to beat down Maven and then got him in the ring and tossed him over the ropes to eliminate him. Taker fought him threw the crowd and beat him way up to the concession area of the arena. Christian then came down as #13 and waited in the ring while Scotty was down in the aisle.

Christian beat Scotty 2 Hotty all over the ring and finally Diamond Dallas Page made his way down to the match as contestant #14. He came right in and was taken down by Christian.

Scotty 2 Hotty got tossed out by Page and then did the WORM and stomped the hell out of Christian near the side of the ring. Chuck then came down and joined the match as #15.

Page went after Chuck and then Chuck fought back and threw him into Christian, who nailed him with a clothesline. Chuck was working over DDP in the corner and Godfather then came down as #16 with tons and tons of hoes. He had a total of 12 hoes and he dance with all of them before he wen to the ring.

Godfather finally got in the ring and the buzzer sounded right away as Albert came down to join the match. He was #17 and he came right in and took down Chuck.

Godfather got the big scissors kick from Albert. All 4 men were then near the ropes trying to throw eachother out and Albert got tossed out. Christian and Chucky then eliminated Godfather. Saturn then came down as #18.

Saturn attacked Chuck and suplexed him in the middle of the ring and then tried to put Christian over. All 3 were going at it in the ring and Stone Cold Steve Austin came down as #19. He came right in and whooped on everyone in the ring.

Austin eliminated everyone in the ring and then pulled Christian back into the ring and threw him out again and then did the same to Chuck and waited for #20, which was the returning Val Venis.

Venis came in and Austin got him in the corner and stomped the hell out of him. Venis got up and fought back and then slammed him into the turnbuckle. Venis slammed him down and pummeled him. Austin then fought back as Test came down as #21.

Test came in and went right after Austin. Venis and Test double-teamed Austin and then Austin finally fought back and tossed Venis and then got Test as well and waited for #22, which was Triple H.

Triple H made a long slow entrance to the ring and just starred down Austin the entire time. Triple H finally got into the ring and him and Austin stood face-to-face talking trash and finally Austin unloaded on him and they exchanged blows in the middle of the ring. Hurricane then came down as #23.

Hurricane tried to get both Austin and Triple H in a chokehold. They looked at eachother in shock and just tossed him right over. Faarooq then came down as #24.

Faarooq tried to put Austin over and Triple H made the save. Triple H nailed Faarooq and then Austin hit he stunner and then Triple H clotheslined him over the ropes and eliminated him. Austin got Triple H in the corner and tried to put him over as Mr. Perfect slowly walked down as #25.

He ran right in and threw his towel at Austin and attacked him. Triple H and Austin tried to put him over and Kurt Angle’s music hit and he made his way down as #26.

Perfect and Austin were going at it in the corner and Triple H and Kurt Angle in the opposite side. Triple H had Angle backed into the corner and then he pulled him out and hit a suplex. Angle ran over and belly-to-belly suplexed Austin and Big Show came down as #27.

Austin and Triple H double-teamed Big Show and he then took them both down. Everyone was down in the ring and Angle got up and tried to suplex Show, but he got Gorilla Pressed, but saved by Triple H. Show then chokeslammed Triple H and Kane came down as #28.

Kane and Show went at it in the middle of the ring and Kane choked Show and got him over the ropes. Angle then came over and eliminated Kane and then it was back to Austin, Perfect, Triple H and Angle. Rob Van Dam then came down as #29, the last participant in the match.

Van Dam came in and hit a huge splash on Angle in the middle of the ring. Van Dam hit a rolling Thunder on Austin and then got caught by Triple H and got hit with the Pedigree. Van Dam was down and out in the middle of the ring as the rest of the men kept battling.

The buzzer hit and Booker T. was the last entrant in the Royal Rumble. He came right in and eliminated Van Dam. Stone Cold then came over and stunned him to eliminate him.

Austin got slammed and Angle then hit the Angle slam on Triple H. Perfect and Austin then went at it in the corner and Angle came up from behind and back suplexed Austin repeatedly.

Austin was trying to fight off Angle and Perfect and then he nearly got Perfect out. Angle ran over and put over Austin. Austin then pulled out Perfect and then Angle came out and attacked Austin.

It was down to Triple H, Angle and Mr. Perfect for the final three. Austin came in with a chair and leveled everyone in the ring with the chair. Austin finally left the ring with all 3 men down and out.

They all got up at once and Mr. Perfect pushed Triple H and then held him for Angle, but he missed and almost took him out but he held on to the ropes. Perfect hit the perfectplex and then a snap mare, but Triple H then threw him out.

Triple H and Angle stood face to face and then went at it. Triple H was almost put over by Angle, but he held on and stayed on the ring apron. Triple H then got back in and choked Angle in the middle of the ring.

Angle tossed Triple H over and he held on and barely got back in. He hit a facebuster and then tossed Angle out with a clothesline. Triple H is going to WrestleMania.
Winner: Triple H

Цялата тема
* WWF Royal Rumble Results Evil BrotherМодератор   21.01.02 21:06
. * Re: WWF Royal Rumble Results JoRo_   22.01.02 00:28
. * Re: WWF Royal Rumble Results Evil Brother   22.01.02 14:22
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