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Тема Гледате ли СНН?
АвторИвaнoв (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано21.11.03 11:21  

Обстреляха хотел Палестина с ракетна установка!
И това ако не е подигравка със "миротворците"

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Within minutes of each other, Iraqi insurgents early Friday staged rocket attacks against three high-profile targets in Baghdad -- the Iraqi Oil Ministry and two heavily guarded hotels housing Western journalists and coalition contractors.

Eight rockets from a multiple-rocket launcher were fired at the ministry at 7:20 a.m. (11:20 p.m. Thursday ET), said U.S. Army Col. Brad May at the scene. Iraqi firefighters are battling a fire on the building's fifth floor. May said officials do not believe anyone was at the ministry at the time of the attack, which took place on the Muslim holy day.

A multiple rocket launcher was found near the ministry, he said.

Minutes earlier, rockets hit the upper floors of the Palestine Hotel -- where CNN is based -- about three miles (5 kilometers) from the ministry.

Video of the scene showed one person carried from the hotel by U.S. military personnel on a stretcher, soaked in blood.

May said three rockets hit the Palestine -- one ricocheting off the 16th floor and hitting the nearby Sheraton Hotel.

One person was slightly injured at the Sheraton, identified by a hotel receptionist as a bell boy.

The receptionist and other witnesses said a rocket severed an elevator cable, causing the empty elevator car to crash to the bottom of the hotel.

The attacks were reminiscent of one staged last month on the al-Rashid Hotel.

The Oct. 27 attack narrowly missed U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Paul Wolfowitz, who was staying at the hotel. Several rockets were fired on the building, killing one U.S. soldier and wounding more than a dozen other people.

Friday's attack was easily felt by CNN personnel staying at the Palestine.

An unoccupied room on the floor, next to where CNN cameraman Dave Rust was staying, took a pair of direct hits.

"The balcony was obliterated," he said. "The whole room was heavily damaged -- the bed was blown up, the walls were all scarred from debris. There was stuff all over the floor and the furniture was all broken."

Shortly after the attacks, a multiple-rocket launcher, attached to a donkey cart, was found near the hotels with several unfired rockets spilled on the ground next to it. A shell-shocked and singed donkey shivered by the overturned cart.

The launcher had the capacity to fire about 20 rockets.

Donkeys are routinely used to pull carts around the city, often loaded with propane gas or kerosene.

Both hotels are heavily guarded with coalition forces, surrounded by tanks and concrete barriers.

CNN staff said they could see damage to at least five floors of the 18-story Palestine Hotel.

Цялата тема
* Гледате ли СНН? Ивaнoв   21.11.03 11:21
. * Re: Гледате ли СНН? Ивaнoв   21.11.03 12:19
. * Re: Гледате ли СНН? usmihnat   21.11.03 19:40
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