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Тема Георги брой по-хубаво бе човек [re: usmihnat]
Авторнeнo (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано23.12.04 15:39  

Iraq's ground forces are only about a third the size of what they were before the 1991 Gulf War, and postwar sanctions have further eroded the combat readiness of equipment. But it still has an estimated 430,000 soldiers and another 400,000 personnel in paramilitary units and security services.

Special Republican Guard

Personnel: 15,000
Units: Four infantry brigades, an armored unit and an air defense unit.
Weapons: Armored units operate T-72 battle tanks.

The Republican Guard is equipped with Iraq's most modern weapons and has an estimated 80,000 soldiers divided into two corps

Northern Corps
Based: Around northern Baghdad and Tikrit
Strength: 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers authorized per division
Units: Medina Armored Division, Adnan Mechanized Division, and Nebuchadnezzar Infantry Division.
Weapons: T-72 battle tanks, self-propelled artillery, BMP fighting vehicles, anti-tank missiles, and anti-tank and infantry-support guns

Southern Corps
Based: Southern Baghdad
Strength: 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers authorized per division
Units: Al Nida Armored Division, Hammurabi Armored Division and Baghdad Infantry Division.
Weapons: T-72 battle tanks, self-propelled artillery, BMP fighting vehicles and anti-tank missiles.

Regular Iraqi Army

I Corps
Based: Around Kirkuk
Personnel: 10,000 authorized per division
Units: 5th Mechanized Division, 2nd Infantry Division, 8th Infantry Division and 38th Infantry Division.
Weapons: Armored units rely on T-54/-55/-62 battle tanks; mechanized battalions use a variety of armored personnel carriers. The military has up to 60 attack helicopters, including Mi-25 Hind, SA-316/-319 Alouette III and SA-342 Gazelle attack helicopters, though how many are operational is unknown.
Duties: Along with the Republican Guard, I Corps guards the northern portions of Iraq near the northern "no-fly" zone.

II Corps
Based: Northeast of Baghdad
Personnel: 10,000 authorized per division
Units: 3rd Armored Division, and 15th and 34th infantry divisions.
Weapons: Armored units rely on T-54/-55/-62 battle tanks; mechanized
battalions use a variety of armored personnel carriers. The military has up to 60 attack helicopters, including Mi-25 Hind, SA-316/-319 Alouette III and SA-342 Gazelle attack helicopters, though how many are operational is unknown.
Duties: II Corps guards the border with Iran northeast of Baghdad.

III Corps
Based: Southern Iraq
Personnel: 10,000 authorized per division
Units: 6th Armored Division, 51st Mechanized Division and 15th Infantry Division.
Weapons: Armored units rely on T-54/-55/-62 battle tanks; mechanized battalions use a variety of armored personnel carriers. The military has up to 60 attack helicopters, including Mi-25 Hind, SA-316/-319 Alouette III and SA-342 Gazelle attack helicopters, though how many are operational is unknown.
Duties: III Corps protects the route along the Euphrates River that leads to Kuwait through the southern city of Basra.

IV Corps
Based: Northeast of Baghdad
Personnel: 10,000 authorized per division
Units: 10th Armored Division, and 14th and 18th infantry divisions.
Weapons: Armored units rely on T-54/-55/-62 battle tanks; mechanized battalions use a variety of armored personnel carriers. The military has up to 60 attack helicopters, including Mi-25 Hind, SA-316/-319 Alouette III and SA-342 Gazelle attack helicopters, though how many are operational is unknown.
Duties: IV Corps guards the southern end of the border with Iran.

V Corps
Based: Around Mosul in northern Iraq.
Personnel: 10,000 authorized per division
Units: 1st Mechanized Division, and 4th, 7th and 16th infantry divisions.
Weapons: Armored units rely on T-54/-55/-62 battle tanks; mechanized battalions use a variety of armored personnel carriers. The military has up to 60 attack helicopters, including Mi-25 Hind, SA-316/-319 Alouette III and SA-342 Gazelle attack helicopters, though how many are operational is unknown.
Duties: V Corps guards the northern part of the country.

Unit 999
Based: Salman army base southeast of Baghdad
Units: Six battalions of 300 men each. Each battalion specializes in a particular skill or focuses on relations with a neighboring country.
Duties: The 1st (Persian) battalion specializes in Iran; the 2nd (Saudi Arabia) Battalion handles Iraq's neighbor to the south; the 3rd (Palestine) Battalion deals with Israel; the 4th (Turkish) Battalion specializes in Turkey; the 5th (Marine) Battalion specializes in maritime operations such as mining waterways between Iran and Iraq. The "Opposition" Battalion is divided into a section focusing on dissident Kurds in the north and a section focusing on dissident Shiite Iraqis in the south.

Military Security Service
Based: Baghdad
Personnel: 5,000
Duties: This independent agency monitors Iraq's armed forces for signs of dissent. MSS personnel are assigned to all levels of every unit in the armed forces. It also has an independent, rapid-intervention military brigade.

People's Army
Iraq has 19 units organized by geographical region known as the People's Army, or Popular Army. The civilian volunteers receive only a few weeks of training before they are mobilized. The People's Army was not effective against Iran or in the Persian Gulf War, and is not expected to offer much resistance to a U.S.-led ground invasion

1 000 000 бяха при войната с Иран и може би при първата война в Залива 1991. Ако хубаво видя не си го измислям данните са на СNN. Приятни празници!

Цялата тема
* Грижата за защитниците на родината нeнo   17.12.04 13:57
. * bahti i prostaka! gram patriotizam nema6e bg   17.12.04 16:17
. * Аз знам за части за трактори само нeнo   17.12.04 17:56
. * Re: Грижата за защитниците на родината Boan   17.12.04 16:34
. * Тъй, тъй, не редно на редовата нeнo   17.12.04 18:03
. * aaa da se pomisli-zamisli bg   17.12.04 19:26
. * buane, mnogy pravilny pi6e6 bg   17.12.04 19:25
. * Re: Защо на тези не им се къса униформата и usmihnat   17.12.04 19:04
. * mi da ne bi za6toto na drugi im se kysat bg   17.12.04 19:20
. * Те са гръбнака кой е казал че не са? нeнo   18.12.04 12:46
. * Re:Професионалист се става така George   19.12.04 05:52
. * Професионалист се става по много нeнo   20.12.04 11:17
. * Re: Говориш с ентусиазъм тип 50те George   20.12.04 18:08
. * Пирови непирови ама победи душа, нeнo   20.12.04 18:55
. * Re: Грешка си George   20.12.04 21:36
. * Не съм нeнo   21.12.04 12:43
. * Re: Не съм Tapkaлaн   21.12.04 12:51
. * Аха,тва и аз казвам. нeнo   21.12.04 13:07
. * Re: Аха,тва и аз казвам. Tapkaлaн   21.12.04 13:40
. * Ти не гледаш ли как мислат? нeнo   21.12.04 13:57
. * Re: Ти не гледаш ли как мислат? Tapkaлaн   21.12.04 15:03
. * Re: Ти не гледаш ли как мислат? нeнo   21.12.04 15:33
. * Re: Не съм George   21.12.04 17:49
. * Си, си нeнo   22.12.04 18:29
. * Re: Кви манерки ще пукат бе usmihnat   22.12.04 20:41
. * Георги брой по-хубаво бе човек нeнo   23.12.04 15:39
. * Re:Къде е резерва? usmihnat   23.12.04 18:42
. * Резерва може да ползва само нeнo   27.12.04 11:19
. * Re: Ако си бил военен George   27.12.04 17:59
. * Бил съм. нeнo   27.12.04 18:15
. * Re: Садам мобилизира всички George   27.12.04 19:20
. * Георги ако не знаш какво е нeнo   28.12.04 10:40
. * Re: Грешка си Чyryниц   21.12.04 12:57
. * Мен ако питаш има и друга такава нeнo   21.12.04 13:22
. * Re: Мен ако питаш има и друга такава Boan   21.12.04 16:27
. * Тоя термин баш приляга! нeнo   21.12.04 16:40
. * Re: Не казвам че е била професионална George   21.12.04 17:55
. * Георги не се мъчи да четеш нeнo   22.12.04 10:58
. * Re:Пак не си в час usmihnat   22.12.04 20:46
. * Георги във световната война мисля нeнo   23.12.04 16:00
. * Re: Руски.. китайски... usmihnat   23.12.04 18:40
. * Ех Георги за завиждане си ти. нeнo   27.12.04 11:41
. * Re:Истината??? George   27.12.04 19:22
. * Не знам за пленума на нацитата нeнo   28.12.04 10:56
. * Re: Грижата за защитниците на родината nepip   18.12.04 13:58
. * Да ти кажа честно модните виждания на Свинарката нeнo   18.12.04 14:17
. * Re: Да ти кажа честно модните виждания на Свинарката nepip   18.12.04 17:41
. * Re: Грижата за защитниците на родината THE PREDATOR   18.12.04 18:53
. * Re: Грижата за защитниците на родината Boan   18.12.04 21:13
. * Re: За Boan THE PREDATOR   19.12.04 04:43
. * Re: За Boan Boan   19.12.04 16:53
. * Искам!!! нeнo   20.12.04 12:01
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