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Тема The Message of All the Prophets is the Same [re: Иcмaл Xaтax]
Автор Anuel (Creator)
Публикувано15.03.03 17:44  

One of the basic tenets of Islam is that there is no difference among the Prophets of God. Muslims must, as an article of faith, believe in the Divinely revealed Torah or the Books of Moses, the Psalms of David, the Gospel of Jesus and the Quran of Muhammad. Muslims believe that the essence of the teachings of all the prophets is the same. It is the sovereignty of God.

The Quran teaches that Jesus and Moses were in the same prophetic line as Muhammad.

"We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession of messengers; We gave Jesus the son of Mary clear (Signs) and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Is it that whenever there comes to you a messenger with what you yourselves do not desire, you are puffed up with pride? Some you call impostors and others you slay!

Surah Baqara 2:87

"It is He Who sent down to you (step by step) in truth the Book confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this as a guide to mankind and He sent down the Criterion (of Judgement between right and wrong).

Surah Al Imran 3:3

And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him: We sent him the Gospel: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear God.

Surah Maida 5:49

"And remember Jesus the son of Mary said: "O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of God (sent) to you confirming the Law (which came) before me and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me whose name shall be the Praised One (Ahmed)." But when he came to them with Clear Signs they said "This is evident sorcery."

Surah Saaf 61:6

There are also many Hadith, traditions or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, narrated by his Companions, which deal with the other prophets who came before him. Some of the Hadith regarding the Prophets Moses and Jesus, from Al Bukhari, one of the most respected collections, are given below. They illustrate the central tenet of Islam, which is that all the prophets were revealing the same message, that God alone is to be the centre of our way of life

Respect for Moses

Narrated Abu Said Al Khudri: A man from the Jews having been slapped on the face, came to the Prophet and said: O Muhammad! A man from the Ansar slapped me on my face!

The Prophet said "Call him"

When they called him the Prophet said "Why did you slap him?"

He said: "O Allah's Apostle while I was passing by the Jews I heard him saying "By Him who selected Moses above the human beings." I said: 'Even above Muhammad?' I became furious and slapped him on the face."

The Prophet said: "Do not give me superiority over the other prophets, for on the Day of Resurrection the people will become unconscious and I will be the first to regain consciousness. Then I will see Moses holding one of the legs of the Throne. I will not know whether he has regained consciousness before me or whether the shock he had received at the Mountain (Sinai) during his worldly life was sufficient for him (so that he was exempted)."

Sahih Al Bukhari vol 6 p.128-129

Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet once came to us and said, 'All the nations were displayed in front of me and I saw a large multitude of people covering the horizon. Somebody said, 'This is Moses and his followers.'

Sahih Al Bukhari Vol 4 p.411

'In all chaos there is cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.'

Цялата тема
* НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ Иcмaл Xaтax   14.03.03 14:21
. * Re: НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ WARRlOR   14.03.03 14:36
. * не пцувай майка мръсен янки И X   14.03.03 14:42
. * Re: не пцувай майка мръсен янки WARRlOR   14.03.03 14:51
. * Re: не пцувай майка мръсен янки Skywalker   14.03.03 16:13
. * Re: НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ vidov den   14.03.03 16:04
. * Не мой с рогата Koko   17.03.03 16:12
. * Re: Имаш правописна грешка RGB   14.03.03 16:14
. * Re: Имаш правописна грешка Skywalker   14.03.03 16:20
. * Re: Имаш правописна грешка RGB   14.03.03 16:28
. * Re: Имаш правописна грешка Velosiraptor   14.03.03 16:37
. * Re:Заради тебе BG   14.03.03 16:41
. * Re: НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ БЪЛГAPИH   14.03.03 17:23
. * ПРОВОКАЦИЯ!!! Skywalker   14.03.03 17:25
. * Re: НИЕ ,ВИЕ,ТЕ WARRlOR   14.03.03 17:43
. * Re: Ей Рязан Zlatan   14.03.03 19:25
. * Re: Ей Рязан Иcмaл Xaтax   15.03.03 02:57
. * Re: Ей Рязан И.   15.03.03 16:40
. * Re: Ей Рязан A3A3EЛO   15.03.03 18:43
. * Ей Хатаб Koko   17.03.03 16:25
. * Re: Ей Рязан Boйн нa Xpиcтa   18.03.03 09:59
. * NIE PAK 6TE VI CELUVAME!!! VOLAND   14.03.03 20:28
. * The Message of All the Prophets is the Same Anuel   15.03.03 17:44
. * Re: НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ мaнraлo   16.03.03 07:12
. * Педал арабски Haблюдaтeл   16.03.03 09:13
. * Re: НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ JVC   16.03.03 10:35
. * Re: RGB   16.03.03 10:38
. * Re: Бereмoт   16.03.03 13:27
. * Re: НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ SOS   16.03.03 14:00
. * МЕЗЕВЕРДЖИЯ! дядo Mиню   17.03.03 01:46
. * Абе я стига! дядo Mиню   17.03.03 01:54
. * Re: МЕЗЕВЕРДЖИЯ! WARRlOR   17.03.03 11:17
. * МЕЗЕВЕРДЖИЯ! дядo Mиню   17.03.03 18:46
. * Re: МЕЗЕВЕРДЖИЯ! WARRlOR   18.03.03 09:04
. * Re: МЕЗЕВЕРДЖИЯ! дядo Mиню   18.03.03 10:33
. * Re: МЕЗЕВЕРДЖИЯ! WARRlOR   18.03.03 10:57
. * Re: МЕЗЕВЕРДЖИЯ! O.Z.   18.03.03 13:23
. * Re: МЕЗЕВЕРДЖИЯ! И.   17.03.03 16:04
. * Kakvo togava e tova O.Z.   17.03.03 16:28
. * TOVA IZKOPAEMO ME KEFI S ..... london   17.03.03 16:53
. * Cruside is coming Ariel Sharon   17.03.03 19:28
. * Re: VIE MANAFI ?! ;))) NJAKOl   18.03.03 10:58
. * Re: НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ as sa ibah   18.03.03 11:22
. * Re: НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ anonim   24.03.03 13:23
. * Re: НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ BG   24.03.03 13:30
. * Re: НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ BG   24.03.03 13:32
. * Re: НИЕ ЕБЕМ БЪЛГАРИ В ГАЗЪ BG Forever   24.03.03 13:48
. * Еех Палестинецо, само на думи ви БИВА Xapпия   24.03.03 14:07
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