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Я, архивите са живи
Клубове Дирене Регистрация Кой е тук Въпроси Списък Купувам / Продавам 20:57 28.09.24 
Клубове/ Фен клубове / Хари Потър Пълен преглед*
Информация за клуба
Тема Re: Welcome to Dystopia... [re: galeuse]
Автор lunabg (zveznata)
Публикувано21.01.05 18:01  

1. Мерси за картинката наистина се чудех защо не излиза
2. Имах предвид да се опише с 2-3 изречения а не да пищем роман, съгласна съм че няма нужда от това. Предсавям си го нещо като:

Библиотеката се намира в най-западната кула на замъка. Влизайки в нея една спираловидна стълба започва да се вие към върха на кулата като всеки сантиметър от стената е зает от полици с книги и качвайки се по стълбата можеш да си взимаш каквото ти трябва. Осветява се от рояци светулки понеже преди години от пожар, причинен от свещите, са изгорели половината книги. Нещо такова

Цялата тема
* Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   19.01.05 19:33
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Nynaeve   15.01.05 15:07
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Bamfi   15.01.05 15:32
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   15.01.05 15:32
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   15.01.05 15:36
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   15.01.05 15:58
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... thefreak   15.01.05 20:21
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   17.01.05 16:17
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... thefreak   17.01.05 20:24
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   17.01.05 21:16
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... bellatrix   17.01.05 21:34
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... thefreak   17.01.05 22:28
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   17.01.05 22:47
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... thefreak   17.01.05 23:02
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   18.01.05 12:36
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... cвeтпeн   17.01.05 15:27
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Nimrodel   19.01.05 17:02
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... galeuse   19.01.05 19:33
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... lunabg   21.01.05 10:04
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... galeuse   21.01.05 16:51
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   21.01.05 17:44
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... lunabg   21.01.05 18:06
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   21.01.05 18:19
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... нeизвecтeн   21.01.05 18:56
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   21.01.05 19:04
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... galeuse   21.01.05 19:35
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   21.01.05 19:39
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... lalait   21.01.05 20:12
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... galeuse   21.01.05 22:39
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... lalait   21.01.05 22:41
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   21.01.05 22:41
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... lalait   21.01.05 22:43
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   22.01.05 15:43
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Nynaeve   23.01.05 17:47
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... galeuse   23.01.05 18:12
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Nynaeve   23.01.05 19:11
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... galeuse   23.01.05 19:17
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Nynaeve   23.01.05 19:21
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... galeuse   23.01.05 19:23
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Nynaeve   23.01.05 19:24
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   24.01.05 14:25
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... нeизвecтeн   24.01.05 17:27
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... galeuse   24.01.05 19:05
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   05.02.05 15:34
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   05.02.05 15:34
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... galeuse   05.02.05 16:02
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   05.02.05 16:12
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   05.02.05 17:16
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   05.02.05 18:14
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... galeuse   05.02.05 19:16
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   07.02.05 17:14
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... cвeтпeн   07.02.05 18:31
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   07.02.05 18:36
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... cвeтпeн   08.02.05 14:35
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   07.02.05 18:51
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   07.02.05 19:03
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   08.02.05 09:08
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   07.02.05 18:50
. * отнемам по 10 то4ки Gadi   10.02.05 12:09
. * Re: отнемам по 10 то4ки squeal   10.02.05 13:17
. * Re: отнемам по 10 то4ки Flight of death   10.02.05 18:06
. * Re: отнемам по 10 то4ки cвeтпeн   11.02.05 13:48
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... lunabg   21.01.05 18:01
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   21.01.05 18:17
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   25.01.05 19:29
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... sabrina   27.01.05 20:12
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Lorien   08.02.05 21:20
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   08.02.05 22:04
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... rabbit_   08.02.05 22:05
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   09.02.05 10:04
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   09.02.05 10:56
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   09.02.05 16:34
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   09.02.05 19:15
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Lorien   09.02.05 21:12
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   09.02.05 22:15
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... cвeтпeн   11.02.05 13:42
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   10.02.05 13:20
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... cвeтпeн   11.02.05 13:46
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... thefreak   11.02.05 14:44
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   11.02.05 16:17
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   11.02.05 18:04
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... cвeтпeн   14.02.05 18:01
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   15.02.05 15:05
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Eriel   15.02.05 19:18
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   15.02.05 19:59
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   15.02.05 21:01
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... cвeтпeн   17.02.05 13:02
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Survivor   17.02.05 15:32
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   17.02.05 16:19
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   17.02.05 22:08
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   17.02.05 21:42
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   17.02.05 22:09
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   20.02.05 16:50
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   22.02.05 18:20
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... A Crow Left Of The Murder   23.02.05 22:09
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   23.02.05 22:15
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... A Crow Left Of The Murder   23.02.05 22:38
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   24.02.05 14:43
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... A Crow Left Of The Murder   24.02.05 21:28
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   24.02.05 14:44
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... A Crow Left Of The Murder   24.02.05 21:30
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... A Crow Left Of The Murder   25.02.05 01:03
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   25.02.05 15:04
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... A Crow Left Of The Murder   25.02.05 17:32
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   25.02.05 18:00
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... A Crow Left Of The Murder   25.02.05 18:12
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   25.02.05 18:51
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... A Crow Left Of The Murder   25.02.05 19:23
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   25.02.05 20:06
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   25.02.05 15:02
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... A Crow Left Of The Murder   25.02.05 17:30
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... hendy   25.02.05 20:43
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... A Crow Left Of The Murder   25.02.05 20:54
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... hendy   25.02.05 21:03
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   25.02.05 21:03
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   07.03.05 18:40
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   07.03.05 18:45
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   08.03.05 19:01
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   08.03.05 21:46
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   09.03.05 16:07
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   09.03.05 16:11
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   09.03.05 16:12
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   09.03.05 16:21
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   09.03.05 16:24
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Lorien   10.03.05 22:37
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   10.03.05 22:44
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   10.03.05 22:44
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   12.03.05 20:26
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   12.03.05 20:26
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   14.03.05 14:29
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   14.03.05 17:26
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   14.03.05 17:40
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   14.03.05 22:39
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   16.03.05 20:03
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   14.03.05 14:28
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   14.03.05 17:23
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   14.03.05 17:37
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   14.03.05 22:37
. * Дистопия = ) Lorien   16.03.05 19:32
. * Re: Дистопия = ) Flight of death   16.03.05 20:03
. * Re: Дистопия = ) squeal   16.03.05 20:22
. * Re: Дистопия = ) breathless   16.03.05 21:31
. * Re: Дистопия = ) cвeтпeн   19.03.05 14:02
. * Re: Дистопия = ) Survivor   21.03.05 11:19
. * Re: Дистопия = ) cвeтпeн   21.03.05 12:30
. * Re: Дистопия = ) squeal   21.03.05 15:54
. * Re: Дистопия = ) cвeтпeн   21.03.05 18:01
. * Re: Дистопия = ) breathless   21.03.05 19:58
. * Re: Дистопия = ) Flight of death   21.03.05 20:08
. * Re: Дистопия = ) squeal   22.03.05 14:58
. * Re: Дистопия = ) cвeтпeн   23.03.05 09:45
. * Re: Дистопия = ) breathless   23.03.05 10:54
. * Re: Дистопия = ) Flight of death   23.03.05 15:00
. * Re: Дистопия = ) breathless   23.03.05 21:58
. * Re: Дистопия = ) Flight of death   23.03.05 22:10
. * Re: Дистопия = ) squeal   23.03.05 19:36
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Bamfi   24.03.05 21:27
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   25.03.05 11:13
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   25.03.05 15:24
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   25.03.05 20:42
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   28.03.05 09:18
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   28.03.05 09:19
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   28.03.05 13:42
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   28.03.05 17:40
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   29.03.05 13:29
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   29.03.05 20:31
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   29.03.05 21:24
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   29.03.05 22:22
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   29.03.05 22:19
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   29.03.05 22:21
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   29.03.05 22:37
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   29.03.05 23:10
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   30.03.05 15:29
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   30.03.05 17:12
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   30.03.05 19:35
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   28.03.05 13:41
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Silver Crow   31.03.05 17:58
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   31.03.05 18:50
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   31.03.05 21:07
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   31.03.05 22:30
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   31.03.05 23:02
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   01.04.05 10:15
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   02.04.05 13:52
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   02.04.05 14:03
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   02.04.05 14:14
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   02.04.05 15:36
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   02.04.05 15:38
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   02.04.05 15:41
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   01.04.05 16:32
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   01.04.05 20:03
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   01.04.05 20:08
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   01.04.05 20:12
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Llewella   02.04.05 13:54
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... cвeтпeн   04.04.05 18:58
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   04.04.05 22:02
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   04.04.05 22:13
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... breathless   04.04.05 22:19
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Flight of death   04.04.05 22:30
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Bamfi   09.04.05 19:53
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... cвeтпeн   12.04.05 15:43
. * RQ: Произход на имената Bamfi   12.04.05 19:47
. * Re: RQ: Произход на имената galeuse   12.04.05 21:50
. * Re: RQ: Произход на имената Flight of death   12.04.05 22:19
. * Re: RQ: Произход на имената Flight of death   12.04.05 22:46
. * Re: RQ: Произход на имената breathless   13.04.05 11:36
. * Re: RQ: Произход на имената breathless   13.04.05 11:41
. * i'm in love breathless   15.04.05 21:25
. * Re: i'm in love squeal   17.04.05 20:58
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   27.04.05 14:23
. * Re: i'm in love squeal   27.04.05 17:36
. * Re: i'm in love squeal   29.04.05 21:36
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   03.06.05 21:00
. * Re: i'm in love breathless   03.06.05 21:09
. * Re: i'm in love hendy   03.06.05 21:34
. * Re: i'm in love breathless   03.06.05 21:46
. * Re: i'm in love cвeтпeн   04.06.05 11:25
. * Re: i'm in love breathless   04.06.05 12:16
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   04.06.05 12:21
. * Re: i'm in love breathless   04.06.05 13:29
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   04.06.05 14:03
. * Re: i'm in love breathless   04.06.05 14:15
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   04.06.05 14:18
. * Re: i'm in love breathless   04.06.05 14:24
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   04.06.05 17:13
. * Re: i'm in love breathless   04.06.05 17:18
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   04.06.05 17:44
. * Re: i'm in love breathless   04.06.05 22:54
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   06.06.05 13:29
. * Re: i'm in love hendy   06.06.05 13:48
. * Re: i'm in love kopeмчo тopмoзeният   04.06.05 21:10
. * Re: i'm in love breathless   04.06.05 22:57
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   06.06.05 13:30
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   04.06.05 11:37
. * Re: i'm in love squeal   06.06.05 16:17
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   06.06.05 17:06
. * Re: i'm in love breathless   07.06.05 09:08
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   07.06.05 19:10
. * Re: i'm in love Feyx the Huntress   07.06.05 19:24
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   07.06.05 21:53
. * Re: i'm in love Feyx the Huntress   08.06.05 09:20
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   08.06.05 17:21
. * Re: i'm in love Feyx the Huntress   08.06.05 17:55
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   08.06.05 18:58
. * Re: i'm in love Feyx the Huntress   08.06.05 19:52
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   09.06.05 20:26
. * Re: i'm in love Lexy gnome   10.06.05 00:06
. * Re: i'm in love Feyx the Huntress   10.06.05 00:12
. * Re: i'm in love Lexy gnome   10.06.05 00:15
. * Re: i'm in love Feyx the Huntress   10.06.05 00:25
. * Re: i'm in love Lexy the gnome   10.06.05 00:27
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   10.06.05 14:43
. * Re: i'm in love squeal   10.06.05 18:23
. * Re: i'm in love hendy   20.07.05 20:12
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death.   20.07.05 21:02
. * Re: i'm in love hendy   20.07.05 21:05
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death.   20.07.05 21:09
. * Re: i'm in love hendy   20.07.05 21:21
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death.   20.07.05 22:03
. * Re: i'm in love La and Lex   24.09.05 13:58
. * Re: i'm in love La and Lex   24.09.05 14:01
. * Re: i'm in love La and Lex   24.09.05 15:06
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   17.10.05 22:50
. * Re: i'm in love lalait   17.10.05 22:58
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   04.04.06 22:40
. * Re: i'm in love Lalait   04.04.06 22:48
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   04.04.06 22:53
. * Re: i'm in love breathless   18.10.05 00:40
. * Re: i'm in love La.   31.03.06 21:31
. * Re: i'm in love Lalait   31.03.06 22:30
. * Re: i'm in love Lalait   31.03.06 22:36
. * Re: i'm in love l_Love_Harry   01.04.06 11:31
. * Re: i'm in love Lalait   01.04.06 18:45
. * Re: i'm in love morggy   01.04.06 18:59
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   04.04.06 22:41
. * Re: i'm in love galeuse   06.04.06 17:16
. * Re: i'm in love Lalait   07.04.06 12:01
. * Re: i'm in love galeuse   07.04.06 21:07
. * Re: i'm in love Lalait   08.04.06 18:37
. * Re: i'm in love squeal   08.04.06 19:56
. * Re: i'm in love Lalait   08.04.06 22:26
. * Re: i'm in love squeal   09.04.06 10:26
. * Re: i'm in love galeuse   09.04.06 21:10
. * Re: i'm in love Flight of death   04.04.06 22:38
. * Re: i'm in love squeal   07.06.05 17:08
. * Re: i'm in love hendy   08.06.05 00:35
. * Re: i'm in love squeal   08.06.05 16:08
. * Re: i'm in love Feyx the Huntress   08.06.05 16:56
. * Re: i'm in love squeal   09.06.05 20:23
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... lalait   17.10.05 21:09
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Verity   10.04.06 15:02
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Lalait   10.04.06 15:43
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   10.04.06 16:16
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Lalait   10.04.06 17:51
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   11.04.06 15:57
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Lalait   11.04.06 16:05
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   11.04.06 16:09
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Lalait   11.04.06 16:11
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... squeal   11.04.06 16:18
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Verity   11.04.06 13:56
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Claudia   11.04.06 14:24
. * Re: Welcome to Dystopia... Lalait   11.04.06 15:26
Клуб :  

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