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Тема Средновековна "МакедониJa"
Автор czarnian (непознат )
Публикувано23.11.09 15:01  

Та зачетох се в и си викам да споделя неколко извора за това светло събитие от фиромската история. Надявам се на коментар от Дунек, ако не разбираш английски да ти го преведе началника.

Превантивно само да спомена "This is how you write babarian in ancient greek - βάρβαρος; and this is how you write bulgarian in ancient greek - Βούλγαρος/Βούλγαροι."

Barbarian - βάρβαρος
Bulgarian - Βούλγαρος/Βούλγαροι

From the Dioclea Annates,' about the Bulgarian Tsars Samuil, Radomir, Vladislav and the conquest of Bulgaria by Basil II
12th c.

At that time, in the Bulgarian tribe, there emerged a man called Samuil, who proclaimed himself Tsar. He fought long wars with the Greeks and drove them away from the whole of Bulgaria, so that in his time the Greeks did not dare to approach it.

... The youth Vladimir4 occupied the throne and grew up full of wisdom and saintliness. At the same time, however, while Vladimir was still a youth and ruled in place of his father, the above-mentioned Bulgarian Tsar, Samuil, assembled a big army and arrived at the boundaries of Dalmatia, attacking the land of Knyaz Vladimir. The Knyaz, who was a holy man unwilling to let any of his men die in war, modestly withdrew, and, together with his entire tribe, ascended the mountain called Oblik ... Meanwhile the Tsar, through envoys, proposed to Knyaz Vladimir that he descend from the mountain, together with all who were with him. But the Knyaz would not consent. The local zhupan, however, like the traitor Judas, sent the Bulgarian Tsar a letter in which he said 'Master, if it suits Your Majesty, I will turn the Knyaz over to you.' The Tsar replied: 'If you succeed in doing this, you will be richly rewarded by me an great honours will be conferred on you."
Meanwhile Vladimir, in chains, devoted day and night to fasting am prayers. God's angel appeared to him as a vision; he comforted him and told him what would happen to him: how God would free him from prison, and how he, through martyrdom, would go to the kingdom of heaven where he would receive an everlasting crown and the reward of eternal life. Then the blessed Vladimir, cheered by the angelic vision, increasingly devoted himself to fasting and prayers. And thus one day the daughter of Tsar Samuil, named Kosara prompted and inspired by the Holy Ghost, went to her father and expressed the desire to go with her maids and wash the heads and feet of the prisoners ii chains.

When her father gave her permission, she went down into the gaol anc performed her virtuous deed. Meanwhile, she had noticed Vladimir and, seeing that he was handsome, modest, kind, moderate and full of wisdom and godly prudence, she stopped and talked to him. His words seemed to her sweeter than honey and the honeycomb. And so, not out of passion, but out of pity for the youth and for his good looks and because she had heard that he was a knya2 and of a princely family, she fell in love with him, and, taking her leave, she went away. Then, wishing to free him from gaol, she went to the Tsar, and prostrating herself at his feet, said as follows: 'My father, my lord, I know that you intend to have me married according to custom. And now, if it suits Your Majesty, either give me for husband Knyaz Vladimir whom you hold in chains, or know that I would rather die than accept another man.' On hearing this, the Tsar was pleased because he loved his daughter dearly, and, because he knew that Vladimir was of a princely family, he consented to fulfill his daughter's wish. He immediately sent orders to Vladimir to wash and dress himself in princely clothes and after that, to appear before him. The Tsar received him courteously, kissed him in the presence of the nobles of his Kingdom and gave him his daughter to wife. Not long afterwards, however, Tsar Samuil died, and the throne was occupied by his son Radomir. He showed valour and strength, fought numerous battles against the Greeks in the time of the Greek Emperor Basil and seized all lands as far as Constantinople. Emperor Basil, fearing lest he should lose his power, sent envoys secretly to Vladislav, Radomir's cousin, through whom he told him: 'Why do you not take vengeance for the blood of your father? Take from me as much gold and silver as you wish, make peace with us and take the Kingdom of Samuil, who destroyed your father and your brother. If you are stronger, kill his son Radomir now sitting on the throne.' Hearing this, Vladislav agreed and one day, when Radomir was out hunting, he himself, while riding next to him, struck and killed him. This was how Radomir perished and how Vladislav, who killed him, ascended to the throne.

And so after the death of the Bulgarian Tsar Vladislav, Emperor Basil, having assembled a large army and a multitude of ships, began to conquer the try and seized the whole of Bulgaria, Rascia and Bosnia, the whole of Dalatia and all coastal regions up to the boundaries of Lower Dalmatia.

Ferdo Sisic, Letopis Popa Dukljanina (Ferdo Sisic, Chronicle of the Dioclean Priest), Belgrad Zagreb, 1928, pp. 330, 331, 334, 342, 344; cf. ЛИБИ, III, pp. 173-175, 179; the original is in Latin

Редактирано от czarnian на 23.11.09 15:07.

Цялата тема
* Средновековна "МакедониJa" czarnian   23.11.09 15:01
. * Re: Средновековна "МакедониJa" czarnian   23.11.09 15:02
. * Re: Средновековна "МакедониJa" czarnian   23.11.09 15:03
. * Re: Средновековна "МакедониJa" czarnian   23.11.09 15:03
. * Re: Средновековна "МакедониJa" czarnian   23.11.09 15:04
. * Re: Средновековна "МакедониJa" si2   24.11.09 02:26
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