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Тема Re: Положението на евреите в Османската империя [re: Ziezi]
Автор №*ы{ђ}lЏї©®™ (Тортурач)
Публикувано07.06.06 13:29  

Разбирам какво имаш предвид. Намекваш, че умрелите през Втората световна война евреи са предимно ешкенази. В тази връзка мога да добавя, че Menasseh ben Israel също е сефарид, а трябва да се имат предвид и тези думи на сефаридът Бенджамин Дизраели:

Трябва да се разгледа и отношението на евреите (сефаридите) към мюсюлманските държави в Европа. Както виждаме, в Османската империя те са били по-привилегировани от самите турци. В Испания положението е било същото според Дизраели:
Whence came those Mosaic Arabs whose passages across the strait from
Africa to Europe long preceded the invasion of the Mohammedan Arabs, it is
now impossible to ascertain. Their traditions tell us that from time
immemorial they had sojourned in Africa; and it is not improbable that
they may have been the descendants of some of the earlier dispersions;
like those Hebrew colonies that we find in China, and who probably
emigrated from Persia in the days of the great monarchies. Whatever may
have been their origin in Africa, their fortunes in Southern Europe are
not difficult to trace, though the annals of no race in any age can detail
a history of such strange vicissitudes, or one rife with more touching and
romantic incident. Their unexampled prosperity in the Spanish Peninsula,
and especially in the south, where they had become the principal
cultivators of the soil, excited the jealousy of the Goths; and the
Councils of Toledo during the sixth and seventh centuries attempted, by a
series of decrees worthy of the barbarians who promulgated them, to root
the Jewish Arabs out of the land. There is no doubt the Council of Toledo
led, as directly as the lust of Roderick, to the invasion of Spain by the
Moslemin Arabs. The Jewish population, suffering under the most sanguinary
and atrocious persecution, looked to their sympathising brethren of the
Crescent, whose camps already gleamed on the opposite shore. The overthrow
of the Gothic kingdoms was as much achieved by the superior information
which the Saracens received from their suffering kinsmen, as by the
resistless valour of the Desert. The Saracen kingdoms were established.
That fair and unrivalled civilisation arose which preserved for Europe
arts and letters when Christendom was plunged in darkness. The children of
Ishmael rewarded the children of Israel with equal rights and privileges
with themselves. During these halcyon centuries, it is difficult to
distinguish the follower of Moses from the votary of Mahomet. Both alike
built palaces, gardens, and fountains; filled equally the highest offices
of the state, competed in an extensive and enlightened commerce, and
rivalled each other in renowned universities.

Цялата тема
* Положението на евреите в Османската империя №*ы{ђ}lЏї©®™   07.06.06 09:08
. * Re: Положението на евреите в Османската империя Ziezi   07.06.06 09:13
. * Re: Положението на евреите в Османската империя koмитa   07.06.06 10:48
. * Re: Положението на евреите в Османската империя №*ы{ђ}lЏї©®™   07.06.06 13:29
. * Re: Положението на евреите в Османската империя Лил   07.06.06 11:59
. * Re: Положението на евреите в Османската империя №*ы{ђ}lЏї©®™   07.06.06 13:48
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