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Автор St.LuciferМодератор (Fallen_Angel)
Публикувано09.09.04 10:15  

По-надолу говори и за Кубрат:

47. And when the inhabitants of Byzantium heard this news, they said: 'This project is concerned with Kubratos, chief of the Huns, the nephew of Organa, who was baptized in the city of Constantinople, and received into the Christian community in his childhood and had grown up in the imperial palace.' 48, And between him and the elder Heraclius great affection and peace had prevailed, and after Heraclius's death he had shown his affection to his sons and his wife Martina because of the kindness (Heraclius) had shown him. 49. And after he had been baptized with life-giving baptism he overcame all the barbarians and heathens through Virtue of holy baptism. Now touching him it is said that he supported the interests of the children of Heraclius and opposed those of Constantine. 50. And in consequence of this evil report all the soldiers in Constantinople and the people rose up, and Jыtвlоjыs, the son of Constantine, named Theodore became the chief of their forces. And he was a doughty warrior like his father. 51. And when they had made preparations to fight with David the Matarguem, the latter fled and took refuge in a fortress of Armenia. And (Jыtвlıjыs) pursued him and, since none could render him aid, cut off his head and had it sent round all the cities of the east. 52. And next he marched with a large force to the city of Byzantium and he captured the palace, and he had Martina and her three sons, Heraclius, David, and Marinus, escorted forth with insolence, and he stripped them of the imperial crown, and he had their noses cut off, and he sent them in exile to Rhodes. 53. And the patriarch Pyrrhus was deposed without having recourse to a council, and he was removed from the Church and sent in banishment to Tripoli where Philagrius was. And Philagrius indeed was brought back from banishment. 54. And the youngest son of Martina was castrated, through fear, as they said, of his becoming emperor when he grew up. But the child could not endure the great wound, and straightway died. And the second of her sons was a deaf-mute, and so was unfit for the throne. For |198 this reason they did him no injury. 55. And they set at naught the will of Heraclius the elder, and they made Constans, the son of Constantine, emperor. And they appointed Paul of the city of Constantinople in the room of the patriarch Pyrrhus.

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Цялата тема
* Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ St.LuciferМодератор   09.09.04 10:10
. * Захари Ритор St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:11
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:18
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   09.09.04 10:30
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Ziezi   09.09.04 18:38
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Лил   09.09.04 19:57
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Ziezi   09.09.04 20:15
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Лил   09.09.04 20:20
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Ziezi   09.09.04 20:33
. * бу Лил   11.09.04 19:42
. * Re: бу »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   11.09.04 20:04
. * Re: бу Ziezi   11.09.04 22:18
. * Re: бу Лил   12.09.04 00:11
. * Re: бу ivx   12.09.04 02:16
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   09.09.04 22:15
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези tulsanew   09.09.04 22:49
. * Отговор Koмap   09.09.04 22:54
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 09:18
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 13:01
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 13:20
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 13:45
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 14:15
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 14:32
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 14:50
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 15:01
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 15:06
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 15:12
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 15:31
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 16:15
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 16:34
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 17:03
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 17:08
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 17:30
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 15:34
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 15:29
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 15:38
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 15:53
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 10:02
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези tulsanew   09.09.04 19:59
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Ziezi   09.09.04 23:10
. * Cosmas Indicopleustes, първата половина на 6ти век St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:12
. * Gregory the Great (българи гастарбайтери в Италия) St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:13
. * THE CHRONICLE OF JOHN, BISHOP OF NIKIU St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:15
. * Re: THE CHRONICLE OF JOHN, BISHOP OF NIKIU St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:15
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   09.09.04 10:27
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:31
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   09.09.04 10:36
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:49
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   09.09.04 11:00
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ tulsanew   09.09.04 17:28
. * За постинга на Тулса Koмap   09.09.04 19:50
. * Re: За постинга на Тулса komita   09.09.04 20:17
. * Re: За постинга на Тулса Koмap   09.09.04 20:27
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ St.Lucifer   09.09.04 20:43
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ Djedefre   10.09.04 15:53
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