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Тема Gregory the Great (българи гастарбайтери в Италия) [re: St.Lucifer]
Автор St.LuciferМодератор (Fallen_Angel)
Публикувано09.09.04 10:13  

For you were well acquainted with Ammonius, a monk of my Monastery, who whiles he lived in a secular weed and was married to the daughter of Valerianus, a lawyer in this city, continually and with all diligence he followed his business: by reason whereof he knew whatsoever was done in his father-in-law's house. This man told me, how, in that great mortality which happened in this city, in the time of that noble man Narses,36 there was a boy in the house of the foresaid Valerianus, called Armentarius, who was very simple and passing humble: when, |209 therefore, that mortal disease entered that lawyer's house, the foresaid boy fell sick thereof, and was brought to the point of death: who suddenly falling into a trance, and afterward coming to himself again, caused his master to be sent for, to whom he told that he had been in heaven, and did know who they were that should die out of his house. "Such and such," quoth he, "shall die, but as for yourself, fear nothing, for at this time die you shall not. And that you may be assured that I have verily been in heaven, behold I have there received the gift to speak with all tongues: you know well enough that ignorant I am of the Greek tongue, and yet will I speak Greek, that you may see whether it be true that I say or no." Then his master spake Greek, and he so answered him in that tongue, that all which were present did much marvel. In the same house there was a Bulgar, servant to the foresaid Narsus, who in all haste, being brought to the sick person, spake unto him in the Bulgarian tongue; and the boy that was born and brought up in Italy, answered him so in that barbarous language, as though he had been born and bred in that country. All that heard him thus talking wondered much, and by experience of two tongues which they knew very well that before he knew not, they made no doubt of the rest, though they could make no trial thereof. After this he lived two days, and upon the third, by what secret judgment of God none can tell, he tare and rent with his teeth his own hands and arms, and so departed this life. When he was dead, all those whom before he mentioned did quickly follow after; and besides them, none in that house died at that time.

<P ID="edit"><FONT class="small"><EM>Редактирано от »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ на 09.09.04 03:16.</EM></FONT></P>

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Цялата тема
* Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ St.LuciferМодератор   09.09.04 10:10
. * Захари Ритор St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:11
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:18
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   09.09.04 10:30
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Ziezi   09.09.04 18:38
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Лил   09.09.04 19:57
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Ziezi   09.09.04 20:15
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Лил   09.09.04 20:20
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Ziezi   09.09.04 20:33
. * бу Лил   11.09.04 19:42
. * Re: бу »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   11.09.04 20:04
. * Re: бу Ziezi   11.09.04 22:18
. * Re: бу Лил   12.09.04 00:11
. * Re: бу ivx   12.09.04 02:16
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   09.09.04 22:15
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези tulsanew   09.09.04 22:49
. * Отговор Koмap   09.09.04 22:54
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 09:18
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 13:01
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 13:20
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 13:45
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 14:15
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 14:32
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 14:50
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 15:01
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 15:06
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 15:12
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 15:31
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 16:15
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 16:34
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 17:03
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 17:08
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   10.09.04 17:30
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 15:34
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 15:29
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 15:38
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези St.Lucifer   10.09.04 15:53
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Djedefre   10.09.04 10:02
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези tulsanew   09.09.04 19:59
. * Re: Захари Ритор-От Зиези Ziezi   09.09.04 23:10
. * Cosmas Indicopleustes, първата половина на 6ти век St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:12
. * Gregory the Great (българи гастарбайтери в Италия) St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:13
. * THE CHRONICLE OF JOHN, BISHOP OF NIKIU St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:15
. * Re: THE CHRONICLE OF JOHN, BISHOP OF NIKIU St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:15
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   09.09.04 10:27
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:31
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   09.09.04 10:36
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ St.Lucifer   09.09.04 10:49
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™   09.09.04 11:00
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ tulsanew   09.09.04 17:28
. * За постинга на Тулса Koмap   09.09.04 19:50
. * Re: За постинга на Тулса komita   09.09.04 20:17
. * Re: За постинга на Тулса Koмap   09.09.04 20:27
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ St.Lucifer   09.09.04 20:43
. * Re: Темите на »№*ы{}lЏ3©®™ Djedefre   10.09.04 15:53
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