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Клубове Дирене Регистрация Кой е тук Въпроси Списък Купувам / Продавам 08:03 27.09.24 
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Публикувано21.07.03 19:59  

From the testimony of SS-Hauptstrumfurer Dieter Wisliceny in the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg at January 3, 1945. Transcript of the Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal. Nureberg, 14 November 1945 - 1 October 1946. Published at Nuremberg, Germany, 1947.

"...In January 1943 Adolf Eichmann ordered me to come to Berlin and told me that i was, to proceed to Salonika to solve the Jewish problem there in co-operation with the German Military Administration in Macedonia. Eichmann's permanent representative, Sturmbannfuhrer Rolf Gunther, had previously been to Salonika. My departure had been scheduled for February 1942. At the end of January 1942 i was told by Eichmann that Hauptsturmfuhrer Alois Brunner had been nominated by him for the technical execution of all operations in Greece and that he was to accompany me to Salonika. Brunner was not subordinate to me; he worked independently. In February 1942 we went to Salonika and there contacted the Military Administration....War Administration Counsellor - Kriegsverwaltungsrat-(was) Dr. Max Merten, Chief of the Military Administration with the Commander of the Armed Forces in the Salonika - Aegean Theater....In Salonika the Jews were first of all concentrated in certain quarters of the city. There were in Salonika about 50.000 Jews of Spanish descent. At the beginning of March, after this concentration had taken place, a teletype message from Eichmann to Brunner ordered the immediate evacuation of all Jews from Salonika and Macedonia to Auschwitz. Armed with this order, Brunner and i went to the Military Administration; no objections were raised by the Military Administration, and measures were prepared and executed. Brunner directed the entire action in Salonika in person. The trains necessary for the evacuation were requisitioned from the Transport Command of the Armed Forces. All Brunner had to do was to indicate the number of railway cars needed and the exact time at which they required. The Military Administration had made a demand for about 3.000 Jews for construction work on the railroad, which number was duly delivered. Once the work was ended Jews were returned to Brunner and were, like all the others, dispatched to Auschwitz. The work in question came under the program of the Todt Organitation....In the camp proper, that is, the concentration camp, there were no special cases of illness; but in certain quarters of the city inhabited by the Jews typhus was prevalent and other contagious diseases, especially tuberculosis of the lungs...On receipt of the teletype concerning the evacuation from Salonika, i got in touch with Eichmann on the telephone and informed him of the prevelence of typhus. He ignored my objections and gave orders for the evacuation to proceed immediately....

There was over 50.000 Jews. I believe that about 54.000 were evacuated from Salonika and Macedonia....I myself read a comprehensive report from Brunner to Eichmann on completion of the evacuation. Brunner left Salonika at the end of May 1943. I personally was not in Salonika from the beginning of April until the end of May, so that the action was carried out by Brunner alone....From 20 to 25 transport trains (were used for shipping Jews from Salonika)...There were at least 2.000, and in many cases 2.500 (shipped in each train)...Closed freight cars were used. The evacuees were given sufficient food to last them for about 10 days, consisting mostly of bread, olives, and other dry food. They were also given water and various other sanitary facilities.... Transport was supplied by the Transport Command of the Armed Forces that is, the cars and locomotives. The food was furnished by the Military Administration....In every case Auschwitz (was the destination of these transports)....They were without exception destined for the so-called final solution.... The cash which the Jews possessed was taken away and put into a common account at the Bank of Greece. After the Jews had been evacuated from Salonika this account was taken over by the German Military Administration. About 280.000.000 drachmas were involved...."

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