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Тема Хоренаци, Банат...
АвторBacил (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано24.04.03 18:37  

погледнах английската версия на "Историята на арменците" на Хоренаци. Преводачът R. Thompson, в обстоен предговор и анализ на източниците, я датира в VIII век. Предговорът е 60 страници, не мога да изложа доводите му сега, но според него Ашхарацуйц е бил сред източниците, ползвани от Хоренаци, а Ашхарацуйц е VII век. Ще гледам да сканирам всичко и да го кача, все пак касае и бълг. история. Има и подробна карта на тогавашна Армения, и областта Вананд е на нея.

Сега да се върна на старата тема за името на Банат. Старинар, можещ ли да ми дадеш някакъв е-майл за връзка? Този полурумънец-полуунгарец Sorin от Тимишоара продължава да се интересува от статията на Фехер, за която ти писа по-рано, и как може да я намери. По-долу препращам последните му писма, с е-майл адреса му. Ако искаш пиши му директно, той ми каза че английски, френски, немски, унгарски или румънски са ОК, но 'кирилица' не разбира :). Или чрез мене. А може и ти да можеш да намериш нещо интересно чрез него.


From: S & L [mailto:mbusines@banat.ro]
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 2:59 PM
To: Karloukovski, Vassil
Subject: RE: Thank You & HELP !

Dear Vassil;

Thank You for Your HELP !!!

I did visited the Bulgarian historical forum. Unfortunately, it is in
Cyrillic and my very poor knowledge in this filed does not allow me to
contact directly the "knowledgeable person" [who probably has Feher's study]
and ask him for help [does he speak English, French, Hungarian or German?
Sorry, but I do not know Bulgarian!]. I would love to have Feher's study
[and I will find somebody in Romania to translate it for me].
If there are some costs involved in this, let me know first and I will see
if I can afford them.

Best Regards,

S o r i n

From: S & L [mailto:mbusines@banat.ro]
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 4:20 PM
To: Karloukovski, Vassil
Subject: RE:Re:RE: HELP !

Dear Vassil;

Sure; no problem with the help in Romania with anything he wants and with
posting my e-mail as a desperate "cry" for help! :-) ] on the Bulgarian
historical forum.

The problems are much more complicated as seemed in the first pace. The
Banat of Severin was set up [in the SE corner of today Banat and up to the
Olt river; so, the whole future Oltenia/Mica Valahie; today SW corner of
Romania] by the Hungarian kingdom in 1233 after the war [started in 1230]
with the Second Bulgarian Empire (1186-1396). It is clear, from old
documents, that in August 1233 the first ban was appointed as "Banus de
Scevrin": Luca/Lucas/Lucas/Lucaciu/Lukacs/Leucas/Leukus.
This act of the Hungarian kingdom was not singular; in 1254 the Macva Banat
was set up followed by Branicevo Banat and Cucevo's Banat [both in 1272] and
Vidin's Banat in 1365-'69 and the Hungarian kingdom was copying the Croat
model [in 1102: Pacta Conventa]. The Croats probably took the BAN system
from the Franks [Carolingian Empire]. I can do jail in Croatia for this
opinion :-))) !

Now the big problem starts for me; on Sharif al Idrisi's map from 1154 the
"Gebel Banuat" [ie the Banat Mountains] are mentioned in the same SE corner
of the future Banat [I founded this as a secondary source of info in a book
and I still have to verify this assumption]! So, with 80 years earlier [but
the period of time is even bigger because the documentation for Sharif al
Idrisi's "The Book of Roger" took 15 years!] we have already the name of
Banat on a map [...]. And at that time
[ie ~1140] the region was not under the Hungarian OR Bulgarian ruling [as
far as I know in this moment!]. So, the problems are much more complicated
then looked in the first place and there are no explanations which can be
given by researchers working alone in a "ivory tower".

I am interested in Feher's study for the opinion that BAN cannot be from
BAJAN. I agree with this totally and I want to quote him in my study.

Thank You for All Your HELP,

S o r i n

Цялата тема
* Хоренаци, Банат... Bacил   24.04.03 18:37
. * Re: Хоренаци, Банат... cтapинap   26.04.03 17:38
. * Re: За Васил Cтapинap   29.04.03 10:54
. * Re: За Васил Bacил   29.04.03 16:19
. * Re: За Васил cтapинap   29.04.03 23:08
. * Хоренаци, Банат Bacил   30.04.03 17:15
. * Re: Хоренаци, Банат Cтapинap   01.05.03 17:26
. * Re: За starinar Adrian~   29.04.03 21:48
. * Re: За Адриан Cтapинap   29.04.03 23:04
. * Re: За Starinar Adrian~   02.05.03 21:56
. * Re: За Адриан Cтapинap   03.05.03 00:13
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