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Тема Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite [re: Pesho prostio ot Per]
АвторPeace (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано29.06.06 06:41  

Same BG, I can only say my experince of Turkish people is different to yours - but in any case, you can't make accurate judgements based on a few encounters anyway. The Bulgarian attitude to Turks is dominated by historical and cultural values, so whatever Turks are actually like nowadays probably won't make much difference to those views, even if they were angels. Unfortunately the previous regime demonised the Turkish minority in a typical demagogical fashion. Zhivkov's 'Bulgarisation' plan for the Turks wouldn't have been out of place in a fascist regime. The exodus of Turks in 1989 was a disaster for the Bulgarian economy and an example of just how plain stupid such racist policies can be.
No human being is 'far away' from another, despite the fact that we like to exagerate cultural, religious and racial differences. No nation state is a pure nation either, despite all the attempts by every nation to create national myths that support the lines drawn on a map. Therefore racism and prejudice will achieve nothing except conflict and despair.

Regrettably Bulgaria has a very serious problem with racism. A very interesting inter-ethnic social survey was conducted last year. Here is one example:
1. 27% of ethnic "Bulgarians" think Roma should be ethnically cleansed.
2. 16% of ethnic "Bulgarians" think Jews should be kicked out of the country.
Number 2 is remarkable, given that there are no more than 1500 Jews in Bulgaria, so such extreme views are unlikely to have arisen out of negative personal experiences.
Unfortunately this accords with my brief experience living in Sofia during the last 6 months. I have never encountered so many openly racist statements directed against Roma, Turks, Jews, Asians and Blacks. Ataka should be regarded very seriously indeed - they are not just a passing fad. Volen Siderov is a fascist by any definition. They will probably increase their share of the vote if the political establishment and Bulgarian society does nothing to address racism in a meaningful and practical way.

Цялата тема
* Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite Pesho prostio ot Pernik   03.05.06 20:55
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. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite Pesho neazumnio   05.05.06 13:08
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite Garvan   05.05.06 16:10
. * Re: Pesho neazumnio AUTORUN   05.05.06 17:49
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite felice   05.05.06 13:55
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite ss   10.05.06 18:32
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite Ovnio   16.08.06 14:43
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite Pesho   08.05.06 15:00
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite Pesho   10.05.06 19:49
. * Za Pesho J_O_R_K_A_T_A   15.05.06 18:12
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite Pesho   16.05.06 18:26
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite Пeцo   03.07.06 14:32
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite Peace   29.06.06 06:41
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite Krasen   30.06.06 14:31
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite Pesho   05.07.06 11:34
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite caмo Пepниk   26.07.06 16:50
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite миньopoo   27.07.06 16:11
. * Re: Eba mu mamata i haskovtzite sonygirl   15.08.06 21:30
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