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Тема Re: търся теми за СЕ К700и [re: Vga]
Автор Muchacho (честен)
Публикувано24.07.04 19:55  

SE k700 also known as K700i - indian sub continent, K700c - china, K700h - HK is nothin different then K700. The phone is a big boom in SE sales as the phone is a best buy at the quoted price. SE released couple of colour phone models like t68's n i's but the k700 brings the most out of it.

The camera feature is a good, though might be decieving for some as the company claims camera to be a 4X zoom. It only works in small image size and medium image size; same goes for video. Though its amazing 41mb(only for k700i, 32mb in k700) can store video of upto 30mins approx. The flash/light is quite alot useful if you are a night - out animal, helps you bring light to those special moments.
Overall rating for the camera - 4 on 5.

SE provided Radio with the handset so you no need to bother what will you do with the cam phone if you arent wanting to use it.

Media Playback
It can virtually playback any type of sound file, have tried mp3, midi, amr, mpeg4, couple of more. With some converting tools one can imagine to play anything on the set and as we all know SE never compromised in sound quality.
SE gave you DJmix/DJ keymaker for creating your own poly tunes that simply rocks.

Messaging is quite alot good. SE even gave you the option of MY FRIENDS to join wireless village - virtual chatters, can keep up with status etc. Though its a network dependent utility.

BlueTooth / IrDA
The connectivity is simply amazing. SE as usual gave option of hiding your BT device keeping it safe from bluejacking and snarfing. You can control your POWERPOINT presentation, desktop/remote device like TV (just for image tranfer).

Design & Interface
Its a good change in SE base.

SE is having trouble keeping the phone rocking for you at times. It hangs at times. Mine got the bug and needed to get the soft update. SE is not providing much of the application to your needs so need to be on a look for good PIM and phonebooks (personally, i felt the PIM was missing something spcly those bday and anniv reminders; phonebook is same old crap not giving you much space to hold multiple numbers)

The phone is a best buy in the range. Have bought n7610 as well but couldnt make much use of it. Firstly, it just gives you the 1mega pixel camera, SE gave you extended view but not 1MEGAPIXEL CAMERA. It records on you 41mb mem bt nokia gave option of 10mins recording. Flash was missing whcih handicaps you in nights. Carrying a 1MEGA PIXEL camera that is too bulky is not my choice, prefer getting a digicam instead.
Overall SE wont let you get bored anyhow using k700i but nokia will surely do it!!

Ето ти едно мнение за телефона, DTMF ще можа да потвърди или отрече всичко казано.

Rira bien qui rira le dernier.

Цялата тема
* търся теми за СЕ К700и DTMF   23.07.04 19:01
. * Re: търся теми за СЕ К700и Penta®   24.07.04 00:44
. * Re: търся теми за СЕ К700и Vga   24.07.04 04:00
. * Re: търся теми за СЕ К700и Muchacho   24.07.04 19:55
. * Re: търся теми за СЕ К700и DTMF   24.07.04 21:32
. * теми за СЕ К700и Muchacho   24.07.04 20:01
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