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Тема Философията на John Scotus Erigena [re: 4eHe]
Автор 4eHe (непознат )
Публикувано05.12.00 21:04  

During the ninth century, a British thinker named John Scotus Erigena applied the via negativa along with Aristotelean logic in order to develop a more carefully systematic description of the nature of reality in the neoplatonic view. Noting the crucial distinction between active (or creative) beings on the one hand and what they produce (the created) on the other, Erigena proposed that all of reality be comprehended under four simple categories:

The only creating uncreated being is god, of which we can know nothing except its role as the central source of all.
Creating created beings are the Platonic forms (including human souls) by whose mediation the divine produces the world.
Ordinary things are uncreating created beings, the distant emanations that constitute the natural world as we perceive it.
Finally, uncreating uncreated must once again be god alone.
Thus, Erigena completes the logically tidy picture with a fourth category of existence that contradicts yet must be identified with the first, emphasizing the view that only mystical consciousness can even try to grasp the nature of god. Each human being is a microcosm in whom analogues of these four fundamental elements combine to produce a dynamic whole whose existence and activity mirror those of the universe.
Few of Erigena's contemporaries appreciated the subtlety and logic of this view, however. Subordinating dialectical reasoning to the presumed dictates of revealed religion at every opportunity, many medieval writers defended and even encouraged the kind of deliberate ignorance that results from an unwillingness to question prevailing opinion. The Socratic spirit nearly disappeared

Цялата тема
* Философията на Средните векове 4eHe   05.12.00 20:51
. * ..и още тук 4eHe   05.12.00 20:59
. * Философията на John Scotus Erigena 4eHe   05.12.00 21:04
. * Anselm 4eHe   05.12.00 21:07
. * Отг: Философията на Средните векове Никой_anon   06.12.00 10:22
. * Renaisance Man 4eHe   06.12.00 13:37
. * Отг: Renaisance Man Pixel   06.12.00 17:45
. * Pxl 4eHe   06.12.00 18:17
. * Отг: Renaisance Man Никой_anon   07.12.00 09:19
. * ..продължение 4eHe   07.12.00 15:29
. * Отг: ..продължение МУЛЕ_anon   08.12.00 07:21
. * My продължение 4eHe   08.12.00 10:46
. * Отг: ..продължение Никой_anon   08.12.00 08:59
. * Xej :o) 4eHe   08.12.00 10:47
. * Отг: Xej :o) Никой_anon   08.12.00 12:30
. * Още, още, още .. 4eHe   08.12.00 13:57
. * Отг: Още, още, още .. МУЛЕ_anon   08.12.00 20:58
. * Му 4eHe   08.12.00 23:32
. * Отг: Му МУЛЕ_anon   09.12.00 06:55
. * Die Hard Fans 4eHe   09.12.00 10:12
. * Отг: Още, още, още .. Никой_anon   11.12.00 11:22
. * Отг: Още, още, още .. Никой_anon   11.12.00 14:23
. * Фатален скок 4eHe   11.12.00 16:10
. * Музите 4eHe   11.12.00 16:13
. * Отг: Музите Никой_anon   11.12.00 17:12
. * Отг: Музите 4eHe   11.12.00 23:37
. * Отг: Музите Никой_anon   12.12.00 09:22
. * Обективна реалност 4eHe   12.12.00 20:54
. * Отг: Обективна реалност Никой_anon   13.12.00 09:22
. * Що не ми налееш от същото :о) 4eHe   13.12.00 10:36
. * Щото ще ти изгори гърлото! Никой_anon   13.12.00 10:50
. * Благороден, мерси ;))) 4eHe   13.12.00 12:20
. * Отг: Благороден, мерси ;))) Никой_anon   13.12.00 14:11
. * По ъглите 4eHe   13.12.00 15:47
. * Отг: По ъглите Pixel   13.12.00 17:10
. * Pxl 4eHe   13.12.00 18:18
. * Отг: Pxl Pixel   13.12.00 19:01
. * Отг: Pxl Никой_anon   14.12.00 09:06
. * Взе да ми става навик 4eHe   14.12.00 20:58
. * Отг: Взе да ми става навик Никой_anon   15.12.00 13:54
. * Дзън ! 4eHe   15.12.00 13:59
. * Пак пих от същото! Никой_anon   15.12.00 17:10
. * Отг: Пак пих от същото! Pixel   15.12.00 19:15
. * Пак пих от същото! 4eHe   15.12.00 21:46
. * Отг: Pxl Pixel   15.12.00 14:39
. * Pxl 4eHe   15.12.00 15:36
. * Отг: Pxl Pixel   15.12.00 16:05
. * Отг: Xej :o) МУЛЕ_anon   08.12.00 20:46
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