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Клубове Дирене Регистрация Кой е тук Въпроси Списък Купувам / Продавам 19:37 22.09.24 
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Информация за клуба
Тема Право на дуплика? [re: Davie]
АвторDe3tuss (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано05.12.03 16:16  

What is the thinnest book in the world?
"What men know about women."
Comment: Women are good in hiding the truth

What did God say after creating man?
I can do better.
Comment: ...and created cockroach. The woman he created during the break.

What are the three types of men?
The handsome, the caring and the majority.
Comment: All the brains are in the majority.

What is the difference between men and women?
A woman wants one man to satisfy her every need........
A man wants every woman to satisfy his one need
Comment: He only wants a woman who can be satisfied. Is it too much to ask?

What do you have when you have two little balls in your hand?
A man's undivided attention.
Comment: She could squeeze at any time!

Why does a man have a clear conscience?
Because it's never used.
Comment: Well, yes. The woman does that job for him anyway.

What do UFO's and caring men have in common?
You keep hearing about them but never see any for yourself.
Comment: Well, grapes are sore anyway – the fox said.

How do you confuse a man?
You don't have to - they're born that way.
Comment: Why do you complain?! YOU (women) give them birth and brought them up, so, please, stand up for it.

Why don't men die in their sleep?
'Cuz they can't do two things at the same time.
Comment: The only reasonable thing is to get out of everything as much as you can.

Why don't men have mid-life crises?
They stay stuck in adolescence.
Comment: ...and that way they never worry about the age.

What's the difference between men and government bonds?
Bonds mature.
Comment: See the previous one.

How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?
Who knows? Did it ever happen??
Comment: Ask in a hostel, they should know.

What is the difference between a man and E.T.?
E.T. phoned home.
Comment: It must be a female then!

Why don't men wear tight underwear?
It cuts off circulation to the brain!
Comment: Jalousie, huh?

Why do men die before their wives?
They should.
Comment: That’s the only way to get loose!

Why is it good that there are women astronauts?
So that when the crew gets lost in space, at least the women will ask for directions
Comment: Well, the rules for hitchhiking work all around the Universe.

Why do doctors slap babies' butts right after they're born?
To knock the penises off the smart ones.
Comment: ...and that’s why the others don’t worry about what they are wearing.

Why is psychoanalysis quicker for men than for women?
When it's time to go back to childhood, he's already there.
Comment: Men have a reputation for their driving skills. I wonder why. Good sense of orientation or the ability to follow directions?

What's the best way to kill a man?
Put a naked blonde and a six-pack in front of him. Then tell him to pick only one.
Comment: He wouldn’t choose the six-pack only of courtesy; he is sick and tired of women anyway.

How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail?
Rename the mail folder to "Instruction Manual."
Comment: Good point! They don’t need it – they know how to use such a simple program like this one!

Цялата тема
* Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Ивaнyшka   02.12.03 15:16
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване fentazi_fen   02.12.03 16:17
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване ZaCoo   02.12.03 18:40
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване fentazi_fen   03.12.03 07:50
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Boby_   03.12.03 09:32
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване nothink   05.12.03 11:49
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Jill   03.12.03 11:05
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Boby_   03.12.03 11:09
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Jill   04.12.03 15:36
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Ивaнyшka   03.12.03 11:42
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Kopo   03.12.03 17:59
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Jill   04.12.03 15:52
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Jill   04.12.03 15:51
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване lkew   04.12.03 17:31
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Kopo   04.12.03 22:07
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване lkew   04.12.03 22:38
. * ucTuHa BlackHeart   04.12.03 11:30
. * Не ги разбираме ние жените... De3tuss   04.12.03 13:41
. * А ние ви разбираме... Davie   04.12.03 16:34
. * Re: А ние ви разбираме... Йoaн Bлaдимиp   04.12.03 17:08
. * Ми да! Дe3тъc   05.12.03 14:17
. * Re: firefox   05.12.03 14:40
. * Право на дуплика? De3tuss   05.12.03 16:16
. * Re: Право на дуплика? fentazi_fen   05.12.03 17:31
. * Re: Право на дуплика? Davie   05.12.03 17:57
. * Сладур! De3tuss   06.12.03 06:03
. * Re: Сладур! Davie   06.12.03 11:25
. * А аз някъде четох: Kopo   06.12.03 00:33
. * Re: А аз някъде четох: пишмaн-линrвиcтЪ   06.12.03 00:37
. * Re: А аз някъде четох: Ивaнyшka   06.12.03 05:31
. * Re: А аз някъде четох: Kopo   06.12.03 09:55
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване пишмaн-линrвиcтЪ   04.12.03 16:45
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Бъдъмбa   04.12.03 17:01
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване пишмaн-линrвиcтЪ   04.12.03 17:09
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Бъдъмбa   04.12.03 17:13
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване пишмaн-линrвиcтЪ   04.12.03 17:16
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Ивaнyшka   04.12.03 18:17
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Йoaн Bлaдимиp   04.12.03 20:25
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване arc   05.12.03 13:01
. * ето ги: arc   05.12.03 15:40
. * Re: ето ги: Boby_   05.12.03 16:17
. * Re: ето ги: arc   05.12.03 19:22
. * Re: това е от мъж firefox   05.12.03 21:54
. * Re: това е от мъж Boby_   08.12.03 10:49
. * Re: :)))) firefox   08.12.03 10:58
. * Re: :)))) Boby_   08.12.03 14:30
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Бъдъмбa   04.12.03 18:16
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Kopo   04.12.03 22:12
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Jack of Shadows   04.12.03 22:39
. * Re: Кратък курс за себеосъзнаване Члeн1   05.12.03 08:08
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