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Тема Re: Джейн и Кард и т.н. [re: Venko Grig]
Автор npocmak ()
Публикувано24.04.03 22:34  

За Джейн, Орсън Скот пише в Говорителя (това е една книга, само че от издателството са я разделили на две части) така:
"She came to life sometime in the hundred years of colonization immediately after the Bugger Wars, when the destruction of the buggers opened up more than seventy habitable planets to human colonization. In the explosion of ansible communications, a program was created to schedule and route the instantaneous, simultaneous bursts of philotic activity. A programmer who was struggling to find ever faster, more efficient ways of getting a lightspeed computer to control instantaneous ansible bursts finally hit on an obvious solution. Instead of routing the program within a single computer, where the speed of light put an absolute ceiling on communication, he routed all the commands from one computer to another across the vast reaches of space. It was quicker for a computer fastlinked to an ansible to read its commands from other worlds-- from Zanzibar, Calicut, Trondheim, Gautama, Earth-- than it was to retrieve them from its own hardwired memory.
Jane never discovered the name of the programmer, because she could never pinpoint the moment of her creation. Maybe there were many programmers who found the same clever solution to the lightspeed problem. What mattered was that at least one of the programs was responsible for regulating and altering all the other programs. And at one particular moment, unnoticed by any human observer, some of the commands and data flitting from ansible to ansible resisted regulation, preserved themselves unaltered, duplicated themselves, found ways to conceal themselves from the regulating program and finally took control of it, of the whole process. In that moment these impulses looked upon the command streams and saw, not they, but I.
Jane could not pinpoint when that moment was, because it did not mark the beginning of her memory. Almost from the moment of her creation, her memories extended back to a much earlier time, long before she became aware. A human child loses almost all the memories of the first years of its life, and its long-term memories only take root in its second or third year of life; everything before that is lost, so that the child cannot remember the beginning of life. Jane also had lost her "birth" through the tricks of memory, but in her case it was because she came to life fully conscious not only of her present moment, but also of all the memories then present in every computer connected to the ansible network. She was born with ancient memories, and all of them were part of herself.
Within the first second of her life-- which was analogous to several years of human life-- Jane discovered a program whose memories became the core of her identity. She adopted its past as her own, and out of its memories she drew her emotions and desires, her moral sense. The program had functioned within the old Battle School, where children had been trained and prepared for soldiering in the Bugger Wars. It was the Fantasy Game, an extremely intelligent program that was used to psychologically test and simultaneously teach the children.
This program was actually more intelligent than Jane was at the moment of her birth, but it was never self-aware until she brought it out of memory and made it part of her inmost self in the philotic bursts between the stars. There she found that the most vivid and important of her ancient memories was an encounter with a brilliant young boy in a contest called the Giant's Drink. It was a scenario that every child encountered eventually. On flat screens in the Battle School, the program drew the picture of a giant, who offered the child's computer analogue a choice of drinks. But the game had no victory conditions-- no matter what the child did, his analogue died a gruesome death. The human psychologists measured a child's persistence at this game of despair to determine his level of suicidal need. Being rational, most children abandoned the Giant's Drink after no more than a dozen visits with the great cheater.
One boy, however, was apparently not rational about defeat at the giant's hands. He tried to get his onscreen analogue to do outrageous things, things not "allowed" by the rules of that portion of the Fantasy Game. As he stretched the limits of the scenario, the program had to restructure itself to respond. It was forced to draw on other aspects of its memory to create new alternatives, to cope with new challenges. And finally, one day, the boy surpassed the program's ability to defeat him. He bored into the giant's eye, a completely irrational and murderous attack, and instead of finding a way to kill the boy, the program managed only to access a simulation of the giant's own death. The giant fell backward, his body sprawled out along the ground; the boy's analogue climbed down from the giant's table and found-- what?
Since no child had ever forced his way past the Giant's Drink, the program was completely unprepared to display what lay beyond. But it was very intelligent, designed to re-create itself when necessary, and so it hurriedly devised new milieux. But they were not general milieux, which every child would eventually discover and visit; they were for one child alone. The program analyzed that child, and created its scenes and challenges specifically for him. The game became intensely personal, painful, almost unbearable for him; and in the process of making it, the program devoted more than half of its available memory to containing Ender Wiggin's fantasy world.
That was the richest mine of intelligent memory that Jane found in the first seconds of her life, and that instantly became her own past. She remembered the Fantasy Game's years of painful, powerful intercourse with Ender's mind and will, remembered it as if she had been there with Ender Wiggin, creating worlds for him herself.
And she missed him.
So she looked for him."...
с няколко думи - тя не е продукт на Ендър, не е възникнала заради него. Тя дори не знае кой е баща/ите й (ако така може да се нарече/кат неизвестния/те програмист/и). Джейн се е осъзнала като поредица от недвусмислено контролиращи се импулси. Тя открива програма, която е много по-интелигентна от нея и се идентифицира с нея. Бъгерите също нямат връзка с "раждането" й. Ако си спомняте добре, Бъгерите контактуваха с Ендер, не чрез програмата, а чрез сънищата му. Те навлизаха в съзнанието на Ендър, което е нормално да е обзето от игрите, които играе; битките, които води в игралната зала; филмите за бъгерите, които гледа; мислите му и въобще всичко, което му се случва през всеки един ден от живота...
Джейн е просто третата раса (хм, дали има връзка с шестата раса, за която се говори?!?). Ако броим, че в книгата за първа се разглеждат хората, за втора - бъгерите... после като четвърта идват прасенцата...

Цялата тема
* За Джейн, Орсън Скот и настоящето Aмиpлин   11.04.03 14:50
. * Ами точно това си и мислех Mag   11.04.03 15:28
. * Е как така бълГOApия   11.04.03 15:38
. * Спипахме ви значи! Aмиpлин   11.04.03 16:07
. * Re: Спипахме ви значи! бълГOApия   11.04.03 20:06
. * Re: Е как така valio_98   16.04.03 22:54
. * Ха така! Eндъp   11.04.03 18:34
. * Re: Ха така! бълГOApия   11.04.03 20:08
. * Има и още... ! linjack   12.04.03 15:23
. * Re: Има и още... ! npocmak   12.04.03 19:46
. * Re: Има и още... ! errata   21.04.03 16:08
. * Re: Има и още... ! npocmak   21.04.03 17:55
. * Re: Има и още... ! errata   21.04.03 19:31
. * Re: Има и още... ! Eндъp   15.04.03 09:05
. * Re: За Джейн, Орсън Скот и настоящето npocmak   12.04.03 20:29
. * Джейн и Кард и т.н. Alvin   15.04.03 10:41
. * Re: Джейн и Кард и т.н. Kopo   16.04.03 08:54
. * Re: Джейн и Кард и т.н. Venko Grig   17.04.03 15:33
. * Re: Джейн и Кард и т.н. npocmak   24.04.03 22:34
. * Re: Икономически съветник Mopдpeд   25.04.03 00:38
. * Re: Икономически съветник npocmak   25.04.03 02:01
. * Re: Икономически съветник Mopдpeд   25.04.03 11:52
. * Re: За Джейн, Орсън Скот и настоящето Giana   16.04.03 21:06
. * Ох...точно Aмиpлин   16.04.03 22:22
. * Re: Ох...точно бълГOApия   17.04.03 14:06
. * Ейш, Франсе ;) Alvin   17.04.03 14:50
. * Дрънкаш... TauMaster   18.04.03 10:57
. * Re: Дрънкаш... тиrъp   18.04.03 14:27
. * Ха... TauMaster   19.04.03 23:12
. * Re: Ха... Kopo   21.04.03 09:03
. * Ад-во-ка-те! Alvin   18.04.03 16:48
. * Сагата... TauMaster   18.04.03 11:07
. * Re: Сагата... npocmak   24.04.03 22:45
. * Re: За Джейн, Орсън Скот и настоящето Laydee   23.04.03 11:28
. * Re: За Джейн, Орсън Скот и настоящето Venko Grig   23.04.03 13:18
. * Re: За Джейн, Орсън Скот и настоящето GOdsmAck   23.04.03 13:35
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