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Тема Re: Two Killer Mistakes! [re: Kaлu]
Автор KailyМодератор (непостижима)
Публикувано29.03.08 11:37  

1.) Practicing 'Wishful Thinking' instead of 'Confident Expectation'...

As you know, the Law of Attraction will bring into your existence that which you are creating in your thoughts.

But the underlying truth - so critical to understand in all of this - is that the law of attraction doesn't attract solely the object you are focusing upon, but attracts circumstances corresponding to how you feel when thinking about that object.

To explain, let's say you decide to focus on getting a new car. You have identified the model and given great attention to it - maybe even taken advice from the movie 'The Secret' and taken the car for a test drive. Time passes, and you are still driving your beat up old car and no closer to your dream machine.

What's actually happening here is that your *emotional* output when visualizing the car is, in fact, a negative feeling of wishful thinking rather than of confident expectation.

Therefore, law of attraction is keeping your wheels spinning on the spot (so to speak) with thoughts of the car but also your own inner affirmation that you will never have it.

So, you carry on 'wishful thinking' - not having - because 'wishful thinking' is the scenario you are projecting.

Try for a moment visualizing the object of your desires.

As the image comes into your mind, do you feel a lifting, light sensation of pure happiness and expectant anticipation?

Or, is the feeling closer to an inward sigh and a longing. Is there a heaviness and a sense of being 'over here' while the object you desire is 'over there'.

Remember this is what you are projecting!

The real reason you are advised to regularly visualize your goal is because it works to 'trick' your subconscious into believing you already have it. Thereby increasing your confidence of a desireable outcome at a very deep level in your mind. Repeated visualizing of a desired outcome, object or circumstance will eventually pull it into your reality. Just remember to enjoy and anticipate it.

Having faith is your critical role in making things happen.

See point 2 below for how you can radically improve your faith.

2.) Jumping Too Many Steps at Once.

In trying to create the aforementioned feeling of 'confident expectation', many of us shoot ourselves in the foot at the very point of deciding what we are going to 'confidently expect' to bring into our lives.

This happens when, for example, we think 'what the heck, I'll aim high!' - and decide we want to go from earning $50,000 to $500,000 in a year.

Now - it's not that it isn't possible to do so. In fact, we are told repeatedly that anything we can conceive of can be brought into being. This is true.

The weak link in this scenario is not any impotence on the part of the Law of Attraction - it is rather that we simply won't fulfill our own side of the deal when we choose to wish for something so far removed from our current reality that we can barely imagine it - let alone 'confidently expect' it!

Remember, the Law of Attraction will only deliver what you believe it will.

Therefore, if you make things needlessly difficult on yourself by aiming for something extraordinary, (unless you are lucky enough to have unwavering faith), you are setting yourself up for disappointing results.

A far easier approach (that will deliver solid, reliable results, time and again) is to think in terms of steps.

So, take your eventual goal and try to imagine some of the things that would need to happen in between where you are now and getting to the point of achieving that goal.

Then start visualizing the first step becoming a reality. It's no different to classic Goal Setting techniques taught the world over. Remember, the LoA is all about putting yourself in resonance with success - therefore, by achieving success - even in small wins - you begin effortlessly projecting positivity and optimism that you can achieve even more.

There's a funny conflict that almost everyone needlessly creates for themselves when using LoA. It is caused by the popular promise of 'limitless abundance'. Given our human nature, we can feel like we're short selling ourselves if we don't reach for the sky. But, the reality for most of us is we simply don't have the time or the ideal circumstances around us to create an ongoing state of expectation and clear visualization required to achieve really big goals. At least not in one fell swoop.

So, instead of working so hard at it, give yourself a break and lower the bar. You can raise it after you've reached that point. What you will discover is that you get alot further alot faster this way, and your bigger goals will start to come into sharp focus.

Remember, Law of Attraction is not some kind of genie with 3 wishes - whereby if you don't choose wisely first time you may end up with nothing.

It is a lifelong ally in attracting your goals. It's up to you to set a pace that brings you results.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."

What you have today is what you need. The same will be true tomorrow.

Цялата тема
* Визуализации KaлuМодератор   28.09.03 14:03
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. * Re: Концентрация върху непривлекателен предмет Mинaвaщ   29.09.03 01:00
. * Re: Концентрация върху непривлекателен предмет Kaлu   29.09.03 19:10
. * Концентрация и визуализация Изrpeв   29.09.03 09:29
. * Re: Концентрация и визуализация Kaлu   29.09.03 19:12
. * Re: Концентрация и визуализация Изrpeв   30.09.03 09:24
. * Re: Концентрация и визуализация Kaлu   30.09.03 18:13
. * Re: Концентрация и визуализация Изrpeв   01.10.03 10:12
. * Re: Концентрация и визуализация Kaлu   01.10.03 15:57
. * Re: Концентрация и визуализация Изrpeв   01.10.03 16:05
. * Re: Концентрация и визуализация Kaлu   01.10.03 16:24
. * Re: Концентрация и визуализация Изrpeв   01.10.03 16:33
. * Re: Концентрация и визуализация Kaлu   01.10.03 18:06
. * Re: Концентрация и визуализация Изrpeв   01.10.03 18:48
. * Re: Концентрация и визуализация Kaлu   01.10.03 20:01
. * Re: Визуализации huanji   29.09.03 11:13
. * Re: Визуализации Kaлu   29.09.03 19:16
. * Re: Визуализации alfka   01.10.03 02:55
. * Re: Визуализации huanji   05.10.03 22:28
. * Re: Two Killer Mistakes! Kaily   29.03.08 11:37
. * Re: Закон обретения Kaily   11.07.11 16:02
. * Re: Закон возрастания Kaily   11.07.11 17:17
. * Re: Планы - это плохо Kaily   12.07.11 13:31
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