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Тема Molia, pomognete
АвторEcho (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано12.04.02 02:29  

View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition
If you are a U.S. citizen, then please sign the original petition.
To: Everyone Who Is Not A U.S. Citizen

The "MCS" Beacon of Hope Foundation has presented President George W. Bush with a Proclamation, proclaiming the month of May as National "MCS" Awareness and Education Month. By adding your name to this petition, the collective total will be an Impressive show of Strength, Power, and Clout and represent the voices of each and everyone affected by "MCS."

Please sign on in support!
To give permission sign your name, any title you may hold, as well as your
city/town, state and e-mail address.

Below is the Petition Cover Letter and Proclamation for your viewing

President George W Bush:

The following is a list of signatures compiled from your Fellow Americans, Tax-Payers, Voters, Parents, Grandparents, God's Children of all ages who have lost a loved one and/or have had their lives and/or quality of life turned upside down and inside out from Unwarranted, Unnecessary Toxic Chemical Exposures! We are requesting your signature proclaiming the month of May, National "MCS" Awareness and Education Month.

President Bush, Awareness, Education, Prevention and Avoidance are of Utmost Importance and must be our first line of defense! Help prevent others from having their lives needlessly destroyed or prematurely ended. It is the right thing to do!

Your Fellow Americans,

Peggy Troiano, Founder and Exec. Director
656 Beidler Forest Road Dorchester, S.C. 29437
843-462-2681 email: mcsbeaconofhope@yahoo.com

Julia Williams, Cofounder and Director
6519 31st Street North St. Petersburg, Florida 33702
727-525-3369 email: juliamcs@tampabay.rr.com

Office of President George W. Bush

National Proclamation

WHEREAS, people of all ages across our nation and throughout the world have developed a condition know as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. "MCS" is characterized by high sensitivity to very small amounts of petrochemicals and other irritants in our environment. It can be caused by short-term or chronic exposure to one or more chemicals, frequently pesticides, and solvents and can start at any age. It knows "NO" boundaries. Every person, young, old, rich, poor, regardless of color, creed or education, "EVERYONE" is at Risk!

WHEREAS "MCS" includes many, often disabling, symptoms affecting the nervous, immune, respiratory, musculoskeletal, porphyrin metabolism and endocrine systems and can be life threatening. Symptoms may include but are not limited to headaches, chronic fatigue, aching joints and muscles, burning sensation, metallic taste in mouth, difficulty breathing and concentrating, short term memory loss, irritated eyes, nose, ears, throat, and/or skin rashes, poor coordination, heart palpations and seizures.

WHEREAS, "MCS" is a chronic debilitating condition for which there is no known cure, causing serious financial, employment, learning, housing, health, social and other consequences. It is crucial for those with "MCS" to have the support and understanding of their government, families, friends and society as they struggle with the restrictions and isolation now placed on them.

WHEREAS, "MCS" is recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act, Social Security Administration, U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development, Environmental Protection Agency as well as other local, state and federal government agencies and courts.

WHEREAS, Invisible Barriers stop those with chemical hypersensitivity from enjoying the same rights and privileges others take for granted but given a controlled environment and reasonable accommodations many of the chemically ill could once again be self-reliant and financially independent.

WHEREAS, "MCS" exists as a serious and wide spread public health problem appropriate action by medical, dental and governmental agencies as well as private citizens is urgently needed. Awareness, Education, Prevention and Avoidance are of Utmost Importance. Working together we can prevent this type of tragedy from happening to yet more families.

THEREFORE, I, George W. Bush, President of the United States Of America, in support of increased awareness, education, understanding and research into the causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of "MCS", do hereby officially designate the month of May beginning 2002 and forward as MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY AWARENESS MONTH


SEAL President of the United States of America

The Undersigned

View Current Signatures

The National MCS Awareness & Education Proclamation and Petition to Everyone Who Is Not A U.S. Citizen was created by The and written by Peggy Troiano - Founder/Executive Director & Julia Williams - CoFounder/Director. This petition is hosted here at www.PetitionOnline.com as a public service. There is no express or implied endorsement of this petition by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. The petition scripts are created by Mike Wheeler at Artifice, Inc. For Technical Support please use our simple Petition Help form.
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Цялата тема
* Molia, pomognete Echo   12.04.02 02:29
. * Re: Molia, pomognete 1   14.04.02 01:03
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