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Тема Re: Аха [re: bira_more]
Автор anaiss (krasiva)
Публикувано23.04.04 16:08  

GM soya 'miracle' turns sour in Argentina
by Paul Brown, environment correspondent

The Guardian
London, United Kingdom
16 April 2004

Seven years after GM soya was introduced to Argentina as an economic miracle for poor farmers, researchers claim it is causing an environmental crisis, damaging soil bacteria and allowing herbicide-resistant weeds to grow out of control.

Soya has become the cash crop for half of Argentina's arable land, more than 11m hectares (27m acres), most situated on fragile pampas lands on the vast plains. After Argentina's economic collapse, soya became a vital cash export providing cattle feed for Europe and elsewhere.

Now researchers fear that the heavy reliance on one crop may bring economic ruin.

The GM soya, grown and sold by Monsanto, is the company's great success story. Programmed to be resistant to Roundup, Monsanto's patented glyphosate herbicide, soya's production increased by 75% over five years to 2002 and yields increased by 173%, raising £3bn profits for farmers hard-hit financially.

However, a report in New Scientist magazine says that because of problems with the crops, farmers are now using twice as much herbicide as in conventional systems.

Soya is so successful it can be viewed as a weed itself: soya 'volunteer' plants, from seed split during harvesting, appear in the wrong place and at the wrong time and need to be controlled with powerful herbicides since they are already resistant to glyphosate.

The control of rogue soya has led to a number of disasters for neighbouring small farmers who have lost their own crops and livestock to the drift of herbicide spray.

So keen have big farmers been to cash in on the soya bonanza that 150,000 small farmers have been driven off the land so that more soya can be grown. Production of many staples such as milk, rice, maize, potatoes and lentils has fallen. . . .

One of the problems in Argentina is the rapid spread of weeds with natural resistance to Roundup. Such weeds, say opponents of GM, could develop into a generation of 'superweeds' impossible to control. The chief of these is equisetum, known as marestail or horsetail, a plant which rapidly chokes fields of soya if not controlled. . . .

The soya was originally welcomed in Argentina partly because it helped to solve a problem of soil erosion on the pampas which had been caused by ploughing. Soya is planted by direct drilling into the soil.

Adolfo Boy, a member of the Grupo de Reflexion Rural, a group opposed to GM, said that the bacteria needed for breaking down vegetable matter so that the soil was fertilised were being wiped out by excessive use of Roundup. The soil was becoming inert, and so much so that dead weeds did not rot, he told New Scientist.

Sue Mayer, of Genewatch in the UK, said: 'These problems have been becoming evident in Argentina for some time. It gives a lie to the claim that GM is good for farmers in developing countries.

'It shows it's an intensive form of agriculture that needs to be tightly controlled to prevent very undesirable environmental effects. It is not what small farmers in developing countries need.'

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2004


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Цялата тема
* НЕКА ПОДКРЕПИМ СЪС СВОЯ ГЛАС X.   18.04.04 16:44
. * Че ние и така ядем боклуци и мутанти. bira_more   19.04.04 13:30
. * Re: Че ние и така ядем боклуци и мутанти. anaiss   19.04.04 23:15
. * Re: Че ние и така ядем боклуци и мутанти. ..................   19.04.04 23:41
. * Re: Че ние и така ядем боклуци и мутанти. anaiss   20.04.04 11:12
. * Re: Ето още по темата anaiss   21.04.04 10:46
. * Всяка нова разработка bira_more   21.04.04 13:03
. * Re: Всяка нова разработка anaiss   22.04.04 13:46
. * Представи си bira_more   22.04.04 14:21
. * Re: Представи си anaiss   23.04.04 11:44
. * Аха bira_more   23.04.04 12:22
. * Re: Аха anaiss   23.04.04 15:06
. * Re: Аха anaiss   23.04.04 16:08
. * Обожавам Copy / Paste bira_more   23.04.04 16:50
. * Човек и лекар да е me   23.04.04 17:03
. * Ми не е трудно bira_more   23.04.04 18:49
. * Тва май е няква me   24.04.04 02:02
. * Re: Ето още по темата sodom   22.04.04 14:04
. * Re: Ето още по темата anaiss   22.04.04 14:29
. * Re: Ето още по темата sodom   22.04.04 15:19
. * Re: Ето още по темата anaiss   22.04.04 16:54
. * Re: Ето още по темата мaйнa   22.04.04 23:21
. * Re: Ето още по темата anaiss   23.04.04 11:34
. * Ако си bira_more   23.04.04 11:43
. * Там е работата, me   23.04.04 17:47
. * Ето го случая в Канада anaiss   23.04.04 18:50
. * Аз само питам bira_more   23.04.04 18:48
. * Ми нали тва ти me   24.04.04 01:58
. * Ми супер bira_more   24.04.04 11:23
. * Re: Да, ама.. anaiss   24.04.04 11:39
. * Re: Да вземем да пием... anaiss   24.04.04 11:44
. * След 5 години.... me   24.04.04 17:40
. * Re: Ето още по темата Dino   23.04.04 14:35
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